
President Obama has announced new strict lobbying rules that “could usher in an era of openness in federal government.” For example, administration officials are banned from accepting gifts from lobbyists and will have to wait two years before lobbying the government when out of office…

Senate Republicans have tasked Conference Vice Chairman John Thune (S.D.) with beefing up the party’s outreach to K Street, business groups and grass-roots organizations, hoping to maintain critical alliances built up over eight years of White House control…

The previous version of the K Street Project, established by Tom DeLay and his cronies, set up a pay-to-play machine that self-admittedly operated by the old adage of “punish your enemies and reward your friends.” Lobbyists were given influence over legislation in return for donations to Republicans and a refusal to hire Democrats. DeLay’s influence is still felt on K Street, where there remains a “collective griping” at the dominance of Republicans.

Lobbyists “willing to pay a $25,000 fee will mingle with House Republicans at their annual winter retreat” next week in Hot Springs, VA. Only some of the lobbyists — on the board or advisory committee the nonprofit Congressional Institute — are listed on the group’s website, so it’s not clear who will be attending the GOP retreat. One lobbyist who has attended the retreat for years told the Hill, “Of course it’s about access and building relationships — that’s what this town is all about.”

Some congressional Democrats may also be getting in on the action…On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) invited top lobbyists to join him for an inaugural brunch where he pledged that he will still do plenty of business with them. “People should understand that lobbyists, per se, are someone’s father, mother, son, daughter,” said Reid. “They work for a living.”

The corruption kicked off to a new level by the Gingrich “Contract on America” has adherents in both parties. The battle for honesty and openness has just begun. Though the Republicans are still the most openly greedy and corrupt, old guard Dems like Reid should be sent a message that voters count for more than country club buddies.

  1. Glidedon says:

    Obama also has a Clearwire VP advising him to delay the DTV roll out to the advantage of Clearwire.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Commentary: Obama breaks his own rule
    Transparent government?


  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 30 Cap’nKangaroo said, “Did learn something interesting about Rep Kirsten Gillibrand, the democrat picked to take Hillary’s Senate seat.”

    Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, told CNN’s Mary Snow on Friday that Paterson is “making a very bad choice as far as picking someone who in my opinion doesn’t represent New York state”, citing Gillibrand’s strong support for Second Amendment rights.

    Yep, psycho Dem thinks a person who supports the Constitution is reason for them being a bad choice for US Senator.

  4. bobbo says:

    #32–Paddy==how did Obama break his own rule?

    His rule allows for hiring lobbyists–they just can’t work on projects involving their old clients.

    I can see certain difficulties for that, or not, depending on what the people involved do==but no violation of the rule.

    So–more BS misinformation for headlines, but facts go directly against them. Who puts out a show named “No BS” to begin with????

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 34 bobbo said, on January 24th, “His rule allows for hiring lobbyists–they just can’t work on projects involving their old clients.”

    You really are asking?

    Do you know what the D/Sec Def is and who he is over, authority wise?

  6. bobbo says:

    Paddy==you should at least read the posting you respond to:

    “I can see certain difficulties for that, or not, depending on what the people involved do==but no violation of the rule.”

    Obama has followed the rule. Now we get to see if the Dep Sect does as well, and thereafter what Obama will do to enforce his rule.


  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 36 bobbo said, “Paddy==you should at least read the posting you respond to:”

    It’s early & I was up most of the night. So, let’s start over.

    If Obama’s intention is limit the influence of lobbyist’s clients in gov’t; then putting one in a position of authority over an agency the former client sells to is VERY bad.

    IF, that isn’t the intent, then, no problem.

    What is your take?

  8. Pat M says:

    #28, Selvey

    Yep. Closing Gitmo. And the number of ‘reformed’ enemy combatants continues to shorten:

    Yup. Arrest the guy without any reason. Hold the guy for six years. Torture him. Don’t allow him to question why he is being detained. No contact with his family or even his country for years. Yup. Sounds like he was rehabilitated to me. Why should he ever hate the people that held him.

    If he is now the leader of a terrorist group, why don’t they just go and arrest him? The same as those other “confirmed terrorists” the Defense Department has identified.

  9. bobbo says:

    #37–Paddy==my take is dependent on facts we don’t know. For a start, he is the DEPUTY Sect, not the Sect. Was he the lobbyist JUST for one company Raytheon, or was Raytheon just one of a group. That could make a big difference. Easy to not deal with one company, harder not to deal with “an industry” but that is possible too.

    I hate lobbysist/business over influence in our government but evidently the real expertise to deal with certain issues does “come out of” said industries.

    The good or bad of this will be the actual standards of conduct that ObamaGod requires of his government. We shall see.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 39 bobbo said, “We shall see.”

    Fair enough. I just hope he’s not over procurement.

  11. MikeN says:

    >If he is now the leader of a terrorist group, why don’t they just go and arrest him? The same as those other “confirmed terrorists” the Defense Department has identified.

    The liberal view of the war on terror. I can’t believe no one thought of that before.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Selvy said, “Yep. Closing Gitmo.”

    Gitmo hasn’t been closed or actually ordered to be closed…

  13. sargasso says:

    Washington is built of it. Slowing it down, slows government.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Lyin’ Mike,

    Right now they are launching boycotts and getting people fired for contributing to the marriage amendment in California.

    And I suppose you find that wrong?

    If someone wants me to spend money at their establishment then they better not be trying to remove my rights. This is the whole purpose behind knowing who contributed to what.


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