• Microsoft kills 5000 jobs, profits fall too.
  • Google revenues up while profits slip.
  • Apple made money from overseas.
  • Sony warning of a full year loss — $3 billion.
  • Quad core price war breaks out. Now is the time to get a computer!
  • Seagate finally gets the drives fixed.
  • MSFT sends out a bad patch.
  • Texas heads to creationism.
  • Pandora adds audio ads into stream.

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  1. deowll says:

    John, how could you say MS didn’t make a profit?

    Borrowed from google business: For the second quarter, Microsoft said revenue rose to $16.6 billion from $16.4 billion in 2007. Net income fell to $4.2 billion, or 47 cents per share, from $4.7 billion, or 50 cents per share a year earlier.

    Analysts polled by Thomson Financial Network expected second-quarter revenue of $17.1 billion and earnings of 49 cents per share.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    As a customer and user of Microsoft products, I wonder what all of these software coders are doing at the office.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    BTW, Ballmer is responsible for the mess. Why wasn’t he $hitcanned today?

  4. Paddy-O says:

    MS hired over 11,000 people in ’07. They will hire several thousand more before this year is out. What’s the big deal?

  5. deowll says:

    Um, why would they fire Bombast when profits are only down about 5%? How many companies are doing that well?

  6. amodedoma says:

    Wait till Windows 7 flops even harder than Vista, then they’ll be downsizing bigtime!

  7. GregA says:

    It fits in with a freetard and fosstard narrative that “Microsoft is circling the drain of irrelevancy.” Of course that is an entirely incorrect reading of the situation. Really it is yet another signal of Microsoft’s success. Personal computers are a mature technology, and Windows accomplishes everything that people expect of it. Also, people keep computers for longer now days, and the constant upgrade cycle seems to be over(and has been for almost a decade).
    I am sure all of these cuts will happen in product groups like Microsoft Song Smith, and all these years later Microsoft ~still~ supports FoxPro. I am sure this is just the end of life for some of these products without a future.
    Also, I don’t know the situation right now, but in the past Microsoft has suffered from millionaire malaise. That is Microsoft has made many of their employees very wealthy, and I don’t think wealthy people necessarily make the best employees.
    But wow, we are in a time when even cmdrTaco of slashdot thinks that MS hatred has become absurd. Also Arstechnica is now running articles daily telling the Fosstards to stfu and start working on linux.

  8. Special Ed says:

    I hope they shit canned Baldmer!

  9. Brian says:

    The irrational hate and bile spewed at all things microsoft by the moronic apple fanboys is hilarious to read.

    As much as you retards want to believe, Microsoft continues to DOMINATE the PC market, and that won’t be changing anytime soon, no matter how many apple laptops you buy to show off at starfucks.

    So go on, write your mindless posts that have no basis in reality, write your endless diatribes that want to declare apple somehow relevant in the home PC market (when all numbers point to them being a NON-FACTOR), and drool when you see the overwhelming domination that MS continues to exhibit in the PC market.

  10. amodedoma says:

    I could tell you of a time when there were more choices, when operating systems did just that and weren’t concerned with browsers or mediaplayers. A time when there were thousands of small and dozens of huge software companies. A time when programmers knew what they were doing and didn’t depend on visual development environments. I could tell you how they interfered with hardware companies and still do. I could tell you about a time when working with computers was something to get enthusiastic about, but thanks to M$ it’s a ‘MATURE’ industry. More like a dead industry. It’s a capitalistic world god bless it, unfortunately M$ has much more business accumen than technical expertise or vision. They are destined to perish in the technical vacuum they themselves created.
    I’ve worked 30 years in this industry and don’t like it one bit, and yes, I’ve worked with their products all this time.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    “Microsoft continues to DOMINATE the PC market”

    And AOL dominated the online world in the 1990s. And Dell once dominated the PC world. Things change. Microsoft products are no longer critical for PCs, and more people are discovering this each day. Moreover, if you think PCs are the wave of the future you haven’t been paying much attention.

    But hey, if you think Microsoft is all that great you should be buying lots of their stock today. Go ahead and load up.

  12. Poppa Boner says:

    #9 – Brian, did your mother have any kids that lived? You seem to have a hard-on for Starbucks too. You sure sound like a Vistard.

  13. GregA says:


    AOL dominated dial up BBSs in the 90’s. Then broadband internet happened, and people lost interest in BBSs. AOL chat rooms continue to be among the most visited chat rooms on the internet. irc continues to be a curiosity.

    Lol, fail post is fail.

  14. orangetiki says:

    hey put out a horrible product year after year, see what happens to your company’s value. As a recluse fanboy, I did like how “BBC News?” said on their tv news program now Apple gained last quarter. Take that #9

  15. Angel H. Wong says:


    “A time when programmers knew what they were doing and didn’t depend on visual development environments.”

    For that you have to blame Apple’s innovative GUI of that time.

  16. deowll says:

    Angel you need to know your history. Apple sto…borrowed just about everything. They did it very niciely but they didn’t come up with very many of the original ideas or MS and Linux couldn’t have sto…borrowed them because Apple does not share.

    They will sue your butt in a heart beat if they think they can get a judgment or you can’t cover the legal fees.

    So the next time you hear some Apple fan boys screaming about MS or Linux copying some bright Apple idea take it with a ton of salt if Apple isn’t asking for a cease and desist order because if it was their idea and they had the patents they would be.


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