More kitchen nightmares for Gordon Ramsay as credit crunch hits his business empire | Mail Online — Why is none of this a surprise? This is an excellent summary of Ramsay’s problems.

The slide began with this one.

Meanwhile, the culinary world is abuzz with suggestions that Ramsay’s restaurants are asking for extended time to pay suppliers – in some cases, as long as six to eight months, though the chef’s representatives strongly deny this.

Small wonder that rumours are gathering pace that it may not be long before Ramsay is stripped of at least one of his precious remaining stars because he is spreading himself so thin.

With a business that has expanded so fast – its £38 million turnover in 2006 has since crashed through the £100million barrier – there is growing disquiet about the health of Ramsay’s hastily constructed empire.

‘This is undoubtedly a tense time for Gordon because he is a competitive man and sets himself incredibly high standards,’ says food writer James Steen. ‘But his business is so big that it’s hard to keep standards up.

‘This is an operation which started off with the talents of a great chef, but has become an empire where food is less important than the brand.

I guess it is time from Ramsay to listen to his own advice: simplify!

  1. jimbo says:

    Just desserts for a man that rose to fame through the incessent use of the F word……..

    How does he come across in American media?

  2. He’s a little repackaged for the USA audience. And bleeped. His best TV stuff is in England. I guess this will all change shortly. Losing the gig at the Connaught I think is the real beginning of the end. He needs to take what is left of his money after this fiasco and just run one great restaurant and be done with it. Or retire.

  3. AdmFubar says:

    He comes across a blowhard.. suppoedly he isnt so offensive in the british version of his show.. dunno…

    but really if anyone had hammered away at me like that they’ed be on floor ….. cold… and not knocked out…

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    Well, see how spoiled the American clients are and you’ll be cursing like sailor in no time.

  5. jimbo says:

    On the english version he actually seems to do a good job, and despite his somewhat irksome use of expletives appears much more rational in front of the camera…

    One restaurant would make more sense but I guess he likes to be in the thick of things.

  6. jimbo says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  7. Lou says:

    He’s a dick. But you sorta have to like him as long as your no getting grief from him.
    Seems to have good ideas helping hurting restaurants.
    Kitchen Nightmares is on BBC America every weekday 6 times a day.

  8. jimbo says:

    not in the same area, but Come Dine With Me on UK ch4 is an excellent culinary show

  9. green says:

    Go big or go home.

  10. Named says:


    He comes across as many many chefs I’ve worked with over the years… Assholy… But, you don’t work in the kitchen unless you LIKE getting yelled it. It’s 40C back there and dangerous.

    I still can’t believe he nipped around back for that ugly slag… I guess she had some talents though.

  11. AdmFubar suppoedly he isnt so offensive in the british version of his show.. dunno…

    Having seen the American show and the British show (and having lived on both continents) I think its just that the British and Americans have different ideas one what is polite/normal. Which is why British people often seems mean and snobby to Americans and American often seem brash and insincere…

  12. fishtoprecords says:

    Ramsey has one idea, presented over and over in each show. Its boring even without the constant F-word.

  13. James Hill says:

    He’s no Anthony Bourdain, but anyone that can get that angry and not burst a vein is pretty “fucking” funny.

  14. sargasso says:

    Most great chefs are great people. Ramsay, Oliver, etc. are mediocre, beaufonted, promosexual, bad-boys who trade in popularity but who’s novelty has ended.

  15. fulanoche says:

    Who’s Gordan Ramsay?

  16. cooking says:

    I watched the first episode and that was it, never again. In my youth I worked for a couple of chefs who were as bad as he is. They had the police after them for assault so that was good.
    If Ramsay has to be the ass he makes out to be, he deserves all the bad luck he gets and that makes me feel great.

  17. Panpan says:

    From the link: “but he doesn’t like confrontation”. Lol

  18. Glenn E. says:

    Well no doubt that there are bad eateries, but does his shows only cause viewers to think that every place has such problems, as these worse case examples do. And all this over saturation of the restaurant industry with dozens of chains that didn’t exist before. And they’re not cheap places to eat at, either! Could these foodie shows and bad restaurant shows, only caused a dining out bubble. Which has either burst or rapidly deflated, as soon as the economy got tight. I mean, I haven’t eaten out in a year! And I doubt I’m alone. So I can’t see having these stupid Gordon Ramsey shows about place to eat that need fixing. Or his survival of the fittest cook (Hell’s Kitchen) show. When the survival rate of new businesses is still only 10% (or less). Regardless of G.R.’s approval of them.

    Not surprising this crap airs on FOX. They’ve got notorious for canceling promising shows, like Wonderfalls, and keeping junk like Hell’s Kitchen going. Probably because it’s cheaper to produce than any scripted drama. The people who willing appear in these so-called reality shows, are really chumps for practically giving away weeks of their lives for very little money (if any). And if they demanded to be paid what real Tv actors get, they’d be told to walk. And the producers would just find some other desperate yokels to exploit.


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