This was scanned from a South African newspaper. The kicker is that Veet is a hair removal product!
Found by Donn Edwards.
By John C Dvorak Wednesday January 21, 2009
This was scanned from a South African newspaper. The kicker is that Veet is a hair removal product!
Found by Donn Edwards.
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i wonder if it could be used to remove Bush from this existence….
great find
sublime find
VEET, funny one. Good Luck, Prez BO, you’re gonna need a lot of it when you’re getting savaged and ravaged by Nancy P, Harry R and all your other Dem pals who see you as an empty speech-machine suit.
“The kicker is that Veet is a hair removal product!” … Isn’t that obvious?
That has to be one of the worst photoshopped images ever. I think they could have done better with scissors, crayons, and a glue stick.
Watching some of the news coverage from yesterday, we could go a long way in our PR revamp if we would get away from this chauvinistic “leader of the free world” nonsense.
What a wonderful week! The speeches have been awesome with a few wrinkles..
(1) Obama Speech : AWESOME
(2) Inauguration: SO SO. That dumb ass Bush appointed justice messed up the script. WHat a surprise. Naturally, Obama had to pause.
(3) Bush’s memorable “I Don’t Suck” speech was pretty boring. However, no major closing gaffs.
Veet = Hair removal product.
Bush = Hair in an unsightly location.
Veet + Bush = Gone
Veet + Pres. Bush = Goodbye
Veet is good for all those unsightly bushes
Very Clever.
Did Whoopi Goldberg write this ad?
So can we start calling folks like Dallas a Obama Fanboy or is still to early?
It would have been real scary if that Veet stuff really did remove Bush AND Dick!
#5 Dallas –
You never cease to amaze me by showing off just how partisan you are.
As for the Oath, if Mr. Prez was so amazing and flawless, after the justice fixed his initially screwed up sentence, why did Obama still repeat it in the same screwed up fashion?
Today’s ONION piece on Barack’s speech being constantly interrupted by a jackhammer.
They (Onion) must have been watching CBS live like I was, there was an idiot constantly shuffling papers, talking/whispering, during the ceremony.
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
The original URL is
Nothing was photoshopped. It was scanned out of the local newspaper.
It’s a pink ad with the tag ‘Goodbye Bush’ – what did you think it was going to advertise??
Thanks for pointing it out though and in bold just in case.
They ripped off the numerous Brazilian bikini wax ads around the country. Boring.
It’s been a whole day and I would have thought that all the pinheads with Bush Derangement Syndrome would have turned on Obomba but it seems that isn’t the case.
Sad the stupid whiners will continue to Hammer him.
Hey, there’s a new guy in the office so now you can all switch to whining about him.
All the people booing when Bush left yesterday disgust me.
#16 “All the people booing when Bush left yesterday disgust me.”
Yes. Disgusting. I was cheering like hell when he left.
#11 dunno cowboy. Obama’s instructions were to “repeat after me”. The bush appointed justice only had to accurately say an oath that’s been said for the last couple hundred years and not wet himself.
Obama deserved a more competent justice on this special day. That’s all I’m say’in.
Good work, Dvorak.
You didn’t think that maybe would be the site of an Australian paper?
Right Wing Nuts
Get over it. Your crying is annoying. A dark shadow has been lifted from this great land. Once again Freedom will ring out. We now have reason to lift our heads and be proud. Our hearts can beat with joy.
Why? Just because yet another ivy league twit is elected to the presidency.
First mulatto (not black) president and you libs cream all over yourselves.
How about we judge him by what he does just like you did with Bush and we’ll see how it all turns out by the end of his first term.
BTW I voted for him. (Obomba)