Wealthy men give women more orgasms – Times Online In other words lie about your wealth. Or just be like most guys and not really care.
Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.
They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.
“Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.
He believes the phenomenon is an “evolutionary adaptation” that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality.
Let’s face it, a wealthy man’s wife has to be more convincing than say a middle class wife. Somehow I think the orgasm count includes fakes and a lot of acting. A rich man doesn’t have to tolerate sexual frustration and can afford to divorce. For the middle class guy it’s cheaper to keep her. True sexual gratification comes from the application of skill and enthusiasm, a little bit of romance doesn’t hurt either.
well if i ever become rich then i might just kill my wife with the orgasm.
oh yeah 😉
Q: How can you tell when a woman orgasms?
A: Who cares?
I’m over 50 now and I worry about my orgasm and no one else.
So this just proves what we all suspected all along. Women are shallow.
Bad writing, the first 3 paragraphs say the same thing.
Thanks for making me picture Bill and Melinda having sex. >:-(
Rich guys have alot of household help…pool boy, yard man, cleaning crew, tennis pro…
No mention in the article, of who the wives are having it with.
There ya’ go DJ, put more men on the job…
Where is the BS Meter?
See? Greed IS good.
Weathly men give more orgasm to themselves with their fast internet and big high res porn monitors.
35 years ago when I was a teenager, my dad told me that what really turned women on was either a big wallet or a big d*ck.
Thanks for proving my dad right 🙂
Wealthy women give me more orgasms, so it’s a horse apiece.
I post this sort of thing every so often just to make sure the readers of this blog are incorrigible. THANKS!
I feel so much better about myself now. I always thought it was my small penis.
I know a couple of ladys that can get moist at the sight of a stack of Franklins. Anyway. has Obama got my check in the mail yet.
Yup, wives may need to moan extra loud and long to keep their rich husbands BUT, the legions of Babelicious Gold Diggers out there will ALWAYS ORGAZZ LOUDER AND LONGER AND MORE FAKE than any wife can imagine….Welcome to the 50% Divorce Rate.
#1 said:
“True sexual gratification comes from the application of skill and enthusiasm, a little bit of romance doesn’t hurt either.”
What are you doing tonight…. say, about 8:00 PM?
Gay sex is better.
You guys sure are a depressing lot in this category. Not that I’m surprised or anything.
Could it be that men with more money have more confidence, and simply perform better because of this?
Gold-Diggers FAKING IT for more BLING !!!
#23 James.
Disney’s taught us with their version of Beauty & the Beast that you could be the ugliest mofo in the universe but if you own a castle there will always be a woman smart enough to play you like a violin.
Assuming that this “study” isn’t just a load of BS. I suspect that the whole “natural selection” thing works both ways. Rich men are more likely to pick wives who orgasm more frequently. Because they can afford to “play the field” for these. While the not-so-rich men, settle for whoever they can get, that doesn’t end up stealing them blind. And those kind of woman aren’t as likely to have hair-trigger libidos, over monetary fantasies. The question is, why would you want a spouse who gets off on mostly on how much you’re worth, rather that your personal qualities? Perhaps we should pity the rich for how their wealth seems to poison the quality of their lives. But I doubt that most will.
Ya know, you have to wonder how these scientists conduct a study like this? Was it done using another one of those anecdotal polls? This seems to be the favored research tool of all the bogus science, lately. Or did this actually wire women up to polygraphs, and shower them with cash at the appropriate moment? I can just picture one of those large acrylic tubes, with a bed in the middle and money being blown around inside it with fans. And a speaker saying, “All this cash can be yours, if you ring the bell more than once.”
No… that’s too much trouble. I’m sure it was a stupid poll. And I can imagine some of those women asked “Does hiccups count as an orgasm?”
#26–Glenn==”rather that your personal qualities.” HAW!!!!!
What a dope–complete lack of introspection and self awareness. Maybe you have never touched yourself inappropriately? Never read playboy? Never had a carnal thought–a stranger from a strange land?
All organism are personal having very little to do with the other person or machine in the room.