• Payment processor Heartland may have lost 100,000,000 credit card numbers to hackers.
  • Intels new chips.
  • Steve Jobs needs to disclose health info to SEC.
  • Comcast being probed for phone practices.
  • Android point man quits.
  • Belkin faking reviews.
  • IBM sees strong 2009.
  • Where are the MSFT job cuts?
  • Seagate has maybe 30-percent of drives failing.
  • The Conficker worm is ready to trigger.
  • Google scraps newspaper ad program.

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  1. Sad Sid says:

    why such problems with the audio ?
    in such a consistent fashion
    and after i gave a donation to the site

  2. hhopper says:

    Sounded fine to me.

  3. Michael Campbell says:

    For the love of all that’s holy, drop that water bong background sound.

  4. god says:

    How parochial are we to be? It’s been snowing in the winter in the Carolinas since the late Jurassic period.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I think Steve Jobs should have found a way to clone himself (at least once), to take the creative pressure of him being such a one man show at Apple. His greatest creation someday, might be an “iJobs”, to replace him. Maybe he could produce one of those reality Tv shows to find the next person with Jobs’ vision. It would be faster than training someone, or headhunting them.

  6. David Dzidzikashvili says:

    Dow Jones will further collapse, since we as a nation have created illusionary wealth over past decade. Right now we are facing the harsh reality and unfortunately 2009 will get even worse for us. The economic indicators don’t look good, stimulus is not working so far, banks are not lending, retail is on the verge of collapse, food and gas prices started to increase and there are rumors about the possibility of nationalization of the largest US banks. I think 2009 will be the most difficult year for the United States and Dow might even hit 5K-6K in the second half of 2009.


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