Is this the best propaganda that Hollywood can put out? They suck! Sorry, but I do not recognize half of these celebrities. And it’s interesting to see that “slavery” is going to be a big issue. Yes. And is the best message to stop drinking bottled water and turn off the lights for Obama? Cripes. This looks like a Microsoft ad.

  1. Miss_X2b says:

    I pledge to not support Hollywood.

  2. bobbo says:

    Put me down for a “gak” as well. Almost stopped right at the start when Obama made a call to patriotism. Probably an over-reaction still to Bush.

    I recognized most of the stars. Trick is==most are older than they were when they got famous.

    I laugh that I don’t recognize a single black person. Where’s Bill Cosby or Spike Lee?

  3. Killinsworth says:

    I pledge not to try and cynically insult those who are trying to make the world a better place…this is all a big joke to all of you, but what’s so bad about being positive and committing to change? Obama truly is a historic figure (he will be on Rushmore if there is any justice), but he cannot fix it without YOU. As he said, we cannot allow idle hands. We also cannot allow cynicism. You need to take a look at yourselves and decide whether you will be a part of the solution or the problem. We will be seeing some long-needed control over the capitalist nightmare of the internet…if you still want to have a voice I suggest you clean up your act and support progress.

  4. Uns4ne says:

    Wow, it almost seemed like a good idea until the guy was kissing his guns for Obama. I thought it was the presidents duty to serve the citizens, not the other way around?

  5. jbella says:


    You hit the nail on the head! (except the part about Mt. Rushmore.. lets not get ahead of ourselves… 🙂 )

    Yes the video was a bit cheesy… and it’s so much easier to be a cynical douche.. but recognize the spirit in which the video was made..
    I think it would be great if we can chance the culture of our times so we dont become just another generation of people buying useless shit.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Why are the pledging now? Nothing I saw in this Gak! video was specific to Obama.

    I’ve already pledged to be good to others, no matter who is in office.

    BTW some of those pledges were obnoxious. Like the “I pledge to sell my car and buy a hybrid” (doesn’t he know that selling a car just to buy another one, even a hybrid, INCREASES his carbon footpring?”. And what about “not to flush until a two-sie”. Yuck!

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Change that, There was a specific mention of Obama. One of the weirdest moments of the video was pledging to end “21st century slavery” followed by some guy pledging himself to “Serve Obama”. Ok,,,

    BTW, what is “21st century slavery”, and just how do you propose ending it? Isn’t that exactly what George W. did in Iraq? End the slavery of millions of Shia from Sunni oppression? Look where that got him…

    I will bet you good money that these celebrities don’t know what 21st century slavery is either. And certainly don’t have any realistic clue on how to end it.

  8. bobbo says:

    I support Obama and think that most of his programs are a change in the right direction: right direction meaning that further changes will be needed. I really don’t know why he is going to send more troops to Afghanistan, seems like a Bush like mistake to substitute military for diplomacy==much less to recognize our limitations.

    Still==ALL POLITICIANS over promise and under deliver.

    I do NOT support Obama Mania. Its just silly==looking for Heroes every seven days for that weeks infotainment. It shows how fundamentally weak the American Culture really is–scratch thin.

  9. BonoboGenes says:

    Did this #4 comment not creep anyone else out? I was under the impression that free speech was a good idea….but apparently cynical speech will not be allowed. And no one here noticed anything amiss?

    “As he said, we cannot allow idle hands. We also cannot allow cynicism. …. We will be seeing some long-needed control over the capitalist nightmare of the internet…if you still want to have a voice I suggest you clean up your act and support progress.”

  10. Miguel says:

    Obama is being Messianized… Soon you’ll be reading his little red book of teachings or screaming SIEG at rallies….

  11. moss says:

    McCain lost. Get over it.

  12. SparkyOne says:

    Oh Jesus, where are my meds?

  13. AndAnotherThing says:

    Another vote for gak! Talk about cynical. Why is there NO mention of helping to end the practice of female circumcision. Ending racism, poverty and pollution is only picking the low hanging fruit.

  14. Shubee says:

    This video is creepy.

  15. Mac Guy says:

    bobbo – How could you not recognize The Bus? Or Puff Daddy? Wil I Am?

    Yeah, this was pretty lame. Pledging only to flush for a deuce and not a single? Yikes…

  16. GregA says:

    OMG less than four hours left of the Bush nightmare. There were times in the last four years that I didn’t expect to live this long!

  17. MaxPower says:

    And they call those that listen to Rush Limbaugh “Mind Numbed Robots?” Good grief.

  18. SG says:

    Boy John, you REALLY ARE “F”ing Cranky. How long did it take you become so cynical? You seem to support slavery. Incredible!!

  19. qsabe says:

    Finally, it’s over.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    I won’t say “gak” but it was on the lame side.

    Obama mania is the effect of knowing Bush and the Republicans are going.

    When we look around and see our average people neighbors that have lost a job because of Bush indifference. When we see “house for sale” signs that have been there for a long time because no one can afford it and they won’t give you a mortgage anyway. When we look down Main Street and only see a few stores and a lot of plywood covered windows. When we see the shame our government has wrought in the international community. All of those and many others make us cheer that a new day is dawning.

    We want Obama to succeed. Not just to prove a black in the White House can do it. Not just because we are ashamed of the torture and abuse. Not just because our own government spied on us. Not just because so many big businesses stole from us. But we want all those things and more.


    But that video was still lame.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    John, Omaba needs to fire his current MoP, (Minister of Propaganda).

    This was just horrible. Maybe, he could find someone like Herr Goebbels…

  22. pblonsky says:

    hey… the editing was really good, and getting that may people, let alone celebrities (of varying fame) together is not easy. Good job, camera people, and the editors.

  23. chuck says:

    I didn’t see Scarlett Johansson in the video – has she already moved into the Lincoln bedroom?

    (I had to turn the sound off to get through the whole video.)

  24. Mr Diesel says:

    I pledge not to watch any more idiots say “I pledge”. About 15 seconds was about all I could stand of that bullshit.

    I pledge to stop all the polar bears from overtaking their habitat by starting all my military vehicles and just letting them idle wasting fuel.

    I pledge not to be like all the other lemmings that listen to David Koresh, Jim Jones and Obomba.

  25. Ron says:

    I pledge to pay my taxes, let the rest of you kids fix the problems…I’m just too busy! Besides, as a vet, I already did my sacrifice.

  26. #23 this video is obviously renegade. Hollywood thinks it knows better than the experts at Obama central. The more they do this sort of thing the more they ruin a carefully crafted image. They are blowing it. I’m just amazed at how utterly lame and insulting it is. It would be interesting to see who produced it.

    And WTF is Michael Strahan doing in the thing?

    And by the way #4 — As of this writing Obama has not spent one minute doing anything and you think he should be on Mt. Rushmorem already. Wow.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 29 John C Dvorak said, “#23 this video is obviously renegade. Hollywood thinks it knows better than the experts at Obama central.”

    I agree. His staff needs to corral these guys under one umbrella and coordinate the productions…

  28. joe says:


    you seriously need to check into a facility that can help you with your problem.

    You’d think the Hollywood commies could come up with something that wasn’t quite so disturbing

  29. smartalix says:

    I just find it amusing to watch the sour-grapes crowd whine about Obama. Yes, his following is a little ridiculous, but in time those giddy people will wake up and realize the world is still the same place, we just have an adult running the country now.

    As for the hype and hysteria, that is completely understandable. Bush crammed protest and dissenting speech into “freedom zones” (or some doublethink bullshit term of that nature), spied on people, suspended habeas corpus, and in general acted like a petulant child instead of the President of the USA.

    That people are a little overjoyous that the fascists are leaving the building can be easily reconciled by the sick, opressive atmosphere that dominated American discourse during the reign of Bush the Lesser.

  30. BigBoyBC says:

    “freedom Zones” not to be mistaken for the “freedom Cage” the Democtrats set up in Denver.

    All I have to say is “wait and see”…


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