Is this the best propaganda that Hollywood can put out? They suck! Sorry, but I do not recognize half of these celebrities. And it’s interesting to see that “slavery” is going to be a big issue. Yes. And is the best message to stop drinking bottled water and turn off the lights for Obama? Cripes. This looks like a Microsoft ad.
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I was wondering why they didn’t do these things before January 20th! I pledge to never watch an Ashton Kuchar or Demi Moore movie, which should be easy based on the fact that they are horrible actors. I also pledge to never buy any products that any of these individuals endorse. Yes, it is their right to freedom of speech, but, I think they are hypocritical for just now making these pledges. Are they making their pledge to the country, to the enviroment, and for the matter are they making to President Obama, I challenge that they are making these pledges out of ignorant hate for President Bush. At some point people will realize he is no longer president, and for the last 7 years his way of doing things, have kept us safe to go to movies that these jackasses are making a living on!!!
All I will say is this. That video and the Obama regime as a whole is f*#king communism and we better get ready for a rough 4 to 8 years assuming he doesn’t become some sort of a world leader. “I pledge allegiance to Obama???” That sounds similar to “Hail Hitler…”
# 68 Mark said, “What do you pledge, John? Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”
Ah, the pledge of a sheeple.
Oh by the way…
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under GOD, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.
God bless America!
Who cares what the Hollywood people have to say. There are few and far between that have any brains to make an educated decision. They all pledge to do more, but other than adopting babies what the hell are they doing? I don’t see them handing over money to help fix the deficit problem, or handing over money to R&D to find alternative fuel sources. If the people of Hollywood want to make a difference take some of that million dollars you made on that last shitty movie and put it to good use. Quit telling me the everyday guy that I need to step up.
This is the first time I’ve ever, ever replied on line or as a matter of fact, through the print media although I often pen letters to editors and stash them away. It’s very sad to read so many sour grapes points of view that I assumed would be forthcoming from the I Pledge video from our childlike, don’t tell me what to do, North American mentality.
The one time we traveled to England, France and Germany was in 1979 and saw how those countries had come back after a devastating war and the laws and regulations they had to abide by that, in part, lead to their restructuring effort I assumed.
After we returned, I thought too many people on our continent were thinking and acting as if we were the centre of the universe in this big playpen called North America, shaking our rattles and saying dah, dah, dah, “God loves us!”
By that time, it was 16 years since John Kennedy had thrown out the challenge of “ Ask not what your country can do for you……ask what you can do for your country”. I remember that & I’m a Canadian for pete’s sake. Loosen up, people. You need someone to raise the bar since a big percentage of the populace now choose not to attend church and for at least one hour a week listen to a message that challenges one to do better. Glory be, instead the masses listen to the wildest of ideas one can imagine on the radio & TV and now on line that set the bar of conduct so, so, so low,.
January 27, 2009- after receiving the e mail entitled “I Pledge” the day after the inauguration of Barack Obama, I forwarded it to most in my email address file and this to the warden of the county in which I live.
“I’ve been maintaining for many years that those children and young people raised in the ’50’s were the last generation to be raised collectively on altruistic mottos and purposes as an example ( CGIT- ” As a Canadian Girl in Training ……it is my purpose to cherish health, seek truth, know God, serve others and thus with His help become the girl God would have me be”, pledges- “I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the country for which it stands…..”, Be prepared…. Serve, serve, serve. And so on……
The reality is that I recited along with the other teenage girls in the 1950’s, once a week, ten months of the year, until I graduated from grade 12, that CGIT motto. At the same time Cubs, Scouts, Junior Red Cross, Girl Guides and many others were reciting their mottos and pledges and we still managed to fall far short of what was expected of us later in life.
NOW it’s not much wonder we’re in the state our society is now given the fact that over the last 45 years, our children haven’t even recited pledges in school or organizations something like the following, “I’ll be kind to old people, I won’t kick animals, I’ll work an hour for an hour’s pay” by rote.
Hopefully, this video will make people stop and think about their responsibilities collectively to our society and hopefully to be optimistic instead of that dreaded cynical, self absorbed, lazy and ignorant 21st century attitude.
You may have noticed, I’m on my soapbox.
Have a good day. I’ve emailed this to just about everyone in my address file and one who replied to thank me for sending it, added to her message “I pledge to be a better friend”. Thought that was neat.
Want to wager on how many of the condescending cuties actually did anything they pledged? I’ll give you a dime for every one that did, if you give me a nickle for those who didn’t. Tripe at the most banal level.
What a waste of time, I read all the comments.
A page of complaining.
BTW, we are ALL the reason for this country being so F-ed, don’t blame it on Presidents. We make choices everyday to F things more and more. Every single day. I think THATS the point of the video, although said in a cheesy way, and about stupid topics way outside the scope of our daily choices.
Presidents always act in response to the way we F everything up. They don’t innovate, they only respond.
People are the problem.
I Pledge to Barak Obama? Why to a person? Before anyone takes this seriously they should ask if they are committed to the ideal of service or a minority president.
The “Obama truly is a historic figure” statement is truly correct. Only history will tell good or bad. My Prayer is good. I am an American first, Conservative second and Republican last and all 3 want what is best for this Great Country. Yes, to the comunist liberals above I said it, “Great Country”. I would like to see the promise of Life Libery and the Pursuit of happiness ring true for all equally. White-Black-Red-Male-Female, all equal. This will not happen until we stop looking and treating President Obama as the first Black President and see him as a another man with the Awesome task of running the most envied, hated country in the word second only to Isreal. History shows us one important lession. It does not matter how much WE give as a country (note: Bush gave more aide to the African people than any President in history-Thanks Media for that No-Story)we will be hated. Only when we just turn over Isreal, lay down our weapons and let our enemies take over our country and the world will we not be a target of the world. I will support President Obama as long as he is supporting my rights as am American to be Free to work hard to support my family and not just to support a Liberal agenda such as this spending bill cloaked as a stimulus package. So why is President Obama hated for the most? For being Black and he won…not an acceptable reason. We can not bash him for everything he does because of it. We must feel free to disagree with any policy he has based on merit. Why is Bush hated so much? He is a Republican and he won. I hope and pray President Obama does not have Presidenty as tough as President Bush. He was elected and because of the former Presidents weak defense policys we were attacked. He had to “Make Them Pay” cried the congress ~ people. “He had to make us safe” we said. “He had to keep our economy going” posted the liberal news. We went on the offensive to pay back and protect -We the People. He had to spend billions to prop up the airlines and financial industry which is partly comming back to haunt us today. He has done everything in his power to do the best job A MAN can do to keep this country going in our darkest moment and 8 years of liberal bias, political bashing with lies and streached truths along with blame for this econimic mess created in the mid 80’s to a couple of months ago by the push to finance housing for people who can not pay for them. I hope President Obama does not get the unfair treatment that Mr. Bush received in this tough times for all. I hope and pray President Obama is the same, An American first and formost. That President I will give full support even if he makes a mistake. “Remember me and my fellow Americans freedom, rights and the American way and I will remember you in my prayers, President Obama”
The Obama pledge is basically a pledge to servitude(slavery) with Obama as your master. If you “serve” without qualifications or terms, then you accept a “master”, unconditionally. This is the root of any slavery, is it not? People may choose to live the life of a slave, but they should never expect others to accept their arrangement. A slave that would espouse enslaving others is an instrument of its master and, like its master, needs to be ignored.
What about God? It seems that these people are pledging to a mere man and not the supreme Creator of all the universe.
That is why we have so many problems in this nation.
Well here it is 9 months later and I would say the blush is off the bloom. May God save us from this president……….