Daylife/Reuters Pictures

The ranks of the nation’s unemployed are swelling this week.

As President-elect Barack Obama’s team transitions into the federal government, President Bush’s political appointees will be locked out, and in these tough economic times many of them are scrambling to find new jobs. High-ranking White House loyalists have deluged Washington headhunters with pleas for jobs. Corporations and nonprofit organizations have stopped hiring. With the GOP out of power, jobs on Capitol Hill are scant and K Street lobbying firms have trimmed their golden parachutes.

So this is the new reality: Instead of boasting to friends and colleagues of new jobs in goodbye e-mails, many longtime Bush aides have offered home phone numbers and Gmail and Yahoo e-mail addresses as their new contacts.

“For Republicans, the inn is full,” lamented veteran GOP operative Ron Kaufman, a close White House adviser to former president George H.W. Bush and an executive at Dutko Worldwide. “You have lots of folks in the House and Senate on the streets and 3,000 administration appointees on the streets at a time when the job market is shrinking anyways. It’s just not a fun time.”

Of the roughly 8,000 politically appointed positions in the federal government, hundreds have been vacant since a wave of departures last spring, administration officials said. But appointees who have remained through the final days of the Bush administration have seen an already shaky job market collapse. The traditional avenues of employment for outgoing government officials — corporations, nonprofit foundations or think tanks — are clogged because of hiring freezes…

For many Bush appointees, this is the first time they’ve been on the job market for years, if not decades. Many came to Washington during the 1990s to take jobs in the Republican-controlled Congress, only to move into the administration after Bush’s 2000 election.

“These are people who haven’t put together a résumé in 20 years,” said Steve Gunderson, a former Republican congressman who is president of the Council on Foundations. He has been reviewing résumés of those seeking jobs in the nonprofit sector. “It’s a first for them in developing résumés, applying for open and competitive jobs, and trying to figure out where their skills might work best.”

So, who would you hire? For what position?.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, is that a Chanel jacket she’s wearing? Between her and Palin, it appears the GOP has an exclusive deal with the designer. So nice to know that even the most temporary of appointees, can afford Chanel suits, in rough times like these.

  2. Named says:


    See, in my backwards country, we removed mandatory prayer from the school since you can’t practice all religions and there is no reason that religion should be in a public school. In you’re enlightened nation, its imperative that the right to prayer be allowed in public schools, thanks to NCLB, which is a Bush policy… Bush… the guy who gets his direction from God.

    It’s nice to know that in rural Kansas, all students face Mecca to pray after they say the Lords prayer.

  3. orangetiki says:

    is she qualified to iron my shirt?

  4. jealousmonk says:

    Jobs? They better get their defense lawyers lined up.

  5. Sorry 2 C U Go says:

    Dana was cool.

  6. Guy Fawkes says:

    Wasn’t it the Senate that just gave themselves a ‘mandatory’ raise of $40k? Just think of all the extra assistants they could hire and keep these poor rePyubic-cans off the street corners.

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #22 & 34 from your link

    “Accordingly, the First Amendment forbids religious activity that is sponsored by the government but protects religious activity that is initiated by private individuals, and the line between government-sponsored and privately initiated religious expression is vital to a proper understanding of the First Amendment’s scope.”

    “The Supreme Court’s decisions over the past forty years set forth principles that distinguish impermissible governmental religious speech from the constitutionally protected private religious speech of students. For example, teachers and other public school officials may not lead their classes in prayer, devotional readings from the Bible, or other religious activities. Nor may school officials attempt to persuade or compel students to participate in prayer or other religious activities. Such conduct is “attributable to the State” and thus violates the Establishment Clause.”

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 34 Named said, “See, in my backwards country,…”

    And what rat hole is that?

    Oh, and link to the “mandatory” prayer in US public schools?

    What foreign tool & coward.

  9. Brian says:

    It’s sad to see the mindless Bush drones immediately commenting on Obama anytime a story comes up that dares to disparage the Republikan brand (and yes, #3 and #8, I’m talking to you).

    Look, these thousands of people have profited for years from dealing with the devil, on a regime that lied on a regular basis. I’d tell these corrupt fucks to get over themselves, suck it up, and go get a real job, and don’t expect any sympathy.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Fox Jazeera always needs new consultants and analysts.

  11. thebiggster says:

    Paddy O Crap……………The Lovely Gold Coast in Sunny Queensland AUSTRALIA

  12. thebiggster says:

    Paddy O I’m full of CRAP

    BTW How’s your economy going… ..unemployment …. foreign debt ……..All the way with USA hey Paddy all the way down the toilet because of ignoramus’s like yourself

  13. MikeN says:

    Another important inauguration this week. An ice sculpture of Al Gore was erected in Alaska.

  14. thebiggster says:


    Another important inauguration this week. An ice sculpture of Al Gore was erected in Alaska.


  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 42 thebiggster said, “The Lovely Gold Coast in Sunny Queensland AUSTRALIA”

    Once you guys grow a backbone down there and decide to be a Sovereign nation give me a call. We had the guts, will and intelligence over 200 hundred years ago to boot Britain as our overlords.

    Get a real country.


  16. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #47, Paddy-O

    Jesus H. Christ. You are such a tool. Do you ever quit? Grow up.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    The Republicans should understand by now that there is no honor among thieves.


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