Maybe someone can identify the location of this. Seems a little petty at this point in the game.
Found by Tim Yates.
By John C Dvorak Monday January 19, 2009
Found by Tim Yates.
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I believe it’s in front of the White House.
After all the wrong he’s wrought, we’re just supposed to stop criticizing him because he left office? Sorry, that’s not how it works.
I have a stinky pair of dogs I can afford to lose.
It may be “petty” but the meme has been created and it shall live long.
“Seems a little petty at this point in the game.”
I guess you can quite easily forget the hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed and the millions of innocent people displaced? A little petty? Ask one of the parentless children and get back to us. Sheesh.
Is it the Hajj already? Looks like stoning the devil in Mecca…
They should get one for Cheney.
Well I’ll say one thing for Bush, he’s united the world…
Dupont Circle, Washington D.C.
I don’t think a float balloon would stand up to the shotgun blasts, but I’d go a round or two.
The irony here is that this is Dupont Circle and they don’t like any type of bush.
Isn’t that an off-site meeting of NBC news?
#11, now that’s funny. Surprised there aren’t any drag queens around.
Here in my town we have a local car dealership that made a commercial where a competing car dealer threw shoes at him when he announced big savings on new cars.
American entrepreneurship at it’s best!
Ah Yea–I googled several of your suggested articles and could not find anything on point. I tend not to trust “studies” that flatly state THE CAUSE of reduced murder/increased murder is because of ONE THING. That said, I tend to doubt they really did factor in all those other variables==yet I trust your characterization. The google is not always as good as the hard copy, especially when I can’t find anything.
I think gun discussions are going to reveal more about psychology than facts. Most truth is like that.
Yes bobbo, and thanks for the compliment.
I do believe that notwithstanding research and data, gun control will be an emotional issue. This is unfortunate because emotional knee-jerk responses usually cause a lot more harm than good.
I found most of this information on the Social Science Research Network. It’s an amazing resource. 220,000+ research papers on almost any subject. You simply have to create a free login (look at the top left pane) and you’re off and running.
Examine the broad range of topics, choose what you want to view, and go for it. Nearly all papers are free and the rare one that isn’t cost $5.00 or less.
Most people here wouldn’t appreciate having a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips.
Thankfully, bobbo, you’re one of the few who would.
[Ed. Fixed link]
#17–Ah Yea==thanks for the link. You sound as bummed out as I have ever seen.
Whats the matter? Is it your birthday?
Make this post rhetorical.
Working too hard. I work for myself and find that I do most of my best work very late at night when I can concentrate without being disturbed.
But sometimes I just get tired.
(What’s that saying, ‘You can work 8 hrs/day for someone else or 12 hrs/day for yourself?)
#10–Ah Yea–I’ve been self-employed/small business owner about 3 different times- – – “hated it.” Thats the wrong word. Too subject to the vicissitudes of the market, unreasonable demands of my employees catches it more. I prefer an even keel over highs and lows.
I took comfort in always realizing things can always be better or worse and that I was always somewhere in the middle. One thing that “drove me” was always being too pessimistic about the future, always worried. After a few too many years, I realized things had always worked out pretty good ((not because they actually did, but because I think it is human psychology to view our lives that way)) and so “why worry?” I’ve been more relaxed and more happy ever since.
Its only a coincidence that on many objective factors my lifestyle also went down hill. As you note: at least I find joy in reading.
Thanks, bobbo. I feel better.
Yea, things businesswise are fine. I discovered that there is no such thing as job security, specially when working for someone else. When I was working for someone else I felt on numerous occasions that sinking feeling that comes with knowing you’re going to get in a traffic accident. Most of those companies no longer exist and I saw it coming while no one else seemingly cared. Frustrating.
I like working for myself far more because at least I’m now in the drivers seat and I’ve been pretty good avoiding the cliffs.
No complaints!
I’ll talk to you tomorrow!
bobbo, Ah_Yea
The Republicans and right wing nuts just don’t understand how disliked Bush is by the average American. Throwing shoes is just a minor display of the emotions at play.
Bush who?
#22 – Exactly!!!
Yep, outside the White House.
I think it’s fairly cathartic for many people. They weren’t burning him in effigy and the White House guard had fun with it too, enjoying the celebration. That tells you just how poor a guy this not-really-a-president was.
Good riddance.
A bad president is like a bad rollercoaster ride. You can’t get off till it’s over.
Let them have their fun. What’s the big deal?
Is the website of where this was.