Outdoor Wire Names Obama – Gun Salesman of the Year | AmmoLand.com — Unintended consequences at work! Now we are armed to the teeth.
In recognition of the unprecedented demand for firearms by nervous consumers, The Outdoor Wire, the nation’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, has named President-elect Barack Obama its “Gun Salesman of the Year”. With the selection, Outdoor Wire publisher Jim Shepherd says it is time the firearms industry recognizes the fact that without President-elect Obama’s frightening consumers into action, the firearms industry might be suffering the same sort of business slumps that have befallen the automotive and housing industries…
As a journalist with more than two decades of national newsgathering experience, Shepherd says he’s never seen anything approaching what he calls the “Obama effect”. In fact, Shepherd says, gun and ammunition sales are at such frantic levels that they have surpassed the panic-buying of Y2K or anything during the Clinton years when the first Assault Weapons Ban was passed. This time, he says, concerned consumers are buying guns and ammunition in anticipation of Obama Administration actions to prohibit certain types of firearms.
“In 1999, the fear was that computers would shut down, crippling the world,” Shepherd says, “Those fears were unfounded. I don’t think the fears of an Obama administration banning guns are unfounded. His record speaks for itself. He’s never failed to support an anti-gun measure, despite saying he supports the Second Amendment.”
Found by Kerry Lutz.
You know it’s only sport if your target’s shooting back, right(wingers)?
America obviously hasn’t changed that much. Some folks see a black man in a position of authority and go for their guns. Always have, clearly always will.
Thank you Obama for helping us all remember that “Freedom is not free”!
The only thing that hasn’t changed is America’s inability to do anything about their own government….that country is so far down the shi*ter and *MOST OF, NOT ALL OF* it’s people still get distracted by a novelty idea of a black president.
From a foreign perspective, their government rules their minds as well as their lands.
God bless fascism disguised as democracy…
i hear ya, jimbo. All government is tyranny. It is my opinion, however, being the pragmatist that I am, that democracy is probably the least tyrannous, particular if dissent is given credence within society.
In any case, a black president is not entirely a vacuous novelty. Its a potent symbol of America overcoming its racist past, and I’m sure many, myself included, admire the American people for just having the guts to elect a black person. Sure, hes probably a crook (power corrupts absolutely) and hes definitely not the messiah that many make him out to be, but can be be possibly any worse than the neo-con villans he’s replacing?
That was what I was getting at, but perhaps the constant stream of propaganda on British television forced the words out in a less than eloquent way.
The need to own firearms and to “panic buy” firearms says alot about the mindset
#8(explained)…what I mean is that we(UK) can’t buy guns, but it doesn’t make us a less vulnerable population.
I can’t see how owning a gun when everyone else owns one makes a good arguement for buying firearms…..
well maybe just to say “my gun is bigger than your gun”
I bought my AR-15 in anticipation of a potential sales ban.
I’ll need to stock up on replacement hi-cap mags…
I went to the gun show in Raleigh, NC, this weekend. I’ve been to a number of these in years past, and while they were fairly busy, none of them compared to this weekend. The line to get in was about 200+ feet long.
The Second Amendment has been abused for decades. I have no problems with legal hunting, in fact I own shotguns and rifles. I don’t own military style weapons that are designed only to kill people. I inherited a few handguns, they are locked in a safe without ammunition. A pump shot gun is far more effective on an intruder. My point is I do own guns, but I’m for gun control. I believe sporting weapons have a place, AK’s and AR15’s probably don’t. But then again a 30.06 will do far more damage than a .223.
So y’all stocking up on guns. For what? I don’t believe for a minute it all for ‘sport’. Obama’s gonna come take your guns away so you stock up. You gonna shoot the Fed’s when they come for you, Waco style? You gonna hold out in the mountains with a crate of ammo till a white guy’s president again? Your gonna need those ‘high capacity mags’ for what exactly? I really don’t understand at all.
Thanks, John. I wrote about this on another blog a few days ago. Obama has pledged to ignore the 2nd Amend and break his solemn oath of office.
Meet the new boss, same as the old…
OK, with Rove hiding on FOX, looks like John is campaigning for his job among the Limbaugh and O’Reilly followers. Obstructionist to progress will always have a place in republican politics..
Strictly speaking, the right to bear arms is separate from the right to sell arms. The government could ban the sale of guns completely, while still letting you own them, without violating the constitution.
# 19 Sam said, “something quite insane.”
#14, “The Second Amendment has been abused for decades.”
How has it been “abused”? You do know that in order to form up a militia, the members of that militia need to have and be trained to use their weapons? That is the whole reason for the wording chosen – because of the necessity of having a militia, the government can’t go confiscating all of the weapons and restricting the People’s right to bear them.
#18, “Obstructionist to progress…”
I’m sure it’s only “progress” if we follow your vision for things right?
I have everything I need. Got my AR15 three weeks before this jerk was elected. Can’t even think of a firearm I want and don’t have. Plus I have stocked up plenty of reloading supplies and ammunition. As a matter of fact, I now have about 40 unopened shipments in my home. Every week, about $200 worth, because we all know what this asshole is intending. Besides, the prices are just going up, even if still available. Better investment than any stock.
#22 Sea Lawyer:
The Supreme Court just ruled that a Militia is NOT the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. I don’t have time to educate you about it. Let’s put it this way, can you in your wildest imagination believe the government would allow me and my fellow citizens to form up an armed force to defend this country? Do you remember what the dope in New Orleans did? He TOOK AWAY all the firearms of people who needed them to defend themselves. And if you think the government can’t go around confiscating all the weapons, you are dreaming. England, Australia, anyone?
# 24 PhD said, “#22 Sea Lawyer: The Supreme Court just ruled that a Militia is NOT the meaning of the 2nd Amendment.”
Not exactly correct. Reread the opinion.
#24, since you are so incapable of deciphering plain English, let me quote to you a section from the ruling you refered to which says exactly the same thing I just did
“We reach the question, then: Does the preface fit with an operative clause that creates an individual right to keep and bear arms? It fits perfectly, once one knows the history that the founding generation knew and that we have described above. That history showed that the way tyrants had eliminated a militia consisting of all the able-bodied men was not by banning the militia but simply by taking away the people’s arms, enabling a select militia or standing army to suppress political opponents. This is what had occurred in England that prompted codification of the right to have arms in the English Bill of Rights.”
This is EXACTLY why the mention of the militia is included in the second amendment, because you cannot have a militia if nobody has weapons to bear as a member of it. It does not imply any limit to the right to bear arms outside of the scope of militia service, which is also what Scalia said.
I honestly can’t tell how many weapons I have. I have well north of 10,000 rounds of ammo for them. I have not been to a gun show since last summer but from what my friends have told me that the lines to get in are long.
I think it is the best thing about Obomba being elected. An armed society is a polite society.
As far as banning military arms, which ones? Flintlocks, muskets, pistols, revolvers or bolt action rifles? All of them have been or currently are in service by the military.
#24–PHD==raises a most telling point against all the gun nuts. Katrina was a text book case of the “need” for people to be able to arm themselves, but the government went in and took the guns away. I recall about 2-3 news reports and that was it.
Gun nuts. Ya gotta luve them and their pointy little heads.
A lot of insecure gun nuts out there trying to increase the size of their penis.
Buying guns: It’s cheaper than penis enlargement!®
#28, what’s telling is that all the people who believe that the government will be able to swoop in and rescue us from all the bad in the world are consistently shown how wrong they are.
Progress, as #18 likes to call things, would be for everybody to respect the natural rights of everybody else. As long as that isn’t the case, I reserve the right to defend myself if you endanger me by breaking into my house in the middle of the night.
The frenzy of misinformation, fear, and stupidity is amazing.
First, a handgun is only one kind of weapon. I have not heard anything banning hunting rifles from the citizenry at any level. Hell, I live in NYC, and I can get a rifle relatively easily (and can even get a handgun if I want to wade through the paperwork).
Second, regulation is not a ban. Requiring registration and/or certification is not preventing people from getting a weapon.
Third, anyone who thinks the local citizenry will have any traction against the military in a tight situation needs to review what they did to gun owners in New Orleans after Katrina.
The bottom line is that miost of this is just fear and hype. We are not falling into an orwellian black hole, in fact, we are coming back up out of one.
“We are not falling into an orwellian black hole, in fact, we are coming back up out of one.”
I’m pretty certain there is exaggeration at both ends of that statement.
SeaLawyer==a twofer:
#30–don’t confuse BushtheRetards incompetency with government in general. His brother in Florida has a good rep for disaster recovery as did Clinton for the Feds. Its one of the Orwellian traps BushtheRetards handlers have laid for us===thinking “government is the problem.” Anyone thinking that is “the enemy” of a rational society and should be put in jail.
#32–Orwellian hole is certainly what the Bush doublespeak was all about==Orwellian by definition. You are right, the coming out part has not been demonstrated==we just hope for the change.
Holy crap, what a bunch of paranoid fraidy cats you Americans are, always afraid of the boogeyman. I thought Michael Moore was exaggerating when he identified you as such in “Bowling for Columbine”, but I can see he was right.
#33, It’s not like we are dealing with some Bernoulli variable where government is either the savior or it is a failure. The government is good at some things, is bad at other things, and is somewhere in between for a great many others.
Since it is safe to assume that the government cannot, and should not attempt to, prevent all crimes from occurring, it is foolish and irresponsible to prevent individuals from possessing the means to protect themselves where the government cannot.