LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bob May, who donned The Robot’s suit in the hit 1960s television show “Lost in Space,” has died. He was 69.

May died Sunday of congestive heart failure at a hospital in Lancaster, said his daughter, Deborah May.

He was a veteran actor and stuntman who had appeared in movies, TV shows and on the vaudeville stage when he was tapped by “Lost in Space” creator Irwin Allen to play the Robinson family’s loyal metal sidekick in the series that debuted in 1965.

“He always said he got the job because he fit in the robot suit,” said June Lockhart, who played family matriarch Maureen Robinson. “It was one of those wonderful Hollywood stories. He just happened to be on the studio lot when someone saw him and sent him to see Irwin Allen about the part. Allen said, ‘If you can fit in the suit, you’ve got the job.'”

Although May didn’t provide the robot’s distinctive voice (that was done by announcer Dick Tufeld), he developed a following of fans who sought him out at memorabilia shows.

“Lost in Space” was a space-age retelling of “The Swiss Family Robinson” story in which professor John Robinson, his wife and their children were on a space mission when their craft was knocked hopelessly off course by the evil Dr. Zachary Smith, who became trapped in space with them.

May’s robot was the Robinson family’s loyal sidekick, warning them of approaching disaster at every turn. His line to one of the children, “Danger, Will Robinson,” became a national catch phrase.

  1. JimD says:

    “Danger Wil Robinson!!!” – Over and out !!!

    Great show !!!

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    So long… you bubble-headed boobie…

    Oh the pain… the pain…

  3. JFStan says:

    I met Bob once, hell of a funny guy.. Told a story about one scene in which they were using a tow-line (low to the ground to avoid being visible) to pull the robot along (with Bob inside) to make it look like it was rolling on its own.

    As he was being pulled up the ramp into the ship, Penny (Angela Cartwright) stepped on the cable briefly, which caused it to build up tension. When she stepped off, the cable jerked and tipped the tin can robot suit over, knocking Bob out cold. When he woke up (with is head in June Lockheart’s lap) the first thing he asked was “Is the suit ok!?”.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    The only reason I watched “Lost in Space” was to see Angela Cartwright. I’m sure many 14 y/o guys felt the same way.

  5. amodedoma says:


    Same here, She was hot in ways I wasn’t ready to understand at the time!

    And what was with Will Robinson? Supposedly a genius kid but that old perv Smith got him into trouble over and over again. I remember getting pissed off every time.

    Let’s face it B-9 and Robbie from forbidden planet were the best robot’s we had in the 60’s. Part of my current obsession for robotics is due to seeing this guys act! THANKS BOB!


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