No mechanical controls are needed because, of course, the touchscreen will never, ever die.

  1. Alpha13 says:

    Whats the gesture for “we’re about to crash”?

  2. Dave says:

    I wonder if it will lock up as often as my iPod Nano and whether it too will support the two-finger reboot.

  3. RTaylor says:

    That interior looks too claustrophobic. I hate it when you’re jammed in by vinyl on all sides.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Gives the BSOD a whole new meaning..

  5. Goodguy says:

    Great, Now we have to travel with an IT guy as a co-pilot in the passenger seat.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Cool! One successful man in the middle attack and you have total access to someone else’s car.

  7. chris says:

    There is a Bentley dealership down the street from work, so I see the coupes around pretty often. This looks fairly similar. Pretty good.

    If you are going to steal, aim high.

    This is progress. We shouldn’t dump on American cars just because. But I wouldn’t buy anything only because it’s made here either.

  8. TThor says:

    This is about the the most stupid move from Chrysler ever. Touch screen is just about OK but to be entirely dependent on it? No way! Too much gizmo stuff in the car as it is. This is definitely not a move to get that car company out of the quagmire…

  9. John Paradox says:

    Okay, but how do you turn on the lights and wiper?


  10. jobs says:

    Touch could work very well. Lets say your in the radio screen run finger up/down anywhere on screen volume up/down, two fingers up/down scroll through stations, one finger left/right balance. Heat/AC screen same thing. Door locks, gas cap, mirrors, seats all could work. Just because it’s touch doesn’t mean your hitting little buttons.

  11. pfkad says:

    Why do I get the feeling that if this was from Toyota the comments would be different? I agree with Chris (#9). Keep putzing around — that’s where progress comes from, even if it’s impractical (or stupid) at first.

  12. hhopper says:

    Wow! It’s a hacker’s dream!

  13. denacron says:

    “buttons are useful because we have muscle memory and a sense of touch, something that goes out the window when using a touch screen,”

    My thoughts too.
    My first reaction watching was, I would hate to have to adjust temp and fan settings while traveling on an icy road.

  14. deowll says:

    I’d say this thing might give a whole new meaning to the blue screen of death.

    I wonder how fast it can reboot?

  15. mentor972 says:

    So… when are they gonna get to the part with the iPod? I only saw an iPhone.

    [Should have said iPhone. Fixed — UD]

  16. zdiggler says:

    Volume controls knob been around for long time and nothing can replace it.

    hmm.. no mechanical switch eh, not even turn signal?


  17. GregA says:


    As an iPhone user, im thinking…. So you are driving down the road and your speedometer app store app mysteriously disappears for no apparent reason. Then you update and all your icons have changed and you cant find anything anymore…

    Although, you will have the all important sloshing beer background for the display console!

  18. MikeR says:

    ooohh, shiney!


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