Found by Art Snyder.

  1. orangetiki says:

    At least he isn’t the rufus with the telephone booth. I guess since all the other news channels are covering the news, we can talk about some slingshot sharpshooter. Man’s got some skills

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Pretty incredible.

  3. bobbo says:

    I did that at age 10. Made my own slingshot–tree fork and surgical tubing. Shot a few cats and it was fun. Then I shot a bird and killed it.

    I’ve been anti-gun ever since.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 4 pedro said, “#2 What, the guy in the video”

    The guy in the video.

    # 3 bobbo said, “Then I shot a bird and killed it. I’ve been anti-gun ever since.”

    That makes sense.

  5. bobbo says:

    #5–Paddy==my bad. That was a typo. I meant to say: “I’ve been anti-cat ever since.”

    Of course I relish killing small animals–who doesn’t?

  6. Personality says:

    The beginning of every serial killer.

  7. Dave says:

    Makes me almost cry over the loss of my trusty old Wrist-Rocket slingshot I had as a kid.

  8. QB says:

    “Don’t aim, just see the target.”

    Words to live by.

  9. Fleecer says:

    Oh, no. Now Biden and the rest of the scum will get busy trying to outlaw and confiscate slingshots. If that won’t work, then a huge tax on small rocks.

  10. Cranky Greg says:

    That’s the funniest damn thing I’ve ever seen!

  11. Montanaguy says:

    See: the legendary Howard Hill, archer extraordinaire

  12. deowll says:

    You’re right PETA is bound to get him after all he shot some bugs and it’s even on film.

    He also killed rabbits to eat! That’ll rile ’em!

  13. Lickity split says:

    Yeah, and wait til his daughter returns from her date. He will Pop his Fanny from 100 yards. Teach dem fools from messin round with kin folk,

  14. George says:

    # 11 pedro said, “I think the guy’s in for a big one when PETA gets a load to the video”

    Rufus doesn’t worry about anything anymore. He’s been dead for nearly 15 years.

  15. QB says:

    #16 That’s too bad. Rufus looked like a pretty good sort.

  16. #3 – Boobo

    >>I did that at age 10.


    You’re America’s best-kept secret, Boobo.

    Awe-inspiring accuracy with a slingshot, landing a crippled plane safely on the Hudson, leaping tall buildings in a single bound, it’s all child’s play for Mista Bobbolina. He sneers at the utter simplicity of it all.

    You truly are the master of all you survey.

    Either that, or a bullshit artist of the first water.

    Hmmm. Which could it be….which could it be?

  17. #13 – Montanaguy

    >>See: the legendary Howard Hill, archer

    Pffft. Bobbo had those feats mastered by the time he learned his A B C’s. He can shoot a crab off a drunken sailor’s pecker with his trusty bow & arrow without mussing the guy’s merkin.

  18. bobbo says:

    Mustard–you silly condoment. Children can’t land airplanes. But your spidey sense is acute. I got to Olympic Quarter Final qualifications in Archery. Some damn cat scratched me after I shot it between the gonads with my self built slingshot–threw my aim all off.

    Damn, you’re right. I am good.

  19. #20 – Boobo

    Just as I suspected. Of the first water.

  20. bobbo says:

    #21–Musty==YOU did bring it up. As modest as I am, I would have never broached it otherwise.

    Anybody up for a game of 301?

  21. #21 – Boobo

    >>YOU did bring it up.

    What? Your poo-pooing of Sully’s heroic landing of the plane? Or your sniggering at the Slingshot Guy’s miraculous accuracy?

    There isn’t a level of expertise anyone can attain in any endeavor that Boobo can’t exceed. By the time he’s 10. With one hand tied behind his back.

    As I said: Of the first water.

  22. bobbo says:

    Silly Mustard==you don’t reach the Olympic Qualifications in ARCHERY with one hand tied behind your back. I’m talking bows and arrows–what are you thinking of? My sister did the same thing in Free Form Floor Ex–or maybe the 4 inch balance beam, I forget and never cared.

    Hmmm, lets see. I am enamored of music but my only expertise is turning on the radio.

    How bout you Musty? Anything?

  23. Greg Allen says:

    >> Dave said,
    >> Makes me almost cry over the loss of my trusty old Wrist-Rocket slingshot I had as a kid.

    I had one of those too and always could get A LOT more accuracy with it than with the standard Y-shaped one.

    But clearly, this guys shows that technique is more important than equipment.

    My guess is that he’s so accurate because he has perfected sending the stone in a perfect laser-beam path in the direction of his arm. So his whole arm works something like a rifle barrel.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    I watched the video again and changed my mind about using his arm to aim it. Instead, it looks more like he points with the straight line of the stretched rubber and then perfectly (but intuitively) calculates the trajectory.

    Wow. I’ll bet he would have been great at a number of sports but skeet shooting comes to mind. A superstar in that sport, I imagine. Golfing, maybe, too.

  25. Rich says:

    Look at that old Pepsi can. I would guess the video is from the 80’s or early 90’s?

  26. Rick Cain says:

    Now the TSA just added something to their ban list.

    Oh well I have it on good authority that Al Qaeda has very poor slingshot skills.

  27. Networkedd says:

    Whats with the crazy dog at 3:57!?!?!?


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