Any other humorous or strange inauguration-related ads you’ve seen?

  1. brian t says:

    YouTube has an (edited) version of Bush’s last speech.

  2. tyates says:

    Somehow I feel like I’ve already had the Brazilian Wax.

  3. Dallas says:

    Uncle Dave:
    You gotta post Rick Sanchez ripping Plumber a new asshole.

    I just noted that God did not want to interfere with Obama celebration so he saved the passengers and crew of the US Air flight. I thought that was very enlightening of her to do that.

  4. Dallas says:

    sorry for posting it here but I don;t see a way to comment directly on this site.

    I just contributed to with Paypal (originating from Dallas, TX shown). You all provide a fun social blogging site. I get to interact with my right wingers without actually being near them and try to understand what’s inside those shallow minds.I think that is awesome.

  5. #2 – Tyates

    Yeah, 8 years of Bush has been about as much fun as I imagine it would be to have the pubic hair ripped off of one’s pussy.

    Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we’re free at last!

  6. joaoPT says:

    Brazilian wax job is overrated…I don’t defend the tropical rain forest style, but some vegetation it’s ok.
    Now, tell me: how the heck Joe the Plumber got into these posts?…

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Shubee,

    George Bush must have been a terrible president if Inauguration Day is widely being considered as a day of great celebration.

    Which is why Obama is being blamed by the right wing nuts even before he takes office.

    All you right wing nuts. Please. Go get yourself a Brazilian Wax, then take some Exlax, then lay down. Life can only be better for ALL of us over the next eight years.

  8. joaoPT says:

    Hi Pedro, I agree, although I’m from Porto…Miguel is from Lisbon, you might have seen him around…
    How’s things in Cuzco land?

  9. joaoPT says:

    Ok Man, have a nice time…beware of Brazilian wax jobs…there’s a lot floating around over there 😉

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: “how the heck Joe the Plumber got into these posts?…”

    How the heck did he go to Israel as a reporter? How did Bush get elected president? Twice? How did… There are so many imponderables.

    The ways of man are inscrutable.

  11. QB says:

    Yes, Brazilian waxings are so sexy.

  12. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    That photo definitely makes me think of bush.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Funny video, #14 QB. I really laughed when I saw that girl cross herself as if she were about to die!


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