Found by Dallas.

  1. bobbo says:

    #60–Contempt for the truth==amusing you post as content free and exclusionary as does Mustard. No wonder you are in love with each other.

    HEY!!!! Be specific with your fault finding and not a little girlie man.

  2. #60 – ‘tempt

    >>Oh, by the way – My Lord and Master Mister
    >>Mustard – have I told you lately that you
    >>suck? I guess not, please forgive the

    Good strategy, ‘temptie. Foam at the mouth, spew spittle-flecked invective, wail, moan, and gnash your teeth.

    Just be sure not to include any debunkable statement of “fact”; someone might ask you for verification, and then where would you be?

    Back where you started – the laughingstock of dvorak dot org slash blog, that’s where.

    You will forever be known as the buffoon who made deceitful and perjorious allegations about Senator Franken’s election campaign, and went into a frantic (and ultimately unsuccessful) campaign of attempted obfuscation when pressed on your “facts”.

    You truly are a pathetic little man. Vomiting out your ignorant right-wing drivel, strutting around like a little Napoleonic peacock, unaware that everyone else is snickering at you.

    When you’re willing to be a man, and admit that you lied about Senator Franken’s election (and that your only source of information was an offhand remark from Loofah Pad O’Reilly or Anal Cyst Limbaugh), then we’ll talk.

    Until then, you’re just one more testicle-free liar in a crowd of testicle-free liars. And a disgraced on, who serves as whipping boy for the more enlightened.

    Just like Chaka Khan, I feel for you.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 MikeN said, “Jennings said that he would help protect an American company from an ambush, while Mike Wallace said it is the duty of a reporter to not reveal anything,”

    I remember that interview. The questions was whether to warn the US unit of an impending ambush even if it would not put the reporter in danger. Wallace said no.

    For that he deserved to be run over by an M1A2, very slowly. Typical mainstream leftwing media type.

  4. bobbo says:

    # 63–Paddy-Zero==and it was the liberal left wing media that outed Wrong Headed Wallace. So–far left libbie?===Yes. Typical?===No. Who’d a thunk you’d have gotten something so wrong about what being “typical” was all about?

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 64 bobbo said, “# 63–Paddy-Zero==and it was the liberal left wing media that outed Wrong Headed Wallace.”

    You’re babbling again. No one “outed” Wallace. He outed himself on a show that was broadcast to the entire English speaking world.

    Are you mixing your meds again?

  6. Snick422 says:

    Keith Olbermann did it better

  7. geofgibson says:

    You all who seem to have a hard on for Fox should try getting a remote that has a setting for something other than Keith Olbermann. Aside from a studies, such as the UCLA one I cited earlier, we have the recent study showing the mainstream media to have been actively promoting Obama last year. As well as the findings by the Washington Post’s Ombudsman, Deborah Howell, and a study by the Pew Center showing how unfavorable coverage of McCain was.
    If you actually watched all the media, as I do, Fox, PBS, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC, you’d plainly see that, while Fox is center-right, most of the rest, especially MSNBC, as from left to fever swamp loony left.

    Of course, since the people who howl the most about Fox really are pissed at the viewers and the fact that these same howlers just HATE the opinions these viewers have, they project that hate on Fox. Thus you have them bitching about Fox reporting what the administration says (and letting YOU decide, truth in advertising there), rather than the out and out lies of CBS trying to push fake documents about the President’s service record and then saying that it doesn’t matter if the documents are fake because the story is so important.

    Get some freakin’ perspective and put the Kool Aid down …

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, goof,

    You still haven’t provided any proof that Fox is centrist. They are a radical right wing mouth piece for News Corp. You continue to use a bad “study” to say the rest of the world is “leftist”. Well, maybe to the right wing nuts they are. But to the normal people of the world, you are wrong.

    The New York Times and Washington Post are two of the most objective newspapers out there. In my opinion, they are labeled as far left by the right wing nuts simply because they have actually displayed the temerity to point out right wing errors and foul-ups.

    NBC and CBS are also in the middle while I find ABC to be a little right and MSNBC to be slightly left. If PBS and NPR were any less fair you would be completely off your rocker. CNN is all over the map.

    And yes, Olberman is very biased, but he is also fair. He does not pillar someone who doesn’t deserve it and will not hesitate to apologize and correct an error. BUT, his is not a news reporting program, it is a news editorial and commentary.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 68 Mr. Fusion said, “You still haven’t provided any proof that Fox is centrist.”

    See the cited Pew reasearch on the ’08 election coverage…


  10. geofgibson says:

    “# 68 Mr. Fusion said, “You still haven’t provided any proof that Fox is centrist.”

    See the cited Pew reasearch on the ‘08 election coverage…


    Thanks Paddy. Typical of haters and extremists (of both sides). Refusal to look at any data which does not comport with their own view.
    Notice how I point out in previous posts that ABC and NBC have news programs fairly centrist according to objective studies. Same studies call Fox center right, as do I. All we get from the fever swamps is, “They are a radical right wing mouth piece for News Corp.” And, when ignoring the studies I’ve cited, show no objective evidence to back up the shit they spew from their pieholes. They’ll probably never learn.

    “Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss.”

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #69, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,
    #70, goof,

    Where is this “Pew Report”? I don’t see a link on either post.

    Is this more of your bull shit?

  12. geofgibson says:

    #71 – JFGI
    But, for those ideologically opposed to seeing divergent views:

    The fact that, three months after the report comes out, you still haven’t heard about it (it was, after all, reported on, even in the MSM), makes Fusion a prime candidate for “Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath.”

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 71 Mr. Fusion said, “Where is this “Pew Report”? I don’t see a link on either post.”

    1: look it up on the internetubes, or
    2: Search this blog where it was posted about a dozen times after the election, or

    3: Continue to be as bright as you normally are.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #72, goof,

    ha ha ha ha ha ha,

    You didn’t even read the effen report you cite. It has nothing to do with “liberal media” or even “biased media”. It’s about the type of coverage the major candidates received. Who received the more positive / negative press coverage.

    The conclusion :

    In short, the financial crisis and particularly Obama’s steadier reaction to it in relation to McCain’s were clearly a turning point in the media coverage. That more positive coverage was then reflected in the polls, which in turn were reinforced in the horse race coverage that played off those polls. In that sense, the data show, Obama was the beneficiary of the tactical, strategic bias of the press.

    Unless you were on another planet or in a coma (the same thing for Cow-Paddy) and missed the election, you would have seen that McCain was his own worse enemy and asked for the negative ratings.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #73, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    You referred to a Pew Report, not I. It is very evident to anyone with an IQ above the melting point of CO2 at normal atmospheric pressure, the Pew Center for Research has done hundreds of reports. Which one you referred to might be evident to the clairvoyant, but I claim no such powers.

    So when are you going to post some of those claims you’ve made, such as where in the Constitution it forbids Congress from regulating CEO’s wages?

    How about some of those other ludicrous claims of yours that you’ve been called on?

    Until then, you are just another right wing nut spouting typical Republican nonsense. Whenever you don’t have a case, you invent one.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 75 Mr. Fusion:

    1,2 or 3…

  17. geofgibson says:

    #74 – Fusion said, “It has nothing to do with “liberal media” or even “biased media” ”

    Then quoted, “the data show, Obama was the beneficiary of the tactical, strategic bias of the press.”

    The internal illogic of his own posts make me wonder if he’s a total idiot or just has no personal editing capability at all?

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 77 geofgibson said, “The internal illogic of his own posts make me wonder if he’s a total idiot or just has no personal editing capability at all?”

    I’ve seen him edit quite capably in the past, so…

    Imagine if I told him that per The laws of thermodynamics you can’t create a perpetual motion machine. He’d demand a link showing the law that states that.

    So, the latter is your answer.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #77, goof,

    Read your report. The one you posted. Remember? The one showing media bias?

    What the findings also reveal is the reinforcing—rather than press-generated—effects of media. We see a repeating pattern here in which the press first offers a stenographic account of candidate rhetoric and behavior, while also on the watch for misstatements and gaffes. Then, in a secondary reaction, it measures the political impact of what it has reported.

    Hence the negative and positive ratings of each story.

    What kind of moran posts a citation to back up his point that has nothing to do with his argument? Obviously someone who gets his news from a biased source that hasn’t read the story either.

    Remember kiddies, there is more to the story than what Rush and Bill O’ are telling you.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #78, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    Imagine if I told him that per The laws of thermodynamics you can’t create a perpetual motion machine.

    Prove it. If you can’t back up your claim, don’t make it.

    That means you could provide a math proof, cite a paper that demonstrates you can’t, or provide, usually with an outside source, proof some other way to show it would be impossible. To just sit there and say “this is a fact” is too often wrong. And Cow-Paddy, too often you are wrong.

    Common sense, old wives tales, and folklore are usually more wrong than right. Add to that pedestrian ideas about scientific theories and their true meanings.

  21. Traaxx says:

    Rick is so full of himself, journalist are so busy trying trying to be provocative. None of the journalist I’ve meet were very well educated and were totally absent during history lessons.

    Yes, whatever the mini-Cubana Ricardo thinks is his right to do so, but then it’s our right to think journalist shouldn’t report on our troop movements and give aid and comfort to their commie master, but they do just like McCarthy said the fifth column is alive and well in the US.

    So, what’s a thousand dead journalist at the bottom of the ocean? A good start and toxic pollution all at once.


  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 80 Mr. Fusion said,

    Imagine if I told him [Fusion] that per The laws of thermodynamics you can’t create a perpetual motion machine.

    “Prove it. If you can’t back up your claim, don’t make it.”


  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #82, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    So I guess that means you have no proof. Once again you got caught blowing gas out your ass. No substance.

    It must suck being such a dick.

  24. geofgibson says:

    #79 – Fusion quotes, “the data show, Obama was the beneficiary of the tactical, strategic bias of the press.”

    Yet, he continues to claim the study has nothing to do with what the study concludes. I guess you can have a perpetual motion machine.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #84, goof,

    Again, you didn’t read the article you cited. The “tactical and strategic” methods they used were the way they wrote the stories. That was to

    1) get the story / quote,

    2) put the story into context,

    3) compare the story to other instances.

    Several times the article explained that Obama’s numbers started to improve when he got on a roll. When he started speaking about what people wanted to hear. When the right wing tried to paint Obama with negativity, it was reported but shrugged off by Obama’s supporters as crap and irrelevant.

    McCain slid in the polls when he started making gaffes such as missing his appearance on Letterman. That was a serious problem for McCain that he never recovered from. And it was only one major negative part of his campaign.

    Read the effen article.

  26. spitzered says:

    How typical.

    I wonder how we would have won in WWII with live reporting from Tarawa, or the sands of Iwo Jima.
    How about Kasserine Pass, or Normandy?

    I’ve been in a war zone, the media is not our friend. They use emotion to influence public opinion for the liberal sake. If it adds danger to the troops, so be it.

    When you called ‘Joe’ out, I hope for your sake it isn’t in a physical sense.


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