Found by Dallas.

  1. Special Ed says:

    Dirty Sanchez.

  2. QB says:

    Sorry to be completely off topic but I’m really enjoying this wine right now (well actually the 2006). I’d recommend anything from d’Arenberg.

    #31 You win. Hands down. 😉

    [ – ed.]

  3. geofgibson says:

    #30 – As usual, throw around ad hominem attacks.

    I haven’t made a post on this topic regarding troop movements. I brought up the point (if one actually read it) that there is plenty of evidence to damn the NYT.

    As far as Fox, I go back to an actual study, as opposed to people who spew facetious misspellings out their asses which they think are cute, from UCLA which found, “Five news outlets — “NewsHour With Jim Lehrer,” ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CNN’s “NewsNight With Aaron Brown,” Fox News’ “Special Report With Brit Hume” and the Drudge Report — were in a statistical dead heat in the race for the most centrist news outlet.”
    I’ve seen them correct themselves on the air, about as much as any other network. So what? I seriously doubt you can find any scientific study, as opposed to some deranged Leftist blog, which will show Fox to be any less truthful than ABCNBCCBS.

  4. QB says:

    #33 Oh grow up.

    Will the Times be hard on the Bush administration? Of course. Will Fox be hard on the Obama administration? Of course.

    Is this a deranged left wing blog? Hardly. By most measures JCD is a libertarian. Crazies from both sides weigh in. That is a good thing.

    By the way, have you tried the d’Arbenberg Hermitage? Their Shiraz will make your knees weak.

  5. bobbo says:

    #32–QB==always time for a wine divertissement sympatico. I haven’t read a wine review for a while. Complete drivel we can all agree?

    I’d love to have real experts try to match any review with the appropriate wine==odds based strictly on the number of reference wines provided.

    Given all the references to fruit, I will assume the WHITE WINE is on the sweet side but as a few dry whites are made, it would be nice to know.

    As you continue to taste and appreciate over time, you will come to agree that even a very good WHITE WINE, is like koolaid to a good RED.

    I like the reds from the Rhone Valley and haven’t met a sangiovese thats not drinkable.

  6. geofgibson says:

    #33 – I’m partial to Bordeaux.

    I wasn’t referring to this blog as deranged Left wing. I was speaking more of the Huffington Post types who denounce Fox without ever having watched the coverage. I find more Right wingers to be authoritative on media bias because they actually watch both sides before they make up their minds. Your typical upper West sider will talk about how they “hate O’Rielly” or some nonsense when they’ve never even watched the program.

  7. QB says:

    I hate the mini-skirted bimbos on Fox news. Chris Matthews and Brit Hume are heavy weights. I also like George Will and deeply miss Bill Buckley.

    Bill Kristol and Dick Morris are both testicles with legs. O’Reilly is just boring since he’s so predictable.

  8. geofgibson says:

    “Bill Kristol and Dick Morris are both testicles with legs.”

    Priceless 😉

  9. QB says:

    BTW, I would consider myself a liberal. Part of being a “real liberal” is being a skeptic and constantly challenging your own views with arguments from the right.

    Needless, to say I dislike the Huffington Post as well.

  10. MikeN says:

    I don’t agree with Joe’s point about media in war zones, but I say the media attacks have more to do with resentment. They got mad when DiCaprio interviewed the President.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, goof,

    As far as Fox, I go back to an actual study, as opposed to people who spew facetious misspellings out their asses

    Ya right some study. They took a look at how often they used certain words and let that be the standard of how biased they are. I’ve seen some loaded polls, and this was one of them.

  12. QB says:

    #41 Mr Fusion

    Gee, the media (right or left) biased? Gosh what are the odds?

    For example,

    That may be the worst picture of Nancy Pelosi I’ve ever seen. She may be a dipstick but she is Speaker of the House and deserves some respect.

  13. bobbo says:

    #42–QB–nothing wrong with that picture. Its not a “glam” shot, but then Pelosi is an old withered up woman.

    Politicians DO NOT deserve any respect. They DESERVE a big helping of ———what was that word I read recently that captured it so well??? ———- oh yea ——- SKEPTICISM.

    You might become a real liberal about the time you lose your taste for sugary sweet lemon koolaide.

  14. QB says:

    #43 Do you think Palin would be shown that way? Nah.

    Let’s keep our mouths shut, Mustard might see the pic and become upset.

    Well, on to other things. Wine drunk, ribs a pleasant memory. Moving onto a rather nice 15 year old Bowmore Sherry Cask with the last two episodes of Rome Season 2.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Here’s an interesting survey from late 2003 that examines the likelihood of having certain factual misperceptions regarding the Iraq war, and it relates those misperceptions to the primary source from which survey respondents receive their news:

    Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War

    One of the bottom lines from the survey is that Fox News viewers were more likely to have factual misperceptions about the war than people who got their news from virtually any other source included in the survey.

  16. bobbo says:

    #45–Gary==such surveys are highly suspect. The problem is you have a population that is self selective.

    Impossible to differentiate cause from effect. Do idiots watch Faux Spews, or does Faux Spews make idiots? I suspect its a whole lot of both.

  17. bitchslapped says:

    looks like ” joe” has hit a bit close to home for the fools in the media…

  18. Travis says:

    #3 = “Is this the new face of traditional media?”

    Yes. Back in 07 Frontline did a 240 minute story on The News. You can watch it online.

    One of the things pointed out is that opinionated news draws a loyal following. Sanchez and Joe the plumber are doing the exact same thing. Apealing to an audience that shares their opinions. How else are multiple cable news networks going to stay in buisness reporting the same events 24/7/365? It started a thread on some random website.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #12 – Mr. Fusion

    >>And do you have any information about
    >>journalists giving away military positions
    >>you would care to share.

    Hey, get in line, buster! The line forms behind me of curious souls waiting for ‘tempt to back up even ONE of his bullshit claims.

    Starting with the asininity about Senator Franken.

    I think anybody waiting for ‘tempt to provide evindence for ANYTHING he says is in for a long, hard slog.

  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #46 bobbo wrote “Do idiots watch Faux Spews, or does Faux Spews make idiots? I suspect its a whole lot of both.”

    That was exactly my impression, but to fine-tune it a little, we might ask “Has Fox News done anything to attract viewers who already have a positive impression of Bush, and therefore are predisposed to believe statements from the administration?”

    Technically, reporting administration statements as such is not misinforming. Going one step further and exposing those statements as inaccurate is the sort of “in-depth reporting” that Fox News simply didn’t have time for.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #27 – Chaucer

    >>There is ample evidence to convict the Times
    >>of not only being unpatriotic but
    >>unrepentantly biased and complicit in crimes
    >>against humanity

    Yeah, that really sucked when the Times published that bullshit from discredited journalist Judith Miller, suggesting that there was a reason to go to war in Iraq. How could they allow such bilgewater to be published?

    You can’t really blame the Times, though. They were snookered by Miller, and she was nothing but a dupe for President Cheney/ Rove and his ventriloquist’s Dumbie Dumbya.

  22. bobbo says:

    #50–Gary==its true that straight regurgitation is not misleading as such but its not pretty. Taking a wider view, when Faux regurgitates Administration Spew without comment or critique and then bookends that with O’Reilly and his right wingnut bretheren commenting on “The Obama Terrorist Fist Bump” and the like, the big lie of fascist central regimes is complete.

    The Media and First Amendment are not important to report the news. If reporting the news was it, we could rely on the government to do it directly. NO> the import of the First Amendment is to challenge the “news.”

  23. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #49 Mister Mustard, I’m in line right behind you. I’m waiting for contempt’s evidence that business owners are laying workers off preemptively in anticipation of what Obama’s oppressive tax and health plans may require them to do at some future time. Apparently that’s why unemployment is rising, not because of a tanking economy in the present as we had all thought. It’s all about the future.

    Silly us.

  24. #53 – GTDI

    >>I’m waiting for contempt’s evidence that
    >>business owners are laying workers off
    >>preemptively in anticipation of what Obama’s
    >>oppressive tax and health plans may require
    >>them to do at some future time.

    Haw haw! I had forgotten about that one. That’s rich! Rich!

    Looks to me like ‘tempt is a serial liar, racking up an impressive string of hit-and-run prevarications, imagining that everyone will just forget about his last lie when he comes up with a new one.

    Foolish, foolish, ‘tempt. Silly little fellow.

  25. #33 – Chacuer

    >>I brought up the point (if one actually read
    >>it) that there is plenty of evidence to damn
    >>the NYT.

    If there is any evidence to that effect, you have not presented a whit of it. Not a smidgeon. Not an iota.

    Sure, the Times can be duped, on occasion, by clever and determined charlatans like Duranty and Judith Miller.

    When they realize the duplicity, they go to great lengths to correct the errors and the misperceptions that have resulted.

    I have NEVER seen Faux Spews (or any of Murdoch’s propaganda machines, for that matter) admit error on ANY issue of substance.

    They’re right, in fact; they have not committed an “error” (at least not in their own eyes) – they are simply carrying out their mandate, which is to promote the hard-right agenda at all costs, regardless of the facts. If the Word From The Top is to support Dumbya’s trophy war, who’s to say it’s an error to deny the miserable misbegotten clusterfuck that it has become?

  26. Martin says:

    Wow! Mr. Sanchez comes off like a real jerk who talk tough be really never “been there.” “Joe” not a professional, but at least he’s over there see first hand what happens. Mr. Sanchez should listen more and encourge not critize “Joe.” There too many CNN jerks (Sanchez, Wolf B, etc) and too few classy CNN on-air personalities (e.g., A. Rao).

    CNN should dump Sanchez for someone with professional class.

  27. GF says:

    Yeah Sanchez, I know that guy and you are him. IMHO most of the desk jockeys in news are those blowhards that couldn’t find their ass from a hole in the ground. They get scarred shitless if they have to leave the studio. So, blow your camaraderie of slain journalist out your ass cause I know you will never put your ass on the line like that. The only danger you get close to is the danger of a sterno burner at the weenie roast cocktail dinner you go to to hob knob with the self proclaimed elites, jack ass.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    Interesting — one asshole calling another asshole an asshole. Kind of like the parallel mirror trick, with the cascading reflections.

    However, once he got past the name-calling, he made a good point. A free, unfettered, unmuzzled Press is _absolutely_essential_ to a free society. Neither can live without the other for any time at all.

    Those pushy people asking all those nosy questions and telling everyone they know what they find out — they may be pests, but we would really be up the creek without them. And they should be everywhere (including, unfortunately, areas in conflict), and of every stripe and variety of opinion. Much better chance of getting at the truth that way. Who knows, Wurzelbacher himself may come up with some valuable insight once he has been doing this a while…

    [Side note: Skip said, “I personally don’t enjoy the viscous attacks that are apparently popular enough to get ratings.”

    Yeah, I hate those, too, though it was hilarious in Ghostbusters. (“He slimed me!”)]

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #57, GirlFriend,

    Yeah Sanchez, I know that guy and you are him.

    So did that mean you agree or disagree with what he said?

  30. contempt says:

    Drama Queen Mustard, Gary the Impotent Infidel, and last but not least, Miss Fusion.

    You guys act like a 3 stooges skit gone terribly wrong. The vulture brothers with their little dog bobbo running around demanding proof from anyone that dares to disagree or question your preceived order of things.

    You believe a news bit only when a left-wing hack reports using the holy liberal slant because in your eyes all else is a lie.

    Truth is not your goal or ever was. You must intimidate until the weak fold giving you the false impression that you are right. Sadly you are only a band of fools playing a fools game.

    Oh, by the way – Drama Queen Mustard – have I told you lately that you suck? I guess not, please forgive the oversight.


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