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is joe new paris hilton?
Priceless. Joe would apparently like to get all his information about the war from official government sources. Maybe we should all just wait and see the official Iraq War movie when it plays at the George W. Bush Presidential Library.
Is this the new face of traditional media? O’Reilly, Campbell Brown, Oberman, etc. I personally don’t enjoy the viscous attacks that are apparently popular enough to get ratings. Give me substance – not a ratings driven rant. Who cares about Joe the plumber? I crave real content, not a few diatribes against some guy from Ohio.
What’s funny is that they had already set up the info graphic with the death tolls, yet they set this up as if it’s a impromptu rant. Honestly, I wonder how many writers gathered to make this pathetic attempt at a rebuttal. If you want to speak death tolls, I wonder how many soldiers have died thanks to media coverage of US troop movement and status.
I wonder how many lives Rick Sanchez has cost?
I’m not a fan of Joe the Plumber but I’m even less of fan of this sleez. Rick Sanchez. He used to live in Miami. Aside from being the lead anchor down there at Channel 7 Fox, he also hit a man while driving drunk, fleeing the scene of the accident and leaving the man for dead (and he did die). His buddies on the police force helped him to get off. This man has no moral authority over anyone.
Rick Sanchez. Sleazy pretty boy asshole. Joe the Plumber. Media construct. Together, priceless.
The irony is that 43 journalist would be alive today if they had not been in the war zone practicing their craft and giving away military positions.
Sounds like Rick Sanchez is a little bit jealous of Joe the plumber. Could it be that Joe has a sweeter deal or maybe even more popular?
Looks like Rick Sanchez is sucking on sour grapes while forced to sit, read, complain, and wallow in his own mediocrity.
#4, Derek,
If you want to speak death tolls, I wonder how many soldiers have died thanks to media coverage of US troop movement and status.
OK, so outside of Geraldo Rivera with FOX SPEWS, I don’t know how many Americans have been killed thanks to media coverage of US troop movements? I am unaware of any but since you brought it up, you tell us.
I wonder how many lives Rick Sanchez has cost?
I don’t think Sanchez has ever been a war correspondent for FOX.
How about asking the actual foot soldiers if they want a journalist reporting from their unit. Or would they rather have the homefront informed by the Pentagon press briefing, held at the Pentagon.
And other than that idiot at Fox blurting out which Iraqi HQ bldg they were currently in, I do not know of any instances where the correspondent gave away positions. In fact, I believe in the 1st Iraq war, the generals used the media expertly to give the false impression that we would liberate Kuwait by a frontal assualt on the prepared Iraqi lines. They hid the preparations for the sprint around the left side and gained tactical and even strategic suprise over the Iraqis.
The US military knows that correspondents will be on or near the battlefield and are prepared to deal with it. And any populace that is willing to get it’s information 5 times removed, washed and scrubbed by political hacks, deserves the utter whitewash that will be spoonfed to them.
He doesn’t think reporters should report on wars while he goes to Israel to report his biased point of view on that war.
What a hypocrite and an IDIOT.
I don’t care if Sanchez is a flake (I bet he his!) but he nails it pretty damn well. Joe the Plumber is a PR construct. Period. He only exists because Caribou Barbie fell a bit short of embodying Joe six-pack middle America guy.
#7. ‘tempt
The irony is that 43 journalist would be alive today if they had not been in the war zone practicing their craft and giving away military positions.
And do you have any information about journalists giving away military positions you would care to share. I realize it isn’t easy emulating Cow Paddy, but there really is no need to.
Looks like Rick Sanchez is sucking on sour grapes while forced to sit, read, complain, and wallow in his own mediocrity.
Is there any issue with what Sanchez said? Was he wrong on any point he made? If there was, why not point out his errors instead of shooting the messenger.
“Give me substance – not a ratings driven rant. ”
Then turn off the TV. Either that or stick to NPR and Fox, the two outlets which have been shown to be the most centrist of the lot.
# 7 contempt said “The irony is that 43 journalist would be alive today if they had not been in the war zone practicing their craft and giving away military positions.”
Can you give me an example of this, besides Geraldo Rivera who was treated like a goat and then shipped out of the Iraq?
#12 Mr.Fusion, #14 QB
>>do you have any information about journalists giving away military positions
You need go not further than the New York Times. They are notorious about giving up military secrets. It is a running joke that enemies don’t need spies in the US… they have the NYT.
contempt, for example?
#16 QB
At the risk of being too simplistic, to who or where do you think these journalist send their reports?
Oh man, is that weak. đ
Well, the media doesn’t want anyone getting the idea that anyone can do their jobs.
As for giving away military secrets, look t the Bay of Pigs.
Also, twenty years ago Mike Wallace and Peter Jennings were part of a forum on ethics, and Jennings said that he would help protect an American company from an ambush, while Mike Wallace said it is the duty of a reporter to not reveal anything, and just cover the story.
Never been a fan of Rick Sanchez but he was spot on. You know he was spot on.
The negative reaction is because plumber, being a new replub shiny object just got himself a new orifice.
Gee, I’d previously formed the opinion that Sanchez was one of the most incompetent moroons on the tube.
He still outshines half the commenters on this thread who seem to have contempt for the truth and other less delusional goals.
Are you anti-media types as dumb as you sound, or just pretending to be neanderthals?
#21 good call bobbo.
A free press in war zones is important since wars are important. Whether it’s Bill Clinton screwing up in Bosnia or war crimes in the Sudan, the press gives the public (and voters) a view into their reality.
Some reporters have made mistakes or lied. They are people. Painting the New York Times or the Des Moines Register as unpatriotic (“they’re giving away troop positions, etc”) is, well, unpatriotic. They press will just as critical of the Obama administration as the Bush days – or maybe more so.
The press really did give the Bush White House a free pass after 9-11.
It was nice when the news didn’t include personal opinion. Now it is more of an indoctrination session where the flock is told what to think and say. Sadly if you don’t you are called a neanderthal.
Did Joe say anything intelligent or news worthy? No but that never stops a Bleep with a mission!
Sanchez is just bleeped off because he and his buddies made Joe famous so now after much rehearsal he is making Joe more famous. The more he screams the more money Joe can make.
Part of the rant seems unduly stupid. I mean if they did what Joe suggested they wouldn’t be dead would they?
I also didn’t know anybody connected with that station went anywhere near a war zone.
I thought they bought from free lance who are working on spec. Their sources on that seem kind of lame too.
And to Dallas. What Joe got was couple of more pay checks for doing something he isn’t very good at doing but keep up the good work. I’m sure Joe and his family can use the money.
#15, ‘tempt,
You need go not further than the New York Times. They are notorious about giving up military secrets. It is a running joke that enemies donât need spies in the US⌠they have the NYT.
And could you please point to a story where a NYT reporter not only revealed American Troops position, but there were casualties.
Don’t bother with Cow-Paddy’s trick of now denying that is what he meant or go off on a tangent. You made the claim, now please, back it up.
Samuel’s already responded with an apology and a greater understanding after covering what’s been going on. He understood that what he said was stupid, and thankfully he’s learning more about it.
#22 – “Painting the New York Times or the Des Moines Register as unpatriotic (âtheyâre giving away troop positions, etcâ) is, well, unpatriotic.”
See Walter Duranty (Stalin’s #1 Useful Idiot) and his lying in the NYT. There is ample evidence to convict the Times of not only being unpatriotic but unrepentantly biased and complicit in crimes against humanity.
#27 And the Times spent the money and pushed for a review of Duranty to revoke his Pulitzer. If it wasn’t for a free press you wouldn’t even know that Duranty existed.
Well, its easy to see you dopes make a number of key mistakes:
1. Not all news is news. Quite a bit is entertainment these days. SURELY you have the intellectual capacity to tell the difference???? If not, then yes, you really should stop “informing” yourself.
2. Anyone that gets most of their news from TV is basically a moran. Worse if your source is a blog or two. Sorry kiddies, but READING is required to become informed.
3. Any error(s) made by news media is far less consequential than the crimes that would be made by a government fully off its leash.
4. You don’t have to like the NYT but following point #3 above, if you really think the NYT is not a net benefit for society, then you really do have shit for brains, or worse are an active part of the problems we good Americans face.
#27, goof,
So please cite an instance where the NYT gave away troop positions. You can do it. Gee, you agreed they do it.
Now tell us the last time FOX SPEWS corrected itself on any factual error? I hear it often on MSNBC and CNN. Maybe I don’t watch FOX SPEWS enough to see their corrections. Oh, wait, what’s that? FOX SPEWS doesn’t make any mistakes? WOW !!!
The funniest thing about your post is Duranty happened 70 years ago. You are so desparate to pin something on the NYT you had to go that far back to find something. I guess you also knew that the NYT led the effort to revoke his Pulitzer Prize. You do know that there is no one still at the Times that was there when he wrote.
What an effen moran.