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His tongue had great expectations for speeches, his brain killed the dream….
At the end of the Bush administration, a lot of comedians will be scrounging for work.
And now we can listen to 4 years of devotional worship of the Messiah coming from intellectual giants like these two:
As the Governor announced the layoffs of hundreds of Maryland workers, on the same day State Senator Lisa Gladden made the following comment:
“It doesn’t matter if Maryland’s broke as long as Obama’s president.”
And remember Peggy Joseph’s famous comment after an Obama speech:
“I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him, he’s gonna help me.”
#3, benson,
So what is your point? Maybe you could tell us where these quotes came from, you know, like maybe a citation or something?
Bush can’t leave Washington soon enough for me. The amazing thing is that there are still 22% that think he is doing a good job.
Whats scary is the dumbasses who feel strangely comforted by having another dumbass in the white house. Ill bet they are the same people who are calling for an Obama lynching.
I’m so sick of the bum I couldn’t watch it to the end. He isn’t funny anymore.
I think we should start claiming that the Bush years were “just a phase” we were going through. Our hormones were out of control and we just didn’t know what we were doing. Even temporary insanity is a valid legal defense.
Bush have a approval rating of 22%, who are they?
Aside from just being a really terrible president, I gotta say: He sure seems likable.
“Bush have a approval rating of 22%, who are they?”
#6–grandpa==way to go. I was going to watch it and after reading your post, now I can’t.
“I’m an idiot, and proud of it!”
“People can disagree with some ((some???)) of my decisions, but no one can disagree that I made them.”
Can anyone, can the “leader of the free world” really be so incompetent?
What a spectacle for America on the world stage.
The only good thing is much his bumbling had to be translated. That would explain why China and India has a higher approval rating for him.
Goodbye pResident Goober.
You are proof that the Supreme Court should have term limits and the people the power to impeach any elected official including the SCOTUS.
Is Letterman still on ?
Wake me up from the nightmare on Tuesday night!
It’s kind of like the last episodes of Battlestar Galactica like, now America is totally trashed, now what do we do?
I know, Let’s ALL move to the Middle East and take back the ‘Holy Land’!!!
Yahoo! It’s a whole new ball game!!
In a simpler time he would have stumbled through okay. His biggest fault was surrounding himself and listening to the wrong people. He’s a good old boy that wanted simple solutions in a complex world. Bush isn’t an evil man. Let his record stand as his testament. Remember when the economy is crap, no President carries high approval ratings. I never voted for the man, but I’m comfortable letting history judge him.
A man in the 40’s got 1 wish.
He wished for Peace around the world.
In a flash..
ALL the world was run by Hitler’s regime..
Peace ruled the world. There was no OTHER gov. to fight.
War was gone. There was NO ONE to fight.
Internally, it was as corrupt and degenerate as TODAY.
The problem?? is that the PEOPLE GOT the person they WANTED, HITLER.
At least H. had some idea what NEEDED to be done, and DID IT.
Personally I think all of this ranting about how terrible Obama will be is completely useless. I’m unbiased when it comes to the U.S. parties (not a citizen obviously), but as far as I can see, its time for the states to start something good here, and not just because Bush is out, and Obama is in, but because the U.S. needs it. I think all of you Obama haters, should give him his years and see what he’s got. He certainly can’t do much worse than Bush’s term(s).
The Complete Bushisms
Darned… what came after 4?
In 20 years he’ll be doing ads for supplemental AFLAC.
Funny how Bush’s bad speechmaking is a sign of incompetence, idiocy, ir insanity, but for Obama the flubs like 57 states et al. are just the rigors of a tough job and a long campaign trail.
#18. Something you must understand about our twisted mentality. There are right wing radio hosts who are singing about the up coming demise of the United States since Obama was elected. They are NOT willing to give him a chance. It doesn’t matter if he does everything right, they will find something, anything, to indicate he is the most irresponsible buffoon. Similar to what the left has done to Bush (okay, he did it to himself).
Americans willingly allow the likes of Olberman and Hannity to form opinions for us instead of putting forth a little effort and forming our own ideals and beliefs.
The uploaded version seems to have been slowed down slightly from the original.
Then go back and look at how many BOTH have done, BEFORE they entered office..
Then you can answer your own question.
the trick in politics..
Is WHAt knowledge/requirements do you need to be 1.
At this time..NONE.
Just learn to SUCK UP, and Brown nose.
Shouldnt we have a TEST to see howmuch these folks know?? BEFORE they enter office…BEFORE they even RUN for ANY OFFICE.
Where the hell are the singing cats?
Laugh it up…the joke’s on you!!!, I doubt you’ll find it funny.
Caught in the Crossfire: The False Left-Right Paradigm and the Deception of the American People by Kevin Newsom
“The American culture of today is being assaulted along the same lines that Caesar and Hitler used long ago, and Americans are falling prey to such tactics in growing numbers with every passing hour. We are truly a divided people, who agree or disagree along party, ethnic, racial and religious lines. Much like the priests of centuries past, no decision can be made without first consulting our appointed political or social “leaders”. We take sides with differing factions within our country, arguing about single issues that are presented to us and whose sole purpose is to divide us into isolated groups. Instead of meaningful debate about the future of our nation, we receive only distractions. We thirst for truth, meaning, and freedom, but instead find ourselves wandering through the desert of distraction and confusion. We seek leaders, but only receive figureheads. We have ceased being Americans. We are conservatives or liberals. We are environmentalists or corporate interests, Catholics or Protestants, hawks or doves, black or white. The people of America are divided among many lines, ultimately under the confines of a system of right and left. Much like the German people of the 1930s, we are isolated from clear perspective. Much like the beleaguered Celts, we are so distracted by civil war of right and left, we aren’t aware of our country vanishing before our eyes. The truth is, there is no right or left. There is only right and wrong.”
Party Warfare Distraction: Tactic of Diversion
Politicians and media puppets dramatize party warfare distraction, in grand performances of bureaucratic rivalry meant to propagandize and polarize the audience. Diversionary tactics are commonly used in psychological warfare as an offensive strategy, coordinated on all levels and fronts as a massive effort, to divert attention away from clandestine agendas. Drawing attention to struggles between political systems, ideologies, races, and classes obscures the historical struggle for power and wealth. This creates confusion and stirs up contention among the ranks of the disadvantaged majority, enabling the global elite to preserve stolen wealth and power. The two-party system of checks and balances in the legislative branch has been rendered powerless and has become a facade of freedom and den of debauchery. The mindless masses are spoon-fed a daily diet of deception and distractions, until the horrifying final phase of total global tyranny is implemented.
Aldous Huxley had this to say, “In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened…. The development of a vast communications industry concerned in the main neither with the true or the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions…. A society, most of whose members spend a great deal of their time…. In the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those that would manipulate and control it. In their propaganda today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression, and rationalization — the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, and the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or State. As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with non-stop distractions….”
#22 – Lyin’ Mike
Surely you jest, Lyin’ Mike. Please tell me you’re only lyin’, Mike.
You can’t really be trying to compare a simple slip of the tongue (surely even you agree that Obama really does know that there are 50 states?) with Dumbya’s 8 years of non-stop gibberish, malapropisms, nonsensical utterances, gaffes, blunders, fuckups, and outright lies.
Can you, Lyin’ Mike?
#27 – Starby
>>blah blah, blah, blah blah blah
>>cut ‘n’ paste
>>blah…blah blah. blah blah blah. blah
If you have a point to make, make it. Don’t cut and paste verbal diarrhea from the web site of conspiracy theorist/ wingnut/ wack job/ Repuglican candidate/ fruitcake/ talk-show host Alex Jones, with no explanation. Followed by a fucked-up URL.
You’re wasting your own time, not to mention the readers’.
#29 This is the highest endorsement…considering the source. Mus-turd despises higher truths.