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“If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him” — Cardinal Richelieu
Welcome to rule by the best character assassins.
#30 – Starby
You’re outdoing yourself. Posting link after link after link to irrelevant right-wing non sequitur blathering, with no explanation of what point (if any) they are supposed to convey.
At the very least, you could take it upon yourself to figure out how to post a link that ACTUALLY WORKS.
Go ahead. Knock yourself out, Einstein.
It’s no wonder everybody makes fun of you wingnuts.
Money can’t by an endorsement as good as you provide.
#33 – Starby
Heh heh. Keep on thinking that, son. If it shields you from the embarrassment of realizing what a laughingstock you are, go for it.
One would think you’d just slink away with your tail between your legs, but you appear to be as ironclad as ‘tempt when it comes to an inability to be mortified.
You go, boy.
#35, ‘dro,
STFU, in that entire post you added NOTHING. Try adding some substance to the conversation instead of all the bullshit.
For irrelevance, you give #27, the Confederate Traitor a run.
#22, Lyin’ Mike,
There is a huge difference between making a slip when someone is obviously tired, and continually making slips day after day during routine speeches.
Everybody says something stupid once in a while. OTOH, Mr. Bush says something coherent once in a while when not reading a script.
I think he’s pretty cool when he realizes he’s said something dumb. You can see he wants to make light of it but can’t for one reason or another. Once he’s off that stage and some time passes we might get some fun stuff from him if his lawyers let him talk.
#36 Another glowing endorsement from Commiefusion.
I’d bet money that if Dvorak did a whois search on Fusion and Mustard IP address it would reveal a DoD address.
For those of you not on the NWO payroll…
“We are moving toward a New World Order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.” — Mikhail Gorbachev (1987)
“The threat of environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order.” — Mikhail Gorbachev (Monetary & Economic Review, 1996, p. 5)
“My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments.” — Mikhail Gorbachev (Regarding 1992 Earth Summit in Rio)
“The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.” — Maurice Strong
“The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” — David Rockefeller (NY Times, Aug. 10, 1973)
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” — Ted Turner (1996)
Relax. There is great hope for Joe “Stand up Chuck” Biden.
If you have a point, make it. As I told you.
Your continued cut ‘n’ pasting of other people’s words, with no suggestion of what you might be doing (other than showing off your newfound knowledge of the CTL X/C and CTL V functions) makes you appear somewhat simpleminded.
You don’t want to appear simpleminded, do you?
There you go. Already Mustard and Fusion are acting according to script and saying Obama’s flubs are excusable. You guys do know the meaning of ‘et al’ right?
Another example is how Arkansas borders Kentucky but not Illinois.
other examples: claiming ten thousand people were killed by a tornado when the real number was 12. I thought he was going to be on top of the intelligence game?
Obama claimed the Iraq War was hurting the mission in Afghanistan because of a lack of translators. Of course they speak a different language in the two countries. Clearly he is too inexperienced in foreign policy.
# 44 MikeN said, “Obama claimed the Iraq War was hurting the mission in Afghanistan because of a lack of translators.”
Maybe, Omama is so enlightened he thinks they all speak towel head?
#42 – Lying/ Ignorant Mike
>>You guys do know the meaning
>>of ‘et al’ right?
We do, but apparently YOU don’t. It means “et allii”, which is Latin for “and others”. As in “and other PEOPLE”, which is why it’s used in a list of people’s names, to indicate that there are additional people not listed. Such as in a list of authors.
What you intended to say was “et cetera”, meaning “and so forth”, or literally “and other things”.
And you’re right. No one should make any mistake, ever, no matter how trivial.
However, if I’ve gotta choose a blunder-maker, I’d far sooner choose somebody who blurts out something like “57 states” (when everyone knows Obama knows how many states there are) over a non-stop motormouth who spent 8 years (and decades before that) spitting out idiotic misconceptions, malapropisms, and outright lies.
And come on. Arkansas/ Kentucky/ Illinois? First of all, Obama never said what you said he said. He said that Hillary would have an advantage in Kentucky because it was nearer Arkansas than Illinois. He made a boo-boo. No mention of borders, though. OK. w00t! You win.
What he MEANT (although his was a commonly-held opinion that dare not speak its name) was that there are a lot of snaggletoothed, inbred, cross-eyed moonshine-swilling refugees from Deliverance in Kentucky and Arkansas, and fewer in Illinois. So Kentucky and Arkansas share that bond.
Give it up, Lyin’/ Ignorant Mike. If you’re going to try and lampoon Obama for his lack of mental prowess, you’re on a sinking ship. Better that you join your fucktard bretheren on the radical right in criticizing him for being too intelligent. At least you’ve got a leg to stand on there.
Even more than his bungling speeches, it was the BETRAYAL of his own rhetoric that is so tragic.
Bush is correct when he says talks about denying the terrorists the “recruitaments” that come from resentment.
But his wars, war zones and drawn-out occupation is the perfect breeding that gives the terrorists “recuritaments” and a gigantic pool of resentful and bitter people to recruit from.
Barack Obama is the greatest president this nation never had.
#45, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,
Maybe, Omama is so enlightened he thinks they all speak towel head?
Now, along with all your other talents, you are claiming to be a linguist?
Oh no, I feel the cunning linguist jokes coming.
#50, ‘dro,
Maybe if I understood the Cuban mystique I could understand your simple mind a little better. BUT, as usual, your comments are simplistic. They never add to the discussion, they only criticize those adding something. You generally don’t refute a point; you ridicule it without offering any alternative point of view or explanation of why that view is incorrect. Your simple Cuban mind fails to grasp the intricacies of the general nuances put forth.
In short, you appear to be intoxicated upon your own verbosity during a momentous period in our history, in order to further bombast those with a higher than room temperature intelligence quotient out of more than extreme jealousy. Your pseudointellect is only outpaced by your oral diarrhea.
Get a life ‘dro. Until then, STFU.
Good bye Dumbass
You know, a nice clip to add to the review would be the moving trucks lining up at his “Ranch” to remove anything he may have left there by mistake.
All an act. Phoniest piece of shit that walks like a man that ever failed so high.
Bush heads to Midland Texas on the 20th.
Where did he learn all those gompligated words that I can’t even pronounce? So many of them too…
He has 22% approval rating? That’s awfully lot when you think he has not done much good to USA.If that really is the amount of people who have personally benefited from his actions, I’m amazed.
# 47 Greg Allen said, “But his wars, war zones and drawn-out occupation is the perfect breeding that gives the terrorists “recuritaments” and a gigantic pool of resentful and bitter people to recruit from.”
Exactly. And to think that Obama wants to continue AND expand this in Afghanistan. Pure stupidity.
#59…that’s whatcha call a blame shift, such as the economy today is Clinton’s fault.
The 108th and 109th congresses are fairly regarded as a couple of the worst ever, especially 109. The 110th (when the Dems won back ‘majorities’) wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the clusterfick of the prior two, which were nothing more than rubber stamps for the worst president, ever. Ever.
#60, Olo,
Good point.
Congress’s approval has always been low. Yet it is the institution where it takes such infighting to get anything done and after all that the compromises too often leaves us with less than is required. Yet, most Congressmen and Senators were reelected. That means they must have some popularity in their home districts.
#61 – “Congress’s approval has always been low”
CommieFusion left out, “when the Democrats are the majority.”
In my home town of amarillo texas not only dose bush have 78% approval rating but the support of most of the students in my amarillo college student government class. He had some bad cards delt to him and did the best anyone could do with them, he did a good job hate to see him go.president barack obama hope you can take up where he left off