
An Australian man says his life has been blessed since an image of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus appeared in his lava lamp.

The man, John Smith of Sydney, has set up a shrine to the lava lamp in his home and on his website.

“I had been going through a tough time and was paying for a sign… a divine sign from God that I was not alone and that all would work out fine,” he explains on the website.

“I turned on my brand new lava lamp and watched in awe as the unmistakeable image of the Holy Mary cradling the Baby Jesus appeared. I immediately turned off the lamp and the lava has remained in this position ever since.”

Since then, he says he, “…met the most incredible woman, my angel here on earth. We have gotten engaged, phenomenal job offers have come flooding in, money keeps presenting itself and we are blessed by the warmth and love of angels constantly protecting and guiding us.”


  1. SparkyOne says:

    Nothing like a cheese sandwich

  2. Dallas says:

    I bought a small set of outdoor gargoyles at TJ Max about 8 months ago that have been pretty effective.

    They are on top of the wall surrounding my pool. They are facing inward because it looks nice that way. However, am I not keeping the bad karma from escaping my pool area? I’m hesitant to turn them around because things have been positive (other than the economy).

  3. Saint says:

    That woman does show up in the most interesting places. Funny how she never seems to be able to simply appear in the flesh in the Halls of Congress, or in Gaza.

  4. Winston says:

    Holy wax, Batman!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    If God, Jesus, Mary, Mohammad, Bhudda, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster has something to tell us, then he can damn well show up on TV and address the whole world in one shot. A big “eff this” to all these “irrefutable proofs.”

  6. amodedoma says:

    Much as I like to find shapes in the clouds, this one looks like photoshop!

  7. AKGuy says:

    Not as good as Jesus in the dog’s butt.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]

  8. QB says:

    Well that settles it for me. I’m sending the Pope little Billy’s college money.

  9. Alpha13 says:

    DUDE — light another one!

  10. haywood11 says:

    Everytime I turned off my lava lamp, it never froze in the position I turned it off. Someone is grasping for attention.

  11. Buzz says:

    Wax works in mysterious ways…

  12. Rabble Rouser says:

    Wow! the colors!
    I have seen a lot of things in my lava light. Under the influence of many a controlled substance though.

  13. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Looks like the lava lamp is giving him the finger instead. This is no miracle, just the result of the thinnest part of the wax melting first from the hottest part of the light bulb underneath it. Ours does the same thing but usually releases a bigger stream of wax. Guess I’ll start experimenting with it and see if I can get it to produce some sort of religious icon and then sell it on ebay too.

  14. deowll says:

    Guys have been seeing females appear before their eyes in the most unlikely places for a long time.

    At least he’s happy. It’s the people posting here that have problems.

  15. Regenvelter says:

    It rather looks like a phaetus to Me.
    Maybe in 9 months it will develop into a bouncing baby Jesus Freak.
    Pass the sacramental Mad Dog 20/20,Brother Ben!

  16. JimR says:

    Mary and Jesus?… I ate them once… no big deal.

  17. JimR says:

    My favorite snack is the Virgin Mary on toast.

  18. t0llyb0ng says:

    The White Madonna has always just given birth to a perfect baby. The Black Madonna is always dying in the midst of childbirth.

    Two sides of the same psychological coin.

  19. Animby says:

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]

    Dear Ed. Wouldn’t it be easier to get WordPress to patch their software rather than try to change the habits of the world?

  20. #19 – Animby

    >> Wouldn’t it be easier to get WordPress to
    >>patch their software rather than try to
    >>change the habits of the world?

    You’d think. And considering that WordPress is open-source software, and this is the blog of the Prodigious Prognosticator of All Things Tech, you would think it to be de rigeur.

    Apparently not.

  21. Lou says:

    Get your head out of the glue bag.

  22. Conditional Tech says:

    Your all wrong it is not the virgin Mary. Look closely its a (Wouff Hong). The Old Man is pissed off! This device is used to correct rotten people.


    If your a ham radio operator you already know.

  23. John Smith says:


    Its my lamp, I have read all of these responses..

    1. It is NOT photoshopped, It is exactly as the photo shows.

    2. The lamp had only just been turned on, most of the wax was still solid and this pushed up from the middle. It froze in this position. I then turned it off and the wax didn’t change shape, it has been the same ever since..

    Of course it would melt again if I turned it on..

    3. Who said anything about selling it on EBAY, it is most definately NOT for sale, no money could buy the good fortune it has brought me.

    4. I am not seeking attention, the media picked this up and I’ve had dozens of TV and radio stations wanting to interview me, but I’m turning them all down as I wish to remain anonymouse.


    John Smith


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