Daylife/Reuters Pictures

A model dressed as the Virgin Mary poses during a performance in Santiago. A prominent fashion designer has sparked outrage in Chile by dressing up models like the Virgin Mary — in some cases with ample, near-naked breasts. The Roman Catholic Church condemned Ricardo Oyarzun’s plans for a show featuring the models.

Better than a cheese sandwich.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    “I was raised Catholic so sex will always be dirty.” John Waters.

  2. prophet665 says:

    Near naked breasts? Eh…I want completely naked breasts.

    Enough to make a man religious!

  3. bobbo says:

    Its blasphemous to suggest that the Virgin Mary even had tits. I’m sure that healthy Vitamin D fortified pasteurized milk flowed from her right index finger.

    Its a shame to think of godly things in any way sexual. Shameful, sinful, dirty human pigs.

  4. Miguel says:

    What’s not very ‘realistic’ is that the Virgin Mary was supposed to be very poor, so I doubt she could afford that kind of makeup and breast job…

  5. sargasso says:

    The old testament is full of sex and violence, which certainly helped to broaden the popularity of the early church. This new fashion will appeal to a whole new demography. The ailing porn industry could be used to spread the good word.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    “Be fruitful and multiply”


  7. SparkyOne says:

    I would not have eaten the cheese sandwich but…

  8. Buzz says:

    After all, God doesn’t like big breasts…

  9. Benjamin says:

    At least her outfit is not made out of elephant dung.

  10. Andy says:

    She’s no virgin . . .

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    The human psyche will always hanker for a Sophia goddess like it used to have back in the old days. Catholic church won’t let that happen though.

    Oh, & Mexico still needs birth control.

  12. Mojo Yugen says:

    Oh thanks for the pic! Do you have any idea what the penance is for having carnal thoughts about the virgin Mary? I’m going to be doing “Our Father’s” for a week straight after my next confession.

  13. AlanBe says:

    #7 Sparky.

    You are very funny!

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #12 Andy – Yes she is. At least twenty times.

  15. Breetai says:

    I suddenly feel like going to church.

  16. Milo says:

    #8 “chipendale mohammed”

    You rock!

  17. mary's kid says:

    She had other kids after Jesus, so what’s the big deal?

  18. Jetfire says:

    She looks a lot older than 14 years old too.

  19. John Paradox says:

    When she goes up for auction, let me know.


  20. Awake says:

    History shows that Mary was about 13 years old when she became pregnant with Jesus. That girl in the photo doesn’t look 13.

  21. amodedoma says:

    Mmmm the breasts to feed the son of god… Santa Madonna!

  22. RSweeney says:

    Pretty obvious there is no caring about the sensitivities of Catholics here.

  23. bobbo says:

    #23–RSweeney==what kind of group think would make a better response?

    REQUEST: Print this story out and take it to your local shaman this Sunday. Next Monday, bring us back the comments.

    What do we have here, 22 responses in a narrow range of something other than “Oh Dear God, blah, blah, blah” and 320Million people with better things to do. Strikes me as about right.

  24. Satman says:

    If I were God, I’d definitely hit that…..

  25. bobbo says:

    #27–Pedro==just how would that work? Never a single article/joke/comment about any one issue=====all variations within the type have to be addressed every time any one of them is addressed?

    I don’t think you understand what “being practical” means.

    Plus especially re Muslims, they are still such a minority, to give them equal time would be too much credit.

    Don’t you think the Muslim’s get their share of abuse on the Israeli threads?

    Don’t be so simple minded.

  26. Winston says:

    If she’d looked _that_ hot, the “virgin” story would be even less believable.

  27. QB says:

    #31 Inspired genius. I acknowledge the Buddha within.

  28. Paul says:

    How many well-breasted babes are still virgins?


  29. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Since no one actually knows what she looked like (assuming she was real) why do the church and others get their panties in a bunch every time her “image” is misappropriated or appears on cheese sandwiches, lava lamps, tree bark, etc? What is her supposed image based on? A painting or famous sculpture made in the past? Certainly not actual photographic evidence. I’m sure that if she had been a real person, she probably would bear a strong resemblance to those fighting in and around the Middle East area today and would be totally unrecognizable to her devoted followers.

  30. deowll says:

    He should have dressed her up as Gaea. I’m sure that crowd would have be much more understanding.


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