Your thoughts on the transition of power and the final 91 hours of the Bush presidency.

  1. QB says:

    noname said: “I worry and now somewhat dishearten, after learning this, that Obama will becomes a puppet (Uncle Tom) no better then BUSH.”

    There wouldn’t be any racial motivations to your remarks, would there?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #90, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Constitutional Scholar, California Labor Law Expert, and Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    So? Starting an a war against someone who isn’t attacking you is immoral.

    Nice trying to justify killing young Americans though…

    Generally, yes. Although there is bound to be some justified excuse, starting any war is immoral.

    Now, who is justifying killing Americans with a pointless, unprovoked war? OH RIGHT !!! The right wing nuts and their trying to explain our purpose in Iraq.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 94 Mr. Fusion said, “Now, who is justifying killing Americans with a pointless, unprovoked war? OH RIGHT !!! The right wing nuts and their trying to explain our purpose in Iraq.”

    Exactly. Yet another unjustified war. I hope Obama yanks us out of Af too. Waste of $ & lives.

  4. noname says:

    # 93 QB,

    Hey dickhead I’am black as the night is long!

  5. QB says:

    #96 ROTFL

    That was too easy. bobbo will call no points.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #95, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    Hey, how did you like those numbers I posted about Bush’s popularity? The most unpopular President in American history. The truth must really gall you. Imagine, all those times you told us what a great President Bush is. How we were all wrong about him. How Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

    Good times are here again. Well, they’ll be here in a couple of days.

  7. noname says:

    # 97 QB, it’s all in fun 🙂

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #95, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    Exactly. Yet another unjustified war. I hope Obama yanks us out of Af too. Waste of $ & lives.

    In case you missed it, agents of the Afghanistan government attacked us. Your boy Bush screwed up that one royally as he allowed the major culprits to escape. Instead he opens a prison camp in Guantanamo Bay and sends all these low level or innocent Afghanis to hoping that will keep us safe.

    So instead of finishing the job, we are now fighting all these various war lords within the country and the former Al Quada holding out in Pakistan.


    Wow, 22% approval, 73% disapprove of Bush. Cheney is at 13% approval. Just before the November election only 20% approved of Bush. It looks like even the right wingers are deserting him. 20% approval, isn’t a record for the lowest approval ever by a President?

  9. #89 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Sure he did. The US wasn’t attacked nor
    >>threatened. No one attacked the US, he
    >>initiated an attack against one side in an
    >>ongoing civil war…

    Paddy-RAMBO, if you think helping an ally defend against armed aggression by a hostile agressor, under the aegis of the United Nations is the same thing as an unprovoked unilateral declaration of war against a sovereign nation, well heck. You’re not half the RAMBO I gave you credit for being.

    That’s the stupidest thing you’ve said yet, and you’ve said some pretty stupid things.

  10. Buzz says:

    It’s more than a legacy. It’s an arm and a legacy. Each citizen having been required to ante up.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #102, Buzz,

    It’s an arm and a legacy.

    Ha ha ha, very good one. I hope you don’t mind if I use that myself sometime.

  12. RBG says:

    92 Fusion

    Gee, I wonder why that happened. What on earth could have caused so much disapproval of Bush?

    I thought your insightful analysis already covered that one in 86: ” “When Bush had an 89% approval rating, it was because the entire country came together against an evil. The same happened after Pearl Harbor and when the Maine blew up.”

    In the same way, the people actually loved Bush, but it was the hurricane and the Kuwait invasion and the market correction the people were actually reacting against. (sigh)


  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 101 Mister Mustard said, “Paddy-RAMBO, if you think helping”

    Hey, you can justify any killing of people when you aren’t attacked. You are sounding more like a Bush apologist every day.

  14. #105 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Hey, you can justify any killing of people
    >>when you aren’t attacked.

    Oh Christ. Give it up, will you, Paddy-RAMBO? This has got to be the most ridiculous “argument” you have ever put forth. Of course if someone attacks your kin, or others close to you, you will assist in their defense even if you yourself may not have been attacked. The point here is that when Dumbya initiated his trophy war, NOBODY had been attacked. He just thought it would be a keen way to show up Pappy, and ended up getting in waaay over his head.

    In any case, Truman isn’t the issue here. Not at all. It’s just a red herring tossed out by Paddy-RAMBO to try and divert attention from Dumbya’s scandalously bad “stewardship” of America. And your continuing support of a failed “commander” in “chief”.

    Even if I agree with you, and say that Truman was a fucking asshole and a shitty president and a murdering bastard, bfd. So what? Dumbya isn’t much worse than the worst ever in history? Is that your point?


  15. bobsyeruncle says:

    @96 “Hey dickhead I’am black as the night is long!”

    … so sometimes you’re more black than others? I mean – depending on the day of the year and your geographic location…

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #104, RBG,

    Again, that may have been the way it looked to a Montrealer. Here in the US though, it was not a “love” for the President. As I put it in #86, it was the country coming together. A true nationalistic feeling similar to what swept the nation after Pearl Harbor and the Maine blowing up.

    Bush started losing support very soon after 9/11. He saw a very slight bump after invading Iraq and slight flat line during the 2004 election.

    This is the Gallup Poll review of his numbers. Generally, they give higher numbers for Bush than do most others. Note that for the overall average, the average is skewed much higher than it should be because of the 9/11 bump.

    BTW, the hurricane came in 2005, the market crashed in 2008. GW Bush never invaded Kuwait.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #105, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    Hey, you can justify any killing of people when you aren’t attacked. You are sounding more like a Bush apologist every day.

    Hey, when are you going to tell us all about where in the Constitution Congress is not allowed to regulate CEO’s wages?

    When are you going to show us where Truman had a 22% approval rating when he left office?

    When are you going to give us some proof about it being illegal to fire union members for being drunk at work?

    When are you going to back up any of the shit you put out?

  18. MikeN says:

    So now it’s OK to protect South Korea from North Korea at a cost of fifty thousand lives, but not OK to protect Kurdistan from the rest of Iraq?
    You guys keep digging to defend all wars not started by Bush.

    By the way, where is the UN resolution to support the war in Kosovo, or a Congressional resolution, and when are we going to leave there or Bosnia? By the end of Obama’s term, we’ll have been there for 25 years.

  19. MikeN says:

    Another major part of Bush’s legacy.

    He reversed global warming.

    If the Left is going to blame his policies on Kyoto for every hurricane and flood and genocide, then he should certainly get credit when the temperature drops.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 110 MikeN said, “So now it’s OK to protect South Korea from North Korea at a cost of fifty thousand lives, but not OK to protect Kurdistan from the rest of Iraq? You guys keep digging to defend all wars not started by Bush.”

    Hardcore neolibs are easy to back into a corner. They use emotion to think and reason with, not logic. Posting with them is kinda like playing with an ant farm.

  21. bobbo says:

    It would be interesting to formulate the “rule” to use when providing security troops to a country, when they will be removed, and who pays for it and why.

    If we are going to morph into the world’s policeman, we oughta get paid for it.

    Makes me wonder where the USA would be today if we focused on our interests that were closer to home.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #110, Lyin’ Mike,

    So now it’s OK to protect South Korea from North Korea at a cost of fifty thousand lives, but not OK to protect Kurdistan from the rest of Iraq?

    What the eff are you talking about? Although we should, we are NOT protecting the Kurds from Turkey, the rest of Iraq, or Iran. And we should be.

    You guys keep digging to defend all wars not started by Bush.

    Can you point to where I, or anyone else interested in democracy, has defended Viet Nam (remember the one Bush was AWOL from), Grenada, Panama, or Iraq II.

    Yes I do defend the decision to go into Bosnia and Kosovo to stop the slaughter of innocents. I also support the decision to get the Iraqis out of Kuwait. These three conflicts were for humanitarian reasons. I also support getting the Taliban, the local war lords, and Al Quada out of Afghanistan.

    You keep digging to find something to show Bush doesn’t deserve that 22% popularity rating.


    Another major part of Bush’s legacy.

    He reversed global warming.

    Now you really are digging. You, ‘tempt, and Cow-Paddy are pathetic.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #112, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    Hey, when are you going to tell us all about where in the Constitution Congress is not allowed to regulate CEO’s wages?

    When are you going to show us where Truman had a 22% approval rating when he left office?

    When are you going to give us some proof about it being illegal to fire union members for being drunk at work?

  24. deowll says:

    Bush may go down as one of the worst Presidents ever but I’m by no means sure that those who ran against him would have done better and I voted for one of them the second go round and abstained the first time on the grounds that neither were fit to hold office.

    There is the not so small question of what the people in charge now are going to do.

    I hope they act with reason and prudence but so for the Dems in Congress running things don’t seem to know what those two words mean.

  25. bobbo says:

    “I also support the decision to get the Iraqis out of Kuwait. These three conflicts were for humanitarian reasons.” /// I don’t know what role protecting the West’s or Japans supply of oil has been in the decision to invade Iraq but surely the reason we had Gulf War No 1 was 100% ABOUT OIL. Samantha Powers (A Problem from Hell) wrote about Senator Dole’s special influence in getting the USA to act in Kosovo. Quite a story about the WORLDS failure to act in this hypothetical humanitarian way. The UN really could be disbanded for its failure to act in Rwanda. Its obscene how evil people can be to one another.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #117, bobbo,

    You hamstrung the United Nations then criticize them for doing a poor job? How noble of you.

  27. MikeN says:

    So you support a 25 year occupation of Kosovo then. I don’t support a world’s policeman role.

  28. noname says:

    # 116 deowll, Oh Contrary!

    Had Ross Perot won again GB senior, then this country would not be in the horrible shape it is in now.

    Had Ross been president, GW would never had run.

    Back then Ross Perot warned that NAFTA would create a “giant sucking sound” of jobs going out of country and declaring that the management system of General Motors should be ”nuked?”

    Most dumb ass Americans focused on his big ears and laughed.

    I wonder who is laughing now?

  29. Animby says:

    # 76 ECA said,

    75, yes there is…
    Got a shot gun??

    Let’s hope the secret service isn’t monitoring this thread, ECA. I think that could easily be construed as suggesting violence against a sitting president. I’m sure that’s not what you meant but the Secret Service gets so edgy. They have the sense of humor of a United Airlines stew…

  30. ECA says:

    THAT is construed as “power by the people, FOR the people..”
    Its the idea of the USA NOT BEING democratic. Of the GOV. not listening to the PEOPLE.
    THAT those being elected are Puppets, insted of knowledgeable PERSONS..


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