Your thoughts on the transition of power and the final 91 hours of the Bush presidency.
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Geez…. I voted for him once, closed my eyes and held my nose and voted for Kerry (still shuddering over that – and having said that, I guess I would do it again) the second time. How bad is (was) he? history will tell.
One thing is clear, we haven’t had a “great” President in awhile. And, goodness only knows we need one.
But…..#24 Misanthropic Scott said,
“Let’s hope Obama has a backup copy of the constitution somewhere close on hand.”
I’m not sure there is anyone within 1000 miles of DC who understands (or even really cares about) what it says.
Vote the bastards out and send the lobbyists packing! BTW where did the initial bailout money go? Are you really only going to blame the Republicans for that?
I’m not a big Bush fan but I wish people would get off him about Katrina. I was there and the media has done a great job of making the administration look incompetent and our rescue efforts look inadequate. A lot of rescue workers take this criticism personally.
I suggest the following article from the right wing mouth piece Popular Science about the myths of Katrina:
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
We have no one but the Democrats to blame for the way the country is…
They couldn’t run Gore’s campaign well enough for Florida not to matter.
They couldn’t campain Kerry well enough to unseat Bush, despite all your negative BS.
They couldn’t stop or slow down the Bush agenda, despite claiming they could and being in control of Congress.
The couldn’t see the economic disaster coming, and ignored those how could.
Yep, looks like the Democrats are in denile, they are to blame for everything, cause they couldn’t run a campaign.
If Gore or Kerry had been president, Obama could have never been elected.
Congratulations to the Bush/Cheney reign. Do you still have the “Mission Accomplished” Sign? You have certainly succeeded in your objective.
-You suspended our constitution.
-You appointed incompetents (Great job Brownie) and openly hostile department heads in order to try to prove to everyone that government doesn’t work.
-You gave Trillions of dollars for private companies to siphon in Iraq.
-You now have allowed what’s left of the Treasury to be raided by the rest of the corporations.
# 22 bobbo said, “Surely EVERYTHING you didn’t like about Clinton was pretty obvious BEFORE he left office.”
Not at all. The lending practices he pushed didn’t fully explode until this year.
We’ll be seeing unintended results from the current admin unfold for several years.
What was the question, again?
I could tell from the farewell speech that Bush still thinks he’s disliked because he had to play the role of the patriarch and make the tough decisions that were unpopular to the masses but good for the country. He’s too prideful and dumb to know how much he doesn’t know. To the ranch you go, Mr. Magoo.
Out of the frying pan into the fire. Oh, I hope not! Who knows what Obama’s presidency will be like? More of the same, probrably not. Change for the better, probrably not. The country’s a mess, anything short of an historically excellent president won’t be able to do much.
Good riddance and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
As a foreigner, if an outsider’s angle is worthy of consideration, the less a US President does, generally, the better off everyone is. It isn’t what they achieve in office that matters as few ever achieve anything, but what they don’t screw up. That said, an ideal President, would be a statue, of Abraham Lincoln, inanimate, bronze, unpolished, sexually ambiguous and looking like he’s about to fall asleep.
I hope we find out some day what really was going on in IRAQ to cause us to attack… My guess it was to blunt IRAN and it’s designs on the region.. (and the OIL)
Someday we may find out.
Bush and Cheney were a disaster, shredding the Constitution in a variety of ways, leading the nation to way under false pretenses, lying outrageously, and more. This administration consistently refused to accept any responsibility for its errors and the damage it did to our nation. Now Bush seems more concerned about his “legacy” than he does about the state of the nation. History will judge him, but what reason is there to believe that that judgment will be kind?
I like the way liberals constantly cite the aircraft carrier’s own “Mission Accomplished” banner as one of the top five Bush historic transgressions. The horror.
Well at least Obama can now bring the troops home next week and avoid the same Bush treatment. Especially now that Iraq is a bit more civil.
But first, doesn’t this seem like a real good time for all of us just to finally put our differences away and just support our hero President Obama as good Americans should?
Oh, yeah.
#43 Bill
Somebody tries to kill your daddy, make’s you wanna get some serious retribution! That’s what that was about – I mean weapons of mass destruction, yeah sure, Saddam wanted ’em but he didn’t have ’em and the CIA knew it.
I knew that Bush was an ex-alcoholic rum-dum before being elected President.
I never dreamed that the Bush-Cheney administration would last 2 terms, because I was sure that they would screw-up everything before the 2nd term and not be re-elected.
The eventual results of their “leadership” didn’t surprise me–it just took them longer to wreak their havoc than I thought it would.
The Bush/Cheney administration is certainly a legitimate candidate for the worst administration in U.S. History. And I think that’s going to be their legacy.
#47 intrepid
What kills me is how without 9/11 he probrably would have never made a second term, and ENRON wouldn’t have gotten swept under the rug either! One hell of an unfortunate coincidence…
He’ll soon be the social pariah we all expect him to be. George “OJ” Bush. If he does go out he’ll hear it loud and clear from the public and I can’t wait to watch those videos.
Don’t forget people have to boycott his George W Bush Presidential Liebrary once the Lego pieces are assembled.
The worst thing about the Bush-Cheney administration may not even be the aftermath of 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, or the economy, but all the ways in which they arrogantly and in secret have tried to turn the Presidency into a despot. Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps, enemy combatants, torture, “the vice-president isn’t part of the executive branch,” and probably lots of other things as well.
I’d predict that time will show that Bush was pretty average of a President.
The really great thing is going to be when the wrath of the irrational Left turns on the Obamessiah and I see blog posts about “Obama’s shredding the Constitution and our civil rights!”
The comedy never ends.
#35 – “You appointed incompetents (Great job Brownie) and openly hostile department heads in order to try to prove to everyone that government doesn’t work.”
Nice try. We have more than enough evidence from multiple administrations to know that government doesn’t work and should always be the provider of last resort.
#33–robart==nice link, thanks. My initial reaction is that this artical is too much conclusion and not enough facts and data, although thankfully there is some.
Without giving this the time to research beyond face value, my concern is evidenced by Page 7: “MYTH: “The failure to evacuate was the tipping point for all the other things that … went wrong.” /// and the counter is simply to quote someone who does nothing but deny this: “”Most people had transportation,” says Col. Joe Spraggins, director of emergency management in Harrison County, Ala. “Many didn’t want to leave.” /// Lets put some numbers/analysis on the conclusions of “most” and this counter-intuitive article would have greater impact.
Does make me pause though, and that is the goal of any mis-information program, as well as the truth. Well done.
#31 – The Consensus is IN,
Well, considering that the consensus of scientists have now gone against Gore
When the kool-aid tastes like almonds, don’t drink it.
#54–Scot==hahahahah. Very clever. Get them to taste test for cyanide. Perfect.
#42, sargasso,
… the less a US President does, generally, the better off everyone is.
Not quite. The worst President is usually recognized as Buchanan. His failure to react and do anything led to the Civil War and the great American President, Abraham Lincoln.
Hoover tried his best not to do anything and we ended up with FDR, the Greatest President we’ve had.
Then the Continental Congress couldn’t get anything done and we ended up with Washington, again, another one of our greatest Presidents.
Then there was Eisenhower’s lassai faire Presidency which led to the Kennedy and Johnson successes.
This all bodes well for Obama’s legacy.
I think Guantanamo should remain open to house all the Bush Administration personnel that actively helped shred the Constitution. Including Bush himself.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Who will you libbies hate now, after Bush is out of office?
Oh, wait, I know. George “Emmanuel Goldstein” Bush!
Amazing how he and his Republican extremists can mess things up so bad. Now they’re trying their hardest to keep Obama from initiating a recovery. There’s no end to their nerve.
Did not like all the money Pres. Bush spent.
He was sincere and did what he thought was right. Isn’t that what you would do?
The media sabotaged and ridiculed him at every opportunity and the gullible public bought the marketing scheme.
All the talk about trashing the constitution is poppycock, history shows that the President has a lot of leeway when it comes to national security.
#60–Don==our do nothing stenography pool was the most incompetent of the Bush supporters. I think they rarely failed to miss an opportunity to look beyond the veil.
Any honorable press corp would have emptied the Press Briefing Room for having asked inappropriate questions. Instead, what we got was transparent plants asking cloying pre-arranged questions.
With criminal prosecutions prevented because of the use of TORTURE, and Bush inserting retroactive immunity for spying into the telecom act, I think the record of constitutional subversion is complete.