Your thoughts on the transition of power and the final 91 hours of the Bush presidency.

  1. Jim says:

    My thoughts? “Finally.”

  2. GregA says:

    First president to beat the curse of tippecanoe. WTG Boosh!

  3. bobbo says:

    It’s not the retards fault. After all, he was “voted” into office.

    So–how can we figure out how to disqualify people from voting who are dumb enough to vote for an obvious disaster THE SECOND TIME?????

    That, or charge them with treason.

  4. curmudgeon says:

    8 years overdue.
    Good Riddance!
    to Cheney Rove & Jeb too.

  5. jasmoran66 says:

    I like the illustration, with his head on a pole. Can I dream?

  6. GF says:

    Well, considering Gore and Kerry was all the democrats had to offer it’s no wonder Bush was President for 8 years.

    [Bingo! – ed.]

  7. ArianeB says:

    I know the comedians are going to miss him.

    I wont.

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    Come on Bobbo, nobody voted for Bush the second time because they wanted him, they voted for Bush because they really didn’t want Kerry.

    Besides, if we disqualified every voter that voted for something stupid or the wrong person, nobody, including YOU and I would be able to vote.

    It will be History that judges what kind of president Bush was not YOU or I…

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Everyone who voted for him in 99 and 07, you’re banished from the island. See ya!

    The problem with this presidency is that his handlers fully intended to remake the USA in their ideal image. It was a f-ked up image, so we’ll be paying the price for a long time.

    But wait, he’s not done yet. The maroon still has a few tricks up his sleeve. this weekend, I bet.

    And Bobbo you are right…even last night it was all about him. I did this, and I did that. I did it because it’s what I believed. Not because it made sense or would work, unfortunately.

    His legacy is toast. Depending on what happens with the economy and al Quaida’s next move, he could be the worst ever. If they go well, he’ll just be a bad one. Can’t wait for his book.

    Actually, I can.

  10. bigds63 says:

    I do believe history will show that he was one of the best Presidents we have had. I only wished he could run one more time for I fear that our future President will not be able to handle what he is about to face. He is just not ready. If you think we have seen bad times with Bush, well I feel we have not seen anything yet. Bush has done a great job for what he had been handed, the ” MEDIA ” just makes fools of most people filling them with lies of things ” THEY ” say he done. If we all only knew the real truth as I said before. History will show he was a Great President.

  11. smartalix says:

    Worst. President. Ever.

  12. bobbo says:

    #8–BigBoy==that formulation makes me stop and think. I too have never voted “FOR” a politician. You’re sure Nader wouldn’t have gotten the Anti-Kerry vote??????


    The wisdom of this general rule was demonstrated by BushtheRetard’s second term. Takes these pols about 3-4 years to get comfortable at the cotrols of a whole new structure to corrupt.


  13. WTF says:

    Olo Baggins of Bywater said:

    “Everyone who voted for him in 99 and 07, you’re banished from the island. See ya! ”

    Nobody voted for Bush in 99 or 07, are you retarded or from another country (or both)

    The Elections were 2000 and 2004…

  14. Barack McCain says:

    #9 I don’t think anyone voted for him in ’99 or ’08. Might want to check the battery in your calendar. It’s running a little slow.

  15. waltersobchack says:

    Transition of power seems to be going fairly smooth.

    I am looking forward to some Kenneth Star style investigation into the war crimes of this administration. Should make for great daytime TV.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    “The Bush Legacy – What do you think?”

    Get back to me in about 6 years. Took me that long to sort through everything Clinton pulled and its long term effects…

  17. Alpha13 says:

    I can summerize the past 8 years in 4 words, “star chamber meat puppet”

  18. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    The messiah’s coming – he’s gonna fix everything.

  19. BigBoyBC says:

    I have to confess, it’s been a long time since I actually voted “FOR” a canidate either. I’ve been voting “AGAINST” canidates for too long. Given the selection, can you can see why…

    I agree with the “vote out all incumbents out”, I’m a firm believer in term limits too.

    I also don’t like one part in control of both houses of congress and the white house at the same time. It’s always ended-up causing us problems down the road.

  20. freddybobs68k says:


    How longs it going to take you to “sort through everything Bush pulled and its long term effects…” Another 6 years or so?

  21. bobbo says:

    #16–Paddy===what? Are you retarded like your good buddy???

    Surely EVERYTHING you didn’t like about Clinton was pretty obvious BEFORE he left office.

    Name one thing? He lied, cheated, sold the Lincoln Bedroom, gave secrets to china, sold pardons, hushed people up with political appointments, etc.

    Name ONE THING you didn’t know. Or are you that slow witted??????

  22. Gavino says:

    The legacy will be a judgement on the American people. You voted him in at least once (we can debate Florida). Dare I say it but, you got the government you deserved?

  23. I’m truly amazed we survived, albeit barely. I think it is a huge international embarrassment for the United States that we let this guy finish out his term without being impeached for war crimes.

    It sends the very bad message that the U.S. is complicit in this. We should have done everything in our power to show the world that he was not representative of the people of the United States.

    Unfortunately, we did not.

    At least now, perhaps we can begin to heal the tremendous internal and external damage caused by the man.

    I don’t even dare to hope that we could begin to heal the damage done by all of the presidential administrations since Bonzo in terms of creating and cementing the government of the corporation by the corporation and for the corporation.

    Let’s hope Obama has a backup copy of the constitution somewhere close on hand.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]

  24. Gerry says:

    Somewhere, in a parallel universe, there is a George W. Bush who never found God and never stopped drinking.

    That President Bush is leaving office as the most beloved and respected President since George Washington.

    Here in this universe, we got stuck with the one who’s dumber than a bag of hammers.

  25. #6 – GF,

    Well, considering Gore and Kerry was all the democrats had to offer it’s no wonder Bush was President for 8 years.

    You seriously believe that either Gore or Kerry could have fucked things up this massively??!!? I honestly can’t imagine how.

    #10 – bigds63,

    I do believe history will show that he was one of the best Presidents we have had. I only wished he could run one more time for I fear that our future President will not be able to handle what he is about to face. He is just not ready. If you think we have seen bad times with Bush, well I feel we have not seen anything yet. Bush has done a great job for what he had been handed, the ” MEDIA ” just makes fools of most people filling them with lies of things ” THEY ” say he done. If we all only knew the real truth as I said before. History will show he was a Great President.

    Implant your head just a tad farther up your colon and you might actually see the light of day. Might I suggest that you take a nice hunting trip with Cheney?

  26. #25 – Gerry,

    Somewhere, in a parallel universe, there is a George W. Bush who never found God and never stopped drinking.

    Somewhere in a parallel universe, Al Gore got elected … just as he did in this one.

  27. chuck says:

    Most successful politicians have to be either sociopaths or narcissists.

    A sociopath doesn’t care what other people think, so he naturally feels he can do better than others.

    A narcissist thinks that he is the best person for the job.

    Judging from Bush’s last press conference I’d say he’s more narcissist than sociopath. He clearly does care what people think of him. So he’s in denial about everything that has happened.

  28. caa says:

    Odds on Scooter getting pardoned by Tuesday?

  29. The Consensus is IN says:

    Well, considering that the consensus of scientists have now gone against Gore, and who knows how filcked up, down, and sideways the country would have ended up had he won, instead of Bush, I think I’ll sleep well knowing that Bush did the best he could to handle extremely complex affairs, using the resources handed him by former administrations.


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