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Mr. Confusion:
I decided to take pity on your inability to use the internettubes:
However, you SHOULD finish 4th grade anyway… 😉
#118–Fusion==how have I EVER hamstrung the UN? Months ago I commented that they were in fact hamstrung because no arms/personnel contributing country wants to be subject to an independent armed force operating independently from them.
I think the UN should have a standing force to act “as authorized” to prevent genocide and what not. It will never happen–they might decide to airdrop into Wa DC and arrest all the neo-cons.
So what are you referring to?
108 Mr. Confusion.
Check your history and you will find Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Now if only there was some way to fight a war and not lose anyone’s son or daughter for the negative effect that tends to have on your polling scores.
Luckily Obama has fixed all that, and the economy, and that is why he is now justifiably considered our hero. Unless… the hero worship thing is just because he is Black… or Irish.
#123, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,
Your claim was that Truman had the lowest approval rating of any President on leaving office. I asked you to back that up. Instead you give a link to an old, conservative “Short History Of Presidential Approval Ratings.” Right off the bat, it errs.
Bush has the lowest approval of any President leaving office at 22%. Bush also has the lowest approval of any President, since Gallup started scientific polling, at 20%. Not the article’s fault, it is an old summary.
Your article also claimed that Gallup predicted Dewey would win. It didn’t. They had Truman behind but gaining. Gallup did not do any polling the final week. Nor did Gallup predict who would win. That was most notably done by the right wing pundits.
I will give you credit for trying, but your claim was bogus and your link was too. After you made your false claim you tried to find some numbers to back you up. You couldn’t.
A graphic of Bushes popularity. It is almost a straight line down.
#123, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,
Your claim was that Truman had the lowest approval rating of any President on leaving office. I asked you to back that up. Instead you give a link to an old, conservative “Short History Of Presidential Approval Ratings.” Right off the bat, it errs.
Bush has the lowest approval of any President leaving office at 22%. Bush also has the lowest approval of any President, since Gallup started scientific polling, at 20%. Not the article’s fault, it is an old summary.
Your article also claimed that Gallup predicted Dewey would win. It didn’t. They had Truman behind but gaining. Gallup did not do any polling the final week. Nor did Gallup predict who would win. That was most notably done by the right wing pundits.
I will give you credit for trying, but your claim was bogus and your link was too. After you made your false claim you tried to find some numbers to back you up. You couldn’t.
A graphic of Bushes popularity. It is almost a straight line down. The spam filter won’t allow two embedded links in one post.
#125, RBG,
108 Mr. Confusion.
Check your history and you will find Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Yes, that is true. But NOT during Bush 43’s term in office. Iraq invaded Kuwait during his father, George H.W. Bush, the 41st President 12 years earlier.
Under United Nations supervision, Iraq was prevented from doing anything militarily. Sanctions were employed to prevent another arms buildup. They had to destroy all their WMDs acquired from the Reagan Administration among other things. Plus they were prevented from flying at all in certain zones.
Thus, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait had nothing to do with Bushes fall into being the worse President in our history.
I am honored to have witnessed the worst president in the entire 232 year history of the United States. Its a once in a lifetime thing if you are unlucky enough to witness it live.
Lets hope future presidents are just bad, okay, or average.
What a pathetic person. First of all he wasted a lot of time and money becoming the savior of Africa. Ain’t that dumb.
Next, he was responsible for preventing any further attacks on the US. That didn’t help our economy and possibly led to the depth of the recession we are now in.
I didn’t agree with the Iraqi War, but I wasn’t in his inner circle. I guess all of you were. I didn’t like the VietNam War, but I served. I even spent 3 years, 4 months, and 20+ days in the war zone.
My question is, Why didn’t all of you geniuses run, so we could have gotten everything right?