This viral video is now even more meta…

  1. The DON says:

    How many viral videos did you spot in that?

    Is it a bad sign that I spotted loads?

  2. Miguel says:

    Is this the first metaviral?

  3. SuperRoach says:

    I noticed heaps… Is this like a maxxed out verison of the original?

    Even things like Rick rolling at the end, but other scenes like seeing Chocolate rain, Chadvader AND stick line racer in the space of like 1-2 seconds!! arrh *head explode*

  4. chuck says:

    Leave Britney Spears alone!
    I’m serious!

  5. Nth of the 49th says:


    rickrolled again

  6. shams.pri says:

    Amazing Site I like it. It Was Quite Interesting NiceWork I appreciate the information you provided. Good day

  7. barovelli says:

    Clicked link hoping to see Ann-Margret. Left unfulfilled.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    very good.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    and.,.. since no one else noticed…
    it was a you tube video of a you tube video….

    that is creepy…

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    I recognized or half-recognized somewhere between half and three quarters of what went on there; I can’t decide if that means I need to spend _more_ time online or less, _way_way_ less…

    Much, much fun!


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