Flourishing microbes are consumed with every bite of cheese though the cooling temperatures in refrigerators do slow down bacterial growth, they do not kill them in cheese or in any other food. Bacteria either naturally swimming around the milk or manually injected and enzymes derived from the inner stomach linings of any slaughtered milk-producing mammal called rennet are added to coagulate the milk into curds.
Two proteins arise from curdled milk and manufacturers capitalize on them: The first is whey, which is essentially leftover liquid from curdled milk and is increasingly being used as an ingredient in producing other foods. The second is casein, which makes up the bulk of the solid part of cheese, along with fat.
Fat is what gives cheese its taste, and 70 to 80 percent of the calories in cheese come from pure fat.
Factories are adding more bacterial groups into cheese to achieve enhanced flavors.
Cheese might be a hot commodity, but like other dairy products, it can have some unhealthy aspects. Other ways to get your calcium fix include eating the following foods: fortified grains, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, cabbage, kelp, seaweed, watercress, chickpeas, broccoli, red beans, soybeans, tofu, seeds and raw nuts. With all that variety, there’s hope for any cheese addict.
Note the disclaimer at the end of the article. Apparently the original article was filled with comments about how cheese is somehow laced with pesticides. I reckon some trade group threatened to sue over that. Note how carefully worded the disclaimer is to kind of hint that cheese is indeed full of pesticides.
Open Vegan sites, such as these, are one thing. But I wonder how many sites like this are acting as scientific “cover” for the others. One interesting aspect of this is that the FBI may be investigating Vegans as possibly subversive or even terrorists. While this seems laughable to most people, there is something creepy about many of these people. And such odd zealotry is indeed suspicious.
Thanks to Nate for pointing this out.
Being originally from Wisconsin, this makes me want to bitch-slip these people. Bacteria and microbes are not always harmful. To live a sterile, bacteria-free life is impossible.
Hey, hippies, there’s bacteria on your cabbage. Always has been, always will be. Come back when you have a better argument.
Excellent observation (comparing vegan to a religion) John. The task of science is to draw conclusions from facts. The task of religion is to highlight facts the support your conclusions.
I saw this on MSNBC’s website and thought the same thing. Link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28641673/
It’s the bacteria in the cheese that makes it tasty.
#1 – predictably doesn’t miss a chance to display his blanket bigotry. I guess all “hippies” must be vegans – just like all christians must be southern baptists – and all nerds and geek are required to bow their head either (and only) in the direct of a Job or Gates.
What a boring shuck.
Of course, you only make cheese with active cultures of varying kinds. For centuries. I guess that’s a concern for people who talk to their plants – and receive answers.
Just like the christians who aren’t just religious; but, talk to their god every night and receive directions to the path of righteousness prepaid.
Vegan-ism is progressing to cult status
Check out: http://www.suprememastertv.com
24 hour TV in 60 languages on satellites all over the world. Promoting vegan-ism as a religion. With a leader who gives herself the title of “Supreme Master”. Smacks of Jim Jones. Watch out for the pure vegetable based Kool Aid.
Cool John, you’ve thrown down the gauntlet. Now we’ll see which of your usual bloggers are militant vegans. This could get bloody…
So what do you promote John? Eating meat with every meal? Good luck with the colon cancer you’ll be getting then. I’m not a vegan nor a vegetarian (right now) but as a whole, most Americans eat too much meat.
I accept the fact that milk is dangerous.
You and Your Milk
Milk The Deadly Poison
Some cheeses also have molds, like Blue, Stilton, or Roquefort. They’re still delicious. Incidentally, that mold is the organism that makes penicillin, which saves lives.
Echoing the above: MMMMM cheese and meat.
If they think that’s gross, then I guess they’ve never heard of Nattō (fermented soybeans), or Lutefisk (fish soaked in caustic soda). Yummm…
“Veganistas!” I knew there was something creepy about them.
Notably higher in fiber than regular Kool-Aid.
If they wanted to scare people, they should have taken info from this cheese and say it was used in other types of cheese…
I don’t think LiveScience is a ‘front’ for the Vast Vegan Conspiracy- looks like they’re getting called out for this article by their readers. Although I do wonder about the editorial decision to run it.
This is almost as good as Sea Kittens.
best rant i ever read:
These morons better lay off the booze then.
I’m against extremism in all forms (is that extreme?), but calling veganism a religion is a little silly (or a little troll-y), although some of the more extreme vegans might resemble religion extremists. But that’s true about anything. If you refuse to give up eating meat, then doesn’t that make you a flesh worshipper?
Normally I would look upon this as just another group eager to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. Well, strictly speaking they are.
However, in this case I say the more vegans the better. It cuts down on the demand thus lowering the price of those tender and juicy fire-kissed steaks that makes life worth living.
Dvorak is propagandist to the max.
What does Linda MacCartney and Steve Jobs taught us? VEGAN DIET WON’T PREVENT CANCER NOR CURE IT. So you weed eating bitches get off that soy horse and go eat a steak.
The “Video” tab on that website has some nice views.
I am convinced that if it was illegal for people to tell anyone that they were vegan or vegetarian than there would be very few vegans and vegetarians.
The only people who are more annoying are those who claim that they “do not own a TV”.
I am suspicious of the zealots on dvorak.org
Maybe a week back I read an aritcle about women who had gastric problems and had her husbands stool implanted in her stomach to get the right bacteria back.
It worked. Some bacteria can kill you but you can’t live well without some of them in and on you.
“FBI may be investigating Vegans as possibly subversive or even terrorists. While this seems laughable to most people, there is something creepy about many of these people.”
Well there’s something creepy about most of the people right here! But I don’t think that warrants having the FBI checking us out on DU. Though it wouldn’t surprise me that they were, already. And it doesn’t surprise me that the FBI is checking out fringe groups, who may pose some kind of economic threat to major agro concerns. After all, the US government has done so many things in the past to thwart opposition to Banana Republics it backed. Labeling any outraged labor reform movements as “Communsist”. And sending in the CIA to do some Latin dictators’ dirty work. All in the name of cheap bananas and coffee.
So why should it surprise anyone that the FBI get sicced on anti-dairy activists. Nobody’s doing the same for Dairy’s FUD of soy products. Or Cotton growers’ FUD of Hemp. It’s all about who got to Congress first, with the most lobbying dollars.
Bacterial is all around us and in us. Its needed for life and its not a bad thing. Veganism is just another nut ball fetish. I rate it right up there with Scientology.
#26, could you find that article? Because that is beyond crazy! That is what probiotics are for. I take them during and after a round of antibiotics. I have NEVER heard of borrowing someone’s shit!
It’s disappointing that you can speak about a group of people like that.
Firstly, veganism is not a religion, and it’s really frustrating to see how many people misuse that term. Look up “religion” on wikipedia and see if it really fits. You’ll find it doesn’t, mainly because because people identify (or don’t identify but still practice) as vegan for a hundred different reasons, not because of some common belief system. Recognising that a plant-based diet is a way to care for the earth is equivalent to joining a religion? Using your consumer power to protest against the horrific conditions rampant in the meat & dairy industries is crazy-talk? And changing your diet because meat and animal products upset your digestive system makes you a CREEP?
I am not a vegan, if that helps you to identify with what I’m saying. PETA get up my ass and I find most of their adverts ineffective (not to mention sexist, but that’s another issue). But there are extremists in every group of people and making generalisations helps nobody.
Furthermore, what’s funny is that nothing in that article you posted is false or even exaggerated. I highly encourage everyone to ask questions about everything they put in their mouths, and get info from a lot of different sources. If you sat there and thought about it for long enough, you too might think that cheese is pretty fucking gross. No other animal consumes milk from another species – why the hell do humans? And why do we need to add the stomach lining of baby calves to our cheeses when there are so many better enzymes available?
Getting information from both ends of the spectrum will always give the most balanced answers. The only thing you should fear is blindly following the herd.
#30–Jessica??? Jessica Rabbit????? “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.” One of my favorite lines ever. Gosh, I’m on pins and needles.
Whats your gripe? Its actually sad that veganism is not a religion. If it were, it would be one of the best===I guess that explains it doesn’t it? Another FAIL for the human race.
As to drinking the milk–no other animal goes to school to learn to read. You should try it.
I agree everyone should know what goes into their mouths. We are what we eat and its good to know what we encourage by different diets.
To that end, you’ve got to be religiously stupid to go all vegan, or all meat, or all anything. Consuming moderate amounts of everything you like with more exercise than our life styles easily allow, and we would all lead healthier lives.