(Click pic to embiggen.)

Found by Mr. Justin who doesn’t need drugs or these techniques to hallucinate

  1. The Warden says:

    reading some of the leftist crap on here makes me hallucinate.

  2. dm says:

    This is a real money saver. Thanks!

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    My brain’s been hacked a long, long time ago…

  4. Dallas says:

    And who says our proud US torture chambers in Guantanamo did not produce some innovative ideas?
    This is terrific DIY (Do it Yourself) entertainment in a slowing economy.

  5. The Warden says:

    #4. Very true. Al Qaeda doesn’t bother to let you use your head to hallucinate. That is, unlike at Gitmo, AQ cuts your head off before you can try those nifty exercizes above.

  6. billabong says:

    To the warden….you are trapped in your own prison.Some kind of mindbending drug will be necessary to break you out.Me?its the tender trap,35 years of marriage.

  7. Kanjy says:

    That rubber hand technique would be very good for interrogation. “If you don’t answer, we’re going to hit your hand with a hammer!” (But actually, it’s not his real hand. It’s the rubber one. But if he figures it out and then starts acting like a jerk, then you hit his real hand with the hammer.)

  8. Steve says:

    “If you happen to have a realistic-looking rubber arm in the closet”

  9. Named says:


    Why not? It worked for Republicans since G HW Bush.


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