Michael Calderone’s Blog: Comcast launches all-Obama channel – Politico.com Someone mentioned this possibility as a joke. Here it is.

Do you need Obama coverage 24 hours a day? In several markets, Comcast cable is launching an all-Obama, On Demand channel. (In D.C., it’s channel 963).

Leading up to Inauguration, the channel will offer a number of Obama-related programs, according to a release: “Barack Obama’s most famous speeches to date, from his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 through his election night victory speech in Grant Park; Barack Obama biography; Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention speech; a tour of the White House; and the history of Air Force One.”

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Hot diggity!

  2. Dallas says:


    To compete, maybe Palin can get her own program too on Nickelodeon.

  3. igor says:

    out of all presidents i think bush channel would be most viewed

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    I wouldn’t mind watching bush… ‘can’t get enough bush… ‘more bush the better…

    Ok, I’m done…

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    I blame Bush for this. Its his abysmal presidency that has created such high expectation and ridiculous rapture around his successor.

  6. igor says:

    whats harder
    1. turn around economy
    2. be a bigger failure than Bush

  7. framitz says:

    Obama Channel? That is SICK and NOT in a good way! Not as twisted as a palin channel though.

  8. Numbers says:

    — (In D.C., it’s channel 963).

    There are an estimated 963 million hungry people in the world.

    Syria ISPs for Country Code +963

    In the year 963:

    But the most interesting one: Take 3 from the 9 and add it to the 3.

  9. EvilPoliticians says:

    I am anxious for him to be in office. It will be entertaining to watch so many be disappointed.

    Not bashing, just saying.

    Ask a variety of people why they think Obama will be the best president in history and what he will do for them.

    Much of the time, they have formed an image of he will do exactly what they want even if conflicts with other people’s expectations.

    There is no place to go but down for Obama. He is extremely smart but once he gets going, some are going to be disappointed. Question is how many. Certainly not enough to lose re-election but still.

  10. jcd'slovechild says:

    All hail our glorious leader! 🙂

  11. algore says:

    will they play Al Sharpton singing Barrack the Magic negro?

  12. Animby says:

    #6 – Have you also found a way to blame Bush for the urine stains in your underwear? Just wondering.

    With Obama not even yet the prez and already threatening vetoes, maybe an all Obama channel would be a good thing. Can the Obama “honeymoon” be over so soon?

  13. Mark III says:

    Just shoot me now. Four years of this ass licking? Christ.

  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    #13 Nope. Those urine stains I blame on too much Guinness. I do, however, blame Bush for the most abysmal presidency in living memory. I’m sure the worldwide sigh of relief when he does actually go will be heard in the next galaxy.

  15. BigBoyBC says:

    The higher the expectations, the harder the fall…

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Oh please! While I’m not in entirely in favor of this. I think there is an over reaction whenever the democrats get access to a broadcast medium. You hear all the time about the liberal press, and what not. But the truth is that the republicans have had it mostly to themselves for decades. And the very few outlets for the democrats, have been wanting of financial support. I keep hearing about a couple of them being on the radio, but not in my area (Wash, DC). And only in a few cities, at all. I’d like to hear what Al Franken has to say, but forget it. No stations carry the Liberal view in my state.

    But during the first term of Clinton’s presidency, they gave vent to Rush Limbaugh’s democrat bashing, on Tv for four years. They only cancelled that, once Clinton won his second term. The diehard republican broadcast monopolists, bankrolled that buffoon’s rants, regardless of its bad ratings, in a majority democratic state. And then of course there’s the who FOX Tv network on cable and broadcast. But alone comes CNN with Keith Oberman, and suddenly the liberal are WINNING! Oh my god!!

    Gees, get a life. I’m more concerned about ALL the politicians gumming up Youtube with their campaign lies and false promises. Youtube is for the average citizen, who can’t afford million dollar media exposure. And not for these favor of the month corporate sell outs. What will be next? Prostitutes advertising on Youtube? For a real good time, call Candy. Or vote for this clown. Same thing, isn’t it?

  17. BOEPC says:

    They’re just trying to cash in like all those people selling coins and collectible plates.

  18. Dallas says:

    You’re frustrated and pathetic.

    However, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re obsession with tagging obama as evil is left over anger with being a loser.

    The Obama is a fascist, commie, pinko, arab, terrorist bull backfired so bad during the campaign that it is now a joke on the GOP party itself. I think it’s wonderful to have this now warmed over for the new year. Jokes on you!

  19. Paddy-O says:

    I wonder who Obama will appoint to be Secretary of Propaganda to provide ongoing content?

  20. jimbo says:


    probably you, as you are one of the brightest minds this planet could ever hoped to have produced.

    I salute you Paddy-o. If not for your hilariously pathetic posts then for your ability to enrage others with just a simple key punch from those wikipedia entranced adolescent fingers of yours.

    Oh, and by the way., just what are your qualifications in urban combat operations?You couldn’t reply when questioned……story of your life……

    *see post#76 on “time for a boycott of israel”

    Ok, that’s the last of my harassment….

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 jimbo said, “Ok, that’s the last of my harassment….”

    I doubt it. People who are repeatedly owned online by someone tend to obsessively seek out their posts and act like a stalker. Nice to see that you are living up to that stereotype 😉 …

  22. bobbo says:

    #24–Paddy. hahah. Well Done. A little psycho-ology. Were you making an assessment or only reflecting on your own behavior? (:-0)

  23. god says:

    Copping the sort of Mix Channel DirecTV offers fulltime for some categories, parttime for a special event like this.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 bobbo said, “Paddy. hahah. Well Done. A little psycho-ology.”

    Well, when dealing with obsessive stalking psychos that’s what you use. 🙂

  25. jimbo says:

    AGAIN you didn’t answer about the combat operations…..don’t try and discredit someone when you don’t know anything about it yourself.

    it could be viewed like that i suppose….although are you sure you read the right psychology article on the old wiki?

    i’m not a stalker man, I just recognise a twat when i see one.

    i don’t have a problem with you per-se, it just infuriates me how you conduct yourself amongst a community of intelligent people who come here for insight and fellowship against the rest of this F’d up planet…i haven’t found one other person on this site that provokes as much hostility as you, calling people liars, pointing out silly mistakes and using your vast wealth of BORROWED knowledge to put someone else down.

    Just because you are good at typing something into a search engine doesn’t give you the right to claim knowledge that simply isn’t your own.

    From this point on I won’t be posting against you, as it is obviously futile to make somebody as cocky as you realise when they are wrong.

    The real test comes when/if you can have the intelligence to reply to this in a manner which is acceptable for us worthwhile net users and not just another putdown/challenge…..

    there’s so much evidence that you have been wrong so many times, so just take your head out of your ass and stop being a d*ck.

    ps. you would make an excellent politician in later life….if not for you skill at lying then your talent at bypassing the real issues and fobbing off people with drivel.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 jimbo said, “ps. you would make an excellent politician in later life….if not for you skill at lying then your talent at bypassing the real issues and fobbing off people with drivel.”

    Wow, you really do listen to Omama and have him nailed. Well done!

  27. jimbo says:

    it’s true of anyone trying to state something they shouldn’t…..

    take it easy paddy-o, i hope to clash with you in the future..

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 30 jimbo said, “i hope to clash with you in the future..”

    Spoken like a true stalker. 😉

  29. jimbo says:


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