1. bobbo says:

    Like most mothers, Harriet thought her new twins were beautiful, but her friends wondered just what she did on her vacation in South America.

  2. Gonster Macher says:

    Is this 69 or 88?

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Gives new meaning to “tongue in cheek.”

  4. Dallas says:

    The only known and approved safe sex illustration from the religious right.

  5. hhopper says:

    This gives new meaning to French kissing.

  6. Cute tamanduas. Too bad they won’t get to live out their lives in the wild.

    For the title, how about:

    Darling, you seem a little distant today.

  7. #6 – me,

    Or better:

    I feel as if I can’t get close to you anymore.

  8. Or:

    Something has come between us … our noses.

  9. “Bestiality”

  10. the Media Bastard says:

    A hospital statement said the complex interconnection of blood vessels required “a meticulous and paced disconnection, which justifies the very high price for this operation”
    GM and Chrysler are donating $14 million dollars for the operation, while Freddie Mac is expected to pay the other half.

  11. Regenvelter says:

    (Chokes)”Hey Nat,got Me a kibble stuck in My throat”!

  12. Jim says:

    “With the overwhelming darkness of the world around us, and the fear of death and despair, I find, without reservation, that you, my dear, are a wicked, wicked animal. grrrr”

  13. ECA says:


    WHO NEEDs a TOOTH BRUSH?? we have better ways to remove ants between our teeth..

  14. Tom says:

    In your bed, making out with your wife

  15. CountSmackula says:

    No tongues!

    /Blazing Saddles

  16. dcphill says:


  17. ECA says:

    But to but, nose to nose…

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Well, whaddya know? Eskimo anteaters!

  19. samuelelliot says:

    Carnival cruise ships bring ‘Towel Animals’ to a whole new level.


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