I cannot manage to get through this whole thing. It’s that bad.

Found by Rick Salsman.

  1. John Paradox says:

    Soon to be seen during American Idol (?)


  2. tPet says:

    My ears!! My bleeding ears!!!!!

  3. wiglebot says:

    What do you call the evolution of a company as is becomes isolated and perversely insular. MS is so out-of-touch with everything except XP, and Office. But even the Ads for those are bizarre. Tried searching for “Windows 7” on MS live – it could not find the main page until today??? Google lists it first every time.

  4. Thinker says:

    Add this to the list of things white people like.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    Anyone notice how fast the story about the Tax dodging Obama Treas Sec got yanked from this blog?

  6. GF says:


  7. LibertyLover says:

    #37, #38,

    Yeah. I was just starting to enjoy it, too!

  8. Jeebers says:

    The concept of the application is pretty cool. Knowing Microsoft though I’m sure it doesn’t work as expected. A love ballad probably turns into a BSOD medly. Infomercial is not great but it’s not horrible either, at least for its target audience.

  9. GregA says:

    Its funny how Apple announces that Steve Jobbs is dying and the blog’o’sphere ignores that news and starts printing microsoft hatred stories everywhere.

  10. RASTERMAN says:

    #9 (Troublemaker): Good catch, it is a Mac laptop! How embarrassing for the Mac community…

    I guess we’ve got one more good reason NOT to install Windows on Apple equipment.



  11. GregA says:


    I was looking at this program on Long Zhengs blog the other day. I think this software is pretty slick as far as… automatic music generation software goes. This odd commercial…

    Also, this is version one Microsoft software. If this gets to version 3, this will be how music is made…

    And… I downloaded the demo and tried it, and I could feel it sucking the soul out of my body. I ended up fdisking remotely, it was the only way to be sure.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 pedro said, “Boy, yanked like bad yard weed. Still, I can appreciate that yanking. T’was like the ultimate reality distortion reaction: make as if it never happened.”

    Yep, same thing Obama is trying to do.

  13. TerryTate says:

    Thanks Microsoft,

    Thanks for insuring that thousands upon thousands of delusional songsmiths will be sharing their wonderful creations throughout the land.

    Good god.

  14. Miguel says:

    I saw it all the way through. But hey, I’m unemployed, I can sleep late tomorrow.

  15. Canine says:

    I can’t believe Microsoft would do this.

  16. Barack McCain says:

    Original song the girl was supposed to sing:

    “I’m singing with my laptop;
    Dad beats me with a spoon;
    They keep me in the basement;
    I get fed if I’m good.

    I sleep in a small dog cage;
    I’ve never seen the sun;
    I must pretend I’m happy;
    I’ve got to find his gun.”

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    As usual, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and Pedro the *A*hole have nothing to add except their own shit.

  18. Breetai says:

    Okay the look on their faces at 3:15… This has got to be a spoof.

    Unfortunately even as a spoof it’s a fail there too.

  19. Common_Sense says:

    I gotta say, I’m not a hater. I mean, I’m not a lover of this either, cause I could give a **** about making music, and of course it isn’t a polished product even if I were.

    The concept is very interesting. I know lots of young kids who would get a kick out of it just as entertainment – some who already just record themselves singing. Why not one more step? I can see this working as a toy.

    Might be value as a mock-up tool too. Sometimes when I write, the hardest thing to do is get the first paragraph. Once you have something, editing it to what you really want is easy. This might work in that way for someone. If the output could create some sheet music or export to some other editor to do electronic sound editing to offer some more options…

    The awful DLR song? Terrible, but don’t forget that there are lots of options even just displayed, and who knows what got picked. Plus, listen to that raw audio track, and tell me that “style” (if I can call it that) is not about the worst example input to feed something like this.

    One last comment on the concept: Can anyone out there REALLY tell me that the human equivalent of this automated mixing isn’t pretty much what most crappy pop music is done with? The technology will be able to make Brittany Spears music pretty soon. The dance choreographer is the only real artist there…

    As for the ad? Well, that sucked, and even my objective/dispassionate side can’t defend it.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #44 – ‘dro

    >>Yeah, yanked like bad yard weed

    Holy shit, ‘dro! You get to grow that stuff in your yard in Kuzconia?


    Better pace yourself though, you seem to have hallucinated that the tax cheat story was yanked like yard weed.

  21. Satman says:

    OMG Microsoft BoB meets karaoke and shower singers… this is some nasty stuff

  22. QB says:

    First the iPhone Ocarina, now this. Excuse me, must find scotch.

  23. #58 – ‘dro

    >>what was yanked was that beloved “change”
    >>of yours.

    My beloved change was yanked? ‘Dro! Wtf, dude? You’re gibbering like a gol dang chimp, boy!

  24. hhopper says:

    You guys rant all you want. This software will be purchased by millions of wannabes out there. Just look at how many show up for American Idol auditions and can’t hold a tune in a paper bag. Mark my words… MS will make a lot of money from this.

    Here’s another example from Songsmith.

    In the right hands, it has possibilities.

  25. somecalmetim says:

    This commercial is awful.

    I am pretty sure MS Songsmith is the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse and we should all be very scared…but…it is going to make a sh*tload of money from the parents of young girls before the end.

    …and besides it’s Microsoft so it’s pretty easy to use.

  26. QB says:

    OK had a Bowmore. Brain cells cleared.

    I’m feeling really sorry for some poor guy in MS Research who has spent the last 20 years of his life coding, going to school, going to grad school, and countless hours researching and designing this – which may be a pretty cool program.

    Then some marketing gurk with a degree in catology produces this gerbil vomit.

  27. neko says:

    this might be under ripley’s belive it or not.
    but i think i saw this ad on tv my area must have been the test market. i couldn’t watch 10secs of it and didn’t know what it was for in tell i saw this.

  28. Jim says:

    Oh I can see possibilities — throw in bits of dialog from various tv shows and movies and see what it does with them. Especially someone with perfect diction and cadence, maybe a few Shakespearean actors.

    The marketing folks need to be shot with heavy mortars, but if it was redone and marketed properly it will probably do very well for kids and the occasional “song writer”.

    If I was writing a song it would be useful to run the lyrics through and try different settings to see if I can come up with a better way of singing it — which is pretty much what songwriters, composers and singers do, ya know.

    Just not on a computer run by an idiot.

    In this flaming towel world of theirs, I’d be the other pitch-man with the pained expression. Plus I’d be telling that client they are insane and really should take a long vacation.

    Of course they’d be out of business within six months anyway, so it’s a moot point.

    I feel a musical coming on.

  29. rzwo says:

    OMG! Where’s the DRM to protect me from this crap!


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