I cannot manage to get through this whole thing. It’s that bad.

Found by Rick Salsman.

  1. ECA says:

    DEATH to midi, has happened..

  2. Hornswaggled says:

    Wow, wow, wow. I got to the point where the dad started singing and couldn’t take it anymore.

    This cant be legit. I am torn, should I try to watch more or quickly move on?

    Now every time I hear Dvorak I will think of this.

  3. BillsBayou says:

    My kids would LOVE this. Up until they start yelling at each other to shut up about the stupid songs they’re creating about each other.

    This is the kind of commercial you come up with when you don’t look for outside advice. Each of the songs created SUCK and FAIL in their purpose. Dad writes a horrible jingle. Band-Guy will get beat up by his band mates. How about a commercial that comes up with success stories?

  4. KAMV says:

    Only Microsoft can save the “Glow in the Dark Towel” campaign.

  5. Oh Geez says:

    If you really want to torture yourself click through to Youtube and watch it in HD.

    I tried to get through it but couldn’t. If this gets out watch MSFT stock crash.

  6. Bobby says:

    “Microsoft huh? So it’s pretty easy to use?” Yessireebob-creating crap has never been easier-thanks to Microsoft. But who would expect anything other than crap from the mostest craptastic software company in the whole-wide-world? Now I can fill my Zune with “my own music”. Who knew I was a songwriter? Nothing to see here, move along…

  7. One Liner says:

    “Microsoft huh…So its pretty easy to use?”

  8. Mark says:

    What’s amazing is that at no point did someone at Microsoft think this was a bad product to showcase. Did they really think people want to compose elevator music? Apparently they did, then wrote a 5 minute presentation video, hired producer, director, cast, locations, crew, editor, etc.

    Apple comes out with cool videos, Microsoft comes out with embarrassing facepalms.

  9. @win says:

    Check out the parody version:

  10. Troublemaker says:

    Errr… I’m confused. They’re using a Mac.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    All that’s missing is the Sham Wow guy…

  12. Troublemaker says:

    Hmmm… reminds me of the music in that crap Joss Wheden show “Dr. Horrible”. Maybe that’s how he did it.

  13. sewerurchin says:

    Apparently it can get worse. Gizmodo has an embed of David Lee Roth vocals for “Runnin’ with the Devil” fed into SongSmith. I urge you to check it out..once and only once for your own mental health sake.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Is that how the Osmonds got started?

  15. Paddy-O says:

    God! Brady Bunch writers meet MS?

  16. Dallas says:

    OK. After one minute, I’d rather set myself on fire. However, one could still turn this into a “watch out for the boogie man” infomercial..

    For example: A chat window pops up..

    “Hey, I’m Josh and want to exchange pictures. I’m 14”

  17. MagnusPatris says:

    “…It comes up with music that matches your voice”. So there must be a musical style called “annoying, tone-deaf brat” that I am unaware of. Kill me now.

  18. the real billybob says:

    I just threw up a little bit in my mouth…

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    I’m sure the EULA on this software states that Microsoft owns the IP rights and copyrights to every song all users make with this software, and sharing it online will get the RIAA on your case.

  20. Sinn Fein says:

    A shining, puke-your-guts-out example of an idea that should have died an ugly, horrible death in a production meeting somewhere.

  21. itate says:

    “It’s the cool new thing” yeah right.

    But it was better than the “Windows 3-3-386” video.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    The software is designed for the plebeian wannabe singers out there.

    This software can also make your voice sound like it is in tune.

    Personal involvement might not be a big deal for all the true tech dudes, but the unwashed masses love this crap. See the Wii as an example of player involvement success.

  23. Shubee says:

    I believe this qualifies as a great killer application. I would love to have the Songsmith for myself but I wouldn’t pay more than $50 for it.

  24. Cursor_ says:

    JCD: Cursor, how many notes do you need to tell me this girl’s song sucks?

    Cursor: John, I can say it sucks in three notes.

    JCD: Cursor, here are those three notes. Now how sucky is that song?

    Cursor: Sucky enough that I’m switching to android and putting everything in the cloud.


  25. pfkad says:

    #23 Shubee: Yeah. It about killed me. And they need bagpipes on that thing if they want to match my voice.

  26. GF says:

    A few thoughts:

    Yep, it’s a GarageBand killer.

    Software only a Quaker would use. To bad they don’t use computers.

    The guys expression at 3:15 says it all.

  27. Shubee says:

    I wonder if the Songsmith can create a synthetic voice, like in this song by Patrick Henry:


    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]

  28. JoaoPT says:

    Great nerdy infomercial…sucks way less than Disney channel…


  29. Andyg says:

    Strangely enough this proves that we will have time travel at some point. Obviously SongSmith was used to write The Music Man and Oklahoma!

    Makes perfect sense now.


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