I cannot manage to get through this whole thing. It’s that bad.

Found by Rick Salsman.

  1. Uncle Patso says:


    Is this seriously supposed to sell anything to anyone?



    #39, it’s still there in _my_ browser…

  2. jokerfile says:

    MMM want to copy Apple Garageband’s learn a song function, but can’t get hold of the stars,well microsoft knows how to copy quite well. Even the laptop in this infomertial is a Macbook badly Decorated!!! jees man.

  3. Miguel says:

    Dudes, look at the ‘Science is Cool’ video!


    Really, it’s cute 🙂

    OK, just woke up and it’s way past 3 PM… :/

  4. orangetiki says:

    Why do I have the feeling that this is Microsoft’s version of Garage Band?

  5. WanKhairil says:

    I thought this was some kind of joke, but when the URL actually loaded from MS’ website, I cringed, and I’m pretty sure my brain actually got confused and sent out a “fight or flight” reaction. Such a scary moment. Aiiiihhhh…. Microsoft, stop it.

  6. Fritze says:

    I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth, yarrrg!!!

  7. Come on people, this is a Microsoft Research project. It is a very positive sign that Microsoft now allows their PhDs to play around without marketing interference.

    It is a joke at the nature of most of pop music which is already computer generated and the fools in the audience swallow it whole. But bear in mind that there are very sophisticated ideas behind songsmith. It is a show case of these concepts and never meant as product.

  8. neel says:

    please kill me. i just suffered the whole thing.


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