Text of email sent to Apple staff:
I am sure all of you saw my letter last week sharing something very personal with the Apple community. Unfortunately, the curiosity over my personal health continues to be a distraction not only for me and my family, but everyone else at Apple as well. In addition, during the past week I have learned that my health-related issues are more complex than I originally thought.
In order to take myself out of the limelight and focus on my health, and to allow everyone at Apple to focus on delivering extraordinary products, I have decided to take a medical leave of absence until the end of June.
I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for Apple’s day to day operations, and I know he and the rest of the executive management team will do a great job. As CEO, I plan to remain involved in major strategic decisions while I am out. Our board of directors fully supports this plan.
I look forward to seeing all of you this summer.
Thanks, K B
Ah. I was wondering why my iPhone suddenly stopped working.
Place your Death Pool® bets. I say he’ll be gone by September.
@2 What’s wrong with you?
#3 a said
I believe it is called being realistic.
Doctor: Well Mr Jobs, what seems to be the trouble?
Jobs: I have a hormone imbalance.
Doctor: Ok. When was the last time you ate?
Jobs: 1985.
Doctor: I think I see the problem.
Ummm….Broiled New York Steak, well done on the outside, juicy and red on the inside. Pork chops. BBQ’d and tasty. Chicken breasts, cooked in a white wine sauce with mushrooms and garlic. Big ol’ turkey drumsticks. Inch thick hamburger with pickles and red onions, on sourdough. Spaghetti and meatballs. Salami and cheese sandwich. Ham and eggs. Tunafish mixed with mayonaise on toast. Shephard’s pie.
Wheat grass. Celery stalks. Broccoli. Spinach leaves. Wheat germ. Grade A topsoil. Sand. Lawn clippings.
What’s that, Doc?
You say he is not able to gain weight? Now, now. How could that be?
I wish him well. Not that I think for a second that he reads DU.
The real mystery is who is this K B person he thanks at the end of his letter? Hmm…
All the best to this great pioneer of personal computing.
Thanks Steve! Now take care of your health!
Nothing is more important than that! Apple will prosper you have taught us well!
That steak dinner would be a bit unwise with a third of your small intestines gone, and most of your pancreas. Whipple procedure requires a careful diet
I’m pretty sick too but I can’t take off until June.
I wish him a speedy recovery. He is a pioneer in his field.
He’s got cancer. Look at him, he looks like Skeletor.
A good time to short Apple stock is now.
What the heck happened to “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?” Get well anyway SJ!
This is not a story…absolutely no surprise at all.
Goodbye Macbook.
He probably needed to take this time off a year ago. Like many people in his position, he doesn’t feel he can let others run the business. I wish him only the best, because he is a force in the computer (and consumer electronics) industries.
There’s no reason to short APPL stock. I’m sure they have other cool things in the pipeline that will blow the fanboy’s socks off.
He just needs a hot beef injection down his throat with all of its dripping juices.
What, did I say something wrong…?
Bet the battery in my iphone lives longer…pancreatic ca is bad!!!!
Name three CEOs who have done a better at hiring extremely talented, self-motivated team members. If Jobs goes, Apple will miss him and regard him as the visionary that made its third chapter the greatest. So far.
#6 – Bitter Root
Damn you, Damn you all to hell!
It’s probably safe to say that this guy has his finger on the pulse of modern consumer gadetry. I’m willing to bet that the stress of it all isn’t helping whatever has condition is.
Steve Jobs is the opposite of Benjamin Button.
# 24 Buzz said, “Name three CEOs who have done a better at hiring extremely talented, self-motivated team members.”
Too bad he doesn’t know how to hire top execs…
#28, Cow-Paddy,
I don’t think you qualify to work in Apples stock room. They require a certain degree of intelligence.
Jobs has been and still is an extremely good leader. While all other computer makers have fallen under MicroSoft’s thumb, Apple remains very profitable and innovative.
Including PIXAR and Disney, he has shown his talents. Obama could use someone like him to help run the country.
# 29 Mr. Fusion said, “I don’t think you qualify to work in Apples stock room.”
Of course not. I don’t follow Jobs into the shower room hoping he’ll drop the soap. How long have you worked for Apple?
#30, Cow-Paddy,
This shows how juvenile you are.
Suggesting I am gay is childish. No, I’m not. Nor do I have any issue with those who are. When I think of the number of very capable homosexuals that have proven themselves to be great, maybe I should take your comment as a backhanded compliment.
No, I don’t work for Apple. I wouldn’t hesitate to though. They are a good company with very good compensation and conditions. I think they surpass Radio Shack by a large margin.
If Apple decided to move to the Mid-West, I would certainly consider them.