![]() Let the punishment fit the crime |
A senior adviser to the Pope has said excommunication could be used to punish Mexican drug traffickers. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who is the Vatican secretary of state, said it was the church’s severest form of rebuke.
Cardinal Bertone said the church was alarmed at what it called the disasters of drug-fuelled violence in Mexico, a largely Catholic nation…
Speaking ahead of a trip to Mexico, the cardinal said excommunication could be a possible punishment for the traffickers, who last year alone were blamed for more than 5,000 deaths…
Cardinal Bertone said it was a very harsh deterrent, that the church used only for the most serious of crimes.
Of course, you could stand in the middle of the fracking Sahara and pray for rain, too.
Yeah! That’ll do it!
This may just work…
If the people believe that being excommunicated is a very bad thing it could have some positive result.
At least it costs the taxpayer nothing.
And your knee jerk reaction to anything religious is the same as calling black person a nigger.
#4–Gig===hahahahah. The thin veneer of christian good will, so easy to rub off. What a bigot.
No. The Catholic church will not do this. Interfere with their mission on earth to save souls ((collect revenue)).
What would Jesús Malverde do?
It should work with believers but not with atheists. I guess you just have to kill them.
Of course some believers would rather live rich and go the Hell than live poor and go to Heaven.
Of course drug dealers only have one god and that’s money.
Hey christer. You’re a fool.
If you are heartless enough to be a member of a Mexican drug gang, you just ain’t gunna care what some girl dressed in a white and gold dress is going to say.
But, calling a black a nigger is a deliberate attempt to insult him because of he was born black. Calling someone a “christer” is a deliberate attempt to insult him because he chose to be stupid.
Maybe the gangsters would like to buy some iniquity offsets….
Catholicism is the worst example of christianity. It seems the church that Christ built through Peter has gone from stupid to mean spirited to totally disconnected from reality. I mean, do they really think a person capable of kidnapping torture and murder is frightend by the prospect of excommunion. Out of touch is an understatement.
I see the religion haters are out in force, again. I really don’t get it, what motivates you guys? If you consider something to be stupid or ignorant does that qualify it as more interesting or worthy of commentary?
#10–amaramadingdong==please clearly state the guideline one should follow on whether or not to comment on a posted topic.
#8 – Mr. Fusion
>>Hey christer. You’re a fool.
Haw! Good one! “Christer”. I haven’t heard that one before!
#10 – Amo
You have to forgive Bobo.
He can’t help it. It’s like Tourette’s syndrome…whenever there’s anything remotely related to religion (or maybe unrelated to religion), he goes on his pre-recorded tirade about how stupid, unthinking, ignorant, illogical, and moronic anyone is who doesn’t share his beliefs. Sheeple, in fact!
In fact, that may be an excellent guideline for when to post.
Fine I understand it now, the interest is purely anthropological. I’ve always had a fascination for the god symbol. I enjoy reading bobo’s commentaries, he’s so passionate! Sa shame he doesn’t seem to have much humility, though.
#15–amodedoma==heh, heh. KD Martin thinks I’m Upset just because I posted that I was upset.
Humility: the quality or state of being humble
Humble: 1: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission
3 a: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale
Aren’t all of us currently living “the crown of creation?” Maybe people who are humble have good reason to be?
and always the favorite: Takes one to know one.
Humble: someone who never disagrees with me. heh, heh.
So, seriously, whats your point?
Er, bobbo, I didn’t see my name anywhere on this post until you mentioned it. But go ahead, put the words in my mouth.
Mr. Mustard and I get along because I don’t equate mindless adherence to religion with a person of faith, and he doesn’t berate me for being a scientist and having faith in the scientific method. My friend BubbaRay is on board with that too, I think.
Remember the movie “Contact”, Carl Sagan’s film, and Ellie / Jodie Foster’s dilemma?
Got me all wrong again, just seems a bit extreme. Discounting one of humanities treasured gifts, sorry you don’t get it. Maybe when you grow up. Show me what you hate and I’ll tell you what you’re afraid of.
Excummunication can be a good thing.
So it’s OK to screw little boys but sell some dope and you’re out of there! Wacky Catholics need to get the priorities straight.
#17–KD==once again humor==but on the thread about science I made the joke about being “insulted” which is close to being “upset.” Consistent posting on the difficulty of communicating with mere words.
#18–amodedoma==I have no idea what you are talking about. How did I get you wrong? You do seem a bit schizo on the subject of religion. Very religious in one post, very above it all in the next===rinse and repeat. Some kind of theist who goes to church?
Anyway, by definition, people that complain of other other people not being humble, most often, are not humble themselves.
Mustard, like you, enjoys wrapping himself in religion to assault clear thinking. Mustard, like you, mews false empathy for those who don’t have the comfort of religion. Again===not very humble.
Most of life is a “Mad Lib.” People are the same in their basic wants and needs==the trick being that we all fill those needs in different ways.
“I find comfort in _________” And for you its religion, and for me its being logical and fact based.
“I feel sorry for ________” And for you its people who don’t think the same way you do, and for me its for people who don’t think at all.
Identify your Mad Libs for yourself. Fun for the whole family.
The thing none of you are realizing is how deeply Catholicism runs in Latin culture. I do, given that I was born in a Latin country. Latin Catholicism is very ingrained into the culture, both where I was born and especially in Mexico (Catholicism is on its way out where I was born thanks largely to Americanization.) So to hold excommunication as a threat over a Catholic populace *is* a very real threat, the equivalent of marking someone a social pariah.
Now that being said – yes, excommunication will probably have no effect on the leadership of the drug cartels, as they would largely consider themselves above it all. But it’ll be something for the middle-men and grunts to consider, and that’s at least another road block. You can’t move drugs without the mules.
#21 – Bobo
>>Mustard, like you, enjoys wrapping himself
>>in religion to assault clear thinking.
>>Mustard, like you, mews false empathy for
>>those who don’t have the comfort of
“Mew”? I “mew”, Bobo? Are you calling me a pussy, boy?
>>And for you its religion, and for me its >>being logical and fact based.
Skee-daddy! Did you get a boner typing that? Kee-rist.