• Steve Jobs takes off six months.
  • Nortel speculation.
  • Motorola and Seagate doing layoffs.
  • iPhone browsers coming out of the woodwork.
  • Microsoft patches keep coming.
  • China now number one on the net.
  • IBM tops in patents once more.
  • New report says online threats to kids are bullies not sex predators.
  • Check out the Prada on Google earth.
  • American Idol egg on face.
  • Win 7 beta destroying MP3 files.
  • Gartner says PC sales almost flat.

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  1. Special Ed says:

    We’re number 2! We’re number 2!


  2. Animby says:

    Yes. And with Australia and the UK leading the way, we’ll all soon have just as free access as the Chinese.

  3. bill says:

    #1 “a picture is worth 1000 words!”

    Well said! Where is my fiber to my house?

  4. Dallas says:

    Get used to it. It’s part of globalization, flattening of the earth, whatever metaphor you want to use.

    Today, the US has neither the largest mall, largest airport nor the largest anything is a growing number of ‘largest’ lists. Most Americans don;t have a clue what is happening/

    Read the book http://www.fareedzakaria.com/
    which is terrific.

    More important:
    While republicans plunged this country into an elective war and squandered the opportunity to use 9-11 to strive for energy independence, China, Russia and India focused on their internal growth and prosperity.
    Obama is coming in a decade too late but , better late than never.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    China is #1 in number of internet users unable to actually access the internet.

  6. Dallas says:

    #5 Agreed. However, your type of thinking is very “republican-ish” policies. That is, you focus more energy on the irrelevant versus the relevant to our future.

    For reference, there are more middle and upper class Chinese with equivalent spending power than there are in ALL of the US. More engineers produced annually.
    So, when your child asks what city the next Google-like will come from, tell him, her it’s Beijing.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 Dallas said, “However, your type of thinking is very “republican-ish” policies. That is, you focus more energy on the irrelevant versus the relevant to our future.”

    I agree somewhat. What you have failed to realize is that China doesn’t innovate or invent. It hasn’t since it invented paper & gunpowder. Study their history and tell me why they withdrew their merchants from the seas centuries ago. So, no, there won’t be a new “Google” out of china. They will continue to be a source of cheap labor & products until countries decide to reintroduce import taxes… And then, there will be major social upheaval in China followed by civil war as the Communists struggle to maintain power.

    It will be interesting, if this country lives to see it.

  8. Dallas says:

    #7 Good historical point. I know that you Republicans have a terrific rear view mirror. You predict the past with uncanny accuracy 🙂

    While I agree in principle that history tends to repeat itself, I’m afraid “hope the other guy fails” is not a good strategy. Maybe I work for a paranoid company – actually, I do!

  9. Kanjy says:

    No wonder I couldn’t find the artwork on Google Earth. It’s Prado Museum, John, not Prada.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 Dallas said, “I’m afraid “hope the other guy fails” is not a good strategy”

    I didn’t mean to give the impression that I subscribe to that either. We’ll be totally screwed before China. They just won’t be in the position that the UK was in and we have been in.


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