• Sony to post perhaps a $1.1 billion operating loss. Sony needs to pay more attention.
  • New E-cars cropping up everywhere.
  • Daimler joins forces with Tesla to swap battery technologies for an electric Smart car.
  • Stanford setting up an energy research center.
  • There will be an iPhone Nano! Maybe.
  • SCO plans to auction off assets.
  • MRI images 100X more detail.
  • Yahoo picked a new CEO.
  • Windows7 patched.

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  1. The0ne says:

    scripting seems messed up? 🙂

  2. Special Ed says:

    Correction: It’s a 100M X improvement. That is, uh, more than a 100.

  3. Chris Mac says:

    Daimler joins forces with Daimler?

  4. QB says:

    JCD, listened to your comments about Palm on TWIT. Is Palm the BeOS or NeXT of the handheld industry? Could they be bought by someone like Microsoft once Ballmer is out of the way?

  5. Brian says:

    The attempted dig at microsoft talking about ‘patches for windows 7’…uh, John, it’s a BETA, it’s not a final release, of COURSE they’re going to have patches! Either you’re unaware of how beta testing works or your so anti-MS you can’t see straight.

    And the Sony news isn’t surprising. The ps3 is an abysmal failure, and now with blu ray players cheaper than the ps3, there is no compelling reason for people to buy them. No exclusive games + more expensive hardware = total disaster. Throw in the excessively negative PR sony has been getting and you have a company absolutely in the toilet.

  6. Floyd says:

    Is SCO going to auction off their office equipment? No other assets I know of.

  7. B. Dog says:

    I was expecting more pixelization, rather than less than on my computer screen, when I was watching music videos on my 720p 50″(non-Sony) TV using the PS3’s web browser. I’m working on installing Ubuntu on my PS3 so that I can use Firefox.

    I think Sony may be making money on every Blu-ray disk sold by anyone. That’s a revenue stream that will be ramping up, although the PS3 does such a nice job of upscaling my DVDs that I’m pretty happy with how they look.

  8. deowll says:

    Gee, John seemed awful upset that MS would get busy patching its Beta ware. I thought that was the idea of Beta ware.

    Maybe he really is cranky.

  9. Brian says:


    If you’re sitting over 10 feet away from the tv, you can’t see the difference between 720p and 1080p on a 50″ set (and don’t claim you can – you’re lying).

    But go ahead and gobble up the idiotic mindset that advertisers love. Buy the NEWEST with the BIGGEST numbers even though you don’t need it, and can’t tell, so you can tell your ‘friends’ how your tv is the BEST!

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #11, Brian, even with 20/15 vision, you’re right. Once the pixels disappear and melt together, you can’t tell the difference. Try 720p vs 1080i on a 100″ at 20 ft. I’ll bet you could pass the A/B test about 50% of the time.


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