
Montgomery, Ala. (WSFA) — They’re part of a long standing tradition that will soon become a part of Presidential history. The head of the Alabama NAACP, however, wants Mobile’s Azalea Trail Maids to stay home on Inauguration Day, claiming the group reminds him of slavery. “These are not just regular costumes. These are the costumes that remind someone of the plantation in Gone with the Wind,” Edward Vaughn said in a phone interview.

Vaughn went on to say the group would be the laughing stock of the Inauguration. County leaders say nothing could be further from the truth. “We want everyone to know that these young ladies do not need to be identified with slavery,” said Mobile County Commissioner Stephen Nodine. “I don’t see what the dresses have to do with racism. I don’t see it. It’s just a regular dress to me. Just a dress they wore back in the day,” said Carolyn Tius of Montgomery.

Organizers stand behind the tradition, but opponents say tradition is the problem.

“We needed something that could show Alabama’s great progress rather than something that shows a shameful past,” Vaughn said.

Har! They should just ban ALL Southerners and be done with it.

  1. contempt says:

    #33 Jeff
    >>How dare you claim that Harvard and MIT are part of the southern tradition.

    No, just pointing out those who feel superior to the black folks among them.

  2. Jeff says:

    Wow, what an insult. Are we actually going to have this conversation? Seriously?

  3. contempt says:

    #35 Jeff

    Of course not. Like you, I’m just foolin’ around.

  4. Jeff says:


  5. #34 – ‘tempt

    >>No, just pointing out those who feel superior
    >>to the black folks among them.

    Massachusetts elected a black governor.

    Do you get your New England political information from the same source that told you Minnesota had counties with more votes cast than there were registered voters, and that’s why Franken won?

    Tee hee!

  6. cynic says:

    HEY! A black president reminds ME of slavery!!

  7. contempt says:

    #38 Drama Queen Mustard

    Still living in your weasel hole? I was hoping you had tossed away your shroud of ignorance, but sometimes I expect too much.

  8. bobbo says:

    “Har! They should just ban ALL Southerners and be done with it.” ///

    Hah, Hah!!! I laughed so hard, “I think I’m gonna have blood in my stool.”

  9. Mel Brooks says:

    This whole Inauguration is just a rip off of Blazin Saddles… “The Sheriff is near! “

  10. McCullough says:

    #42. OK, it was a lame joke, I get it. What do you expect, I’m working here. (By here I mean my real job.)

  11. bobbo says:

    #44–McCullough==seriously Dude==I laughed. Best I have felt in a week. Not lame==very clever, humorous, historical, insightful, funny, sad. Just “perfect.”

    I just went back and checked the “related” thread about the Southern Pride group that wants to raise the Stars and Bars:


    Same argument, weaker symbolism but very much the same issue.

  12. McCullough says:

    #45. Yeah, the picture was worth a re-visit.

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    #43 Mel Brooks
    This whole Inauguration is just a rip off of Blazin Saddles… “The Sheriff is near! “

    I can’t wait until Obomba gets up to the podium and says “Excuse me while I whip this out”.

    If that dumbass from the NAACP was so worried about embarrassment look at who they elected.

  14. #49 – ‘tempt

    >>Still living in your weasel hole?

    Weasel hole? The domicile of a weasel? If I were living there, I’d have to be squabbling for space with you, son.

    YOU are the one who made those absurd claims about the senatorial election. Complete with “numbers”. YOU are the one who failed to provide any proof that those numbers were anything but figments of your imagination. YOU are the one who continues to prance about as though you made your point, when in fact YOU tried to weasel out of the discussion when bullshit was called on your silly propaganda.

    Who’w the weasel now, bitch?

  15. MikeN says:

    So how come there are no headlines complaining about the excess of Obama’s inauguration? There’s a recession, and at least two wars being fought, and yet we have parties galore.

    FDR had minimal parties during the Depression.

    Why aren’t liberals upset about this?

  16. Ken says:

    Good Lord, what could be better symbolism than Southern Belles celebrating the inauguration of the first black President? Had they decided not to participate on their own, they would have been vilified as racists….unless they had done it out of ‘sensitivity’…but then white Southerners are obviously incapable of being sensitive, so it would definitely have been racism…so…oy vey, my head hurts.

    I guess the whole “heal and bring the nation together” thing was just for the campaign.

  17. deowll says:

    Why do are so many people biggots? If it isn’t race it’s locality.

    Yeah I know it’s jus the ugly side of human nature showing up again.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 51 deowll said, “Why do are so many people biggots?”

    Who knows? I too am shocked that an organization like the NAACP still exists.

  19. BdgBill says:

    As far as I’m concerned, racisim officially ended on the day we elected our first black president.

    The idea that the NAACP has nothing better to protest than some empty headed women wearing stupid dresses in a parade confirms the fact that real racisim no longer exists.

    The NAACP should disband on innauguration day.

  20. bobbo says:

    #53–Bill==yes, why should anyone care what happened to “other” people.

    Do you feel the same way about people wearing Nazi Uniforms zieghieling thru the parade?

  21. MyDogBen says:

    So, this is too close to the bone for Obama, but homophobic bigot Rick Warren is just fine to give an invocation? Can I type b*llsh*t in the comments section?

    [Yes, it’s allowed, fire away – ed.]

  22. contempt says:

    #48 Drama Queen Mustard
    >>Who’s the weasel now, bitch?

    Is this a trick question? Since you have spent years cultivating the reputation of sneaky and treacherous, the only possible answer is you.

  23. #56 – ‘tempt

    Good thing for you the names Paddy O’Pinocchio and Lyin’ Mike are already spoken for. Being the liar that you are, either would fit you to a T.

    You’re a heck of a guy to talk about “reputations”, what with yours and all.

    Are you ready to provide data or links to support the libelous accusation you levied against Al Franken? Ah, lies. And the lying liars who tell them.

  24. #55 – MyDogBen

    >>So, this is too close to the bone for Obama,
    >>but homophobic bigot Rick Warren is just fine
    >>to give an invocation?

    This is not too close to the bone for Obama. It’s too close to the bone for Ed “the douche bag” Vaughn. To say it was too close to the bone for Obama would be bullshit.

  25. McCullough says:

    #57. Mustard- “Ah, lies. And the lying liars who tell them.”

    A funny, funny book.

  26. #59 – McC

    Yeah, and I’ll just bet ‘tempt (and all the other wingnuts, but especially ‘tempt) is grinding his teeth down to bloody little nubs knowing that the author of that book is the duly elected Senator from the Land o’ Lakes.


  27. Stars & Bars says:

    What a moron, slavery is thriving in the good ole USA. Now it’s an equal opportunity event. Here are your owners http://www.irs.gov

  28. skitsbox says:

    I have been reading this site for years and this is the first time I have felt compelled to write a response.
    I am from the south. I grew up in poor black areas. I have spent 32 years listening to the NAACP show how lame and dumb they are. This just goes to far. Someone needs to walk into these peoples office bend them over there desks and give them a good old fashion paddling. I rank them right up there with HOA’s.

    I think man show boy said it best “Go away Hitler there’s no Nazis around here.”

  29. bobbo says:

    #62–skitsbox==so your answer is violence huh?

    What about sitting down and talking to them about their history which is different than yours? (I assume.)

    Funny how self important we all like to be. I was raised this way and anyone with a different attitude needs to be paddled.

    Freud rolls over and screams once more.

  30. Steve says:

    Even though they remind me of toilet paper covers, I still think they look kinda hot.


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