Daylife/Reuters Pictures

A former Guantánamo Bay guard has joined forces with released detainees in Britain to expose the torture inflicted by interrogators at the camp…

Chris Arendt, from Michigan, joined the army shortly after September 11, aged 17, and was sent to work as a guard in Guantánamo two years later, in 2003. After becoming disillusioned with what he saw there, he left the army and joined the campaign group Iraq Veterans Against the War. “It was like sitting down with a bunch of brothers,” said Arendt about meeting a dozen former inmates in London yesterday. “It was really natural, a really organic fit.” He said he was held in immigration for seven hours before being allowed to enter Britain as officials were suspicious that he might try to settle in the UK…

Although a lawyer warned Arendt that he could be charged with treason, the former guard said he did not believe the US government would pursue him through the courts because Guantánamo had become so discredited…

Moazzam Begg, a former Guantánamo detainee who is travelling with Arendt, said the experience of being reunited with a former guard had been “truly unique … We embraced like brothers, like we knew one another.” He said that while the public had become familiar with the experiences of detainees, the guards’ stories were barely known.

I think we’re for a cottage industry after the abdication of King George and Emperor Dick – based essentially on replacing lies with truth, confirming the extent of crimes previously relegated to the category of war stories by the tame talking heads of American journalism.

  1. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals are failing now that their heroes are leaving office.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, F*ckedup,

    Nope. Were just waiting around for you to explain what a “Protein Cell” is.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    So how big a book deal is this guy looking for?

  4. James Hill says:

    #2 – It’s what is running down this country’s proverbial leg after “Dick” is done with it.

    I’m actually curious as to why Ed found this interesting: Obama has already said he isn’t for this sort of investigation, primarily because the forces behind torture would have no problem with President Biden coming to power.

  5. contempt says:

    All this could have been avoided if the detainees would not have been taken prisoner and just killed on the battlefield.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, F*ckedup,

    #2 – It’s what is running down this country’s proverbial leg after “Dick” is done with it.

    So can you scientifically explain that?

  7. James Hill says:

    #6 – I think its the parents’ job to discuss the birds and the bees with their children. So, ask your mother at 3 PM after the mailman leaves.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    #1 James.

    Actually the angry ones are the Republicans now that their leader is stepping down.

  9. MikeN says:

    Obama has postponed his plans to shut down Guantanamo.

    I think it is good to have other countries afraid of America. Thinking they will get a lawyer and plenty of food is the wrong image.

  10. Improbus says:


    Yeah, we don’t want the world to think that the rule of law actually applies in America.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 Improbus said, “Yeah, we don’t want the world to think that the rule of law actually applies in America.”

    When did Cuba become our 51st state?

  12. #9 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Obama has postponed his plans to shut
    >>down Guantanamo.

    Ah, there you go again lyin’ Mike. In fact, Obama will issue the order within days of entering the Oval Office.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 12 Mister Mustard said, “In fact, Obama will issue the order within days of entering the Oval Office.”

    Wait ’till you see what the order says. LOL

  14. HL says:

    You’re saying that some cunt from Harvard Law, with the full backing of Wall Street, is going to replace lies with truth?

    You been livin’ in Norway or something?

  15. #13 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Wait ’till you see what the order says. LOL

    Well, Paddy-RAMBO, why don’t you quit LOLing as you so love to do, and just tell us what the order will say?

    I’m sure you’ve got Obama’s Blackberry on speed dial. Or are you going to be out in the cold, intelligence-wise, with the new administration?

    You better get cracking rearranging the new administration’s desk ornaments…that got you a lot of traction with Condi! I hope you’ve got some vacation time left over at the ‘Shack for your trip to DC.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 15 Mister Mustard said, “why don’t you quit LOLing as you so love to do, and just tell us what the order will say?”

    Sorry, as a sheeple you don’t have the necessary clearance.

    But, I can say that the Omama idols will be about as happy as they about the guy giving the invocation…

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So Paddy, shall we call you deep throat?

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 17 Olo Baggins of Bywater said, “So Paddy, shall we call you deep throat?”

    No, that’s Mr. conFusions title.

  19. bobbo says:

    I found it rather interesting that on the issue of “War Crimes” Obama confirmed in the same breath that:

    1. No one is above the law.
    2. He wants to “look forward.”

    All law enforcement activities “look backward.” I assume this was Obama Speak for BushtheRetard not getting Arrested on Inauguration Day Plus One.

  20. #16 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Sorry, as a sheeple you don’t have the
    >>necessary clearance.

    Damn. I knew I should have gone into retail sales. And I’ll bet, being an electronics outfit, you guys at the ‘Shack get all the *TOP SECRET* stuff, huh?

    And I am a “sheeple”? You’re berating me for my Bible-thumping? Gol dang, boy!! A neocon Atheist!?!? That’s as rare as rocking horse shit!!

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Mister Mustard said, “And I am a “sheeple”? You’re berating me for my Bible-thumping?”

    Yes, you are a sheeple. Sorry to break it to ya.

    However, I don’t know what your babble regarding the bible has to do with anything…

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    But.. But.. If they close Guantanamo where will the Republicans get their Interracial Gay BDSM porn?

  23. MikeN says:

    #12, still in denial are you?

    Still making predictions about Obama after the wiretapping fiasco?

  24. RBG says:

    Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) – Barack Obama’s incoming administration is unlikely to bring criminal charges against government officials who authorized or engaged in harsh interrogations of suspected terrorists during the George W. Bush presidency.

    Barack Obama. Disappointing liberals since… well, since even before he was in office.


  25. GF says:

    IVAW is highly suspect:

    From Jesse Macbeth’s own mouth.

  26. KD Martin says:

    RBG — Barack Obama. Disappointing liberals since… well, since even before he was in office.

    [Wringing hands] Oh my, oh my, who, who will tell me what to do??

    Although I must admit, not all his cabinet choices have been totally bad…

  27. bobbo says:

    #26–KD== thats true, then there is Hillary. Amusing to watch her spin supersonic on how much Bill is doing to be transparent (Ahem—-NOT!!!)

    Her performance today is only a prelude of what is to come, financial scandals to destroy all Obama’s foreign policies. He should revoke his offer of the position to her.

    Crooked politicians should be quarantined to Congress==not elevated by someone wanting change.

  28. KD Martin says:

    #27, Bobbo, I couldn’t agree more. Kinda like letting the “gang” in, isn’t it? Holy smokes! It makes me wonder what kind of quid pro quo is in that deal. Hmmm……

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, bobbo,

    The post is about the guards torturing prisoners at Guantanamo. How you make the leap to Senator Clinton’s confirmation is totally beyond all reasonable thought except to confirm you must either be Cow-Paddy in drag or a close relative.

    I’m not even going to bite about “what” portions of her husband’s financial disclosures might be “tainted” or somehow “crooked”.

    Cow-Paddy and Lyin’ Mike must be proud of you.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 12 Mister Mustard said, “In fact, Obama will issue the order within days of entering the Oval Office.”

    January 21, 2009
    Article from: Agence France-Presse

    “A senior administration official said Barack Obama was not expected to issue any executive order closing Guantanamo.”,25197,24946713-2703,00.html


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