A GROUP of firefighters have been branded the world’s worst after their own fire station burned to the ground.

All six of the station’s fire engines perished in the £3 million blaze in Syke, northern Gemany and it took 250 fireman from neighbouring towns to finally get the inferno under control.

Investigators believe the firemen could have triggered the blaze themselves in a training exercise accident or that faulty wiring was to blame, according to reports in the Austrian Times.

The weekend blaze was the second time the brigade has lost all its engines in a fire. The station was rebuilt in 1994 after being gutted by a fire.

One local said: “A fire service that can’t keep its own fire station and engines safe doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.”

When I was young, I was a bit of a pyromaniac. I always thought I’d make a good Firefighter.

  1. bobbo says:

    Essentially fireproof buildings are within our technology. Sure seems to me like Firehouses containing expensive trucks should be build to this code.

  2. CountSmackula says:

    Wonder if they played the Talking Heads during the conflagration?

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Germans have always had a problem with burning stuff…

  4. jbowser says:

    Wow!! This is hilarious! Poor guys, but too funny!

  5. John Paradox says:

    # 2 CountSmackula said
    Wonder if they played the Talking Heads during the conflagration?

    Or Billy Joel?


  6. AdmFubar says:

    i think they are the best fire department around…think about it. :))

  7. C.D. Bales: I have a dream. It’s not a big dream, it’s just a little dream. My dream – and I hope you don’t find this too crazy – is that I would like the people of this community to feel that if, God forbid, there were a fire, calling the fire department would actually be a wise thing to do. You can’t have people, if their houses are burning down, saying, “Whatever you do, don’t call the fire department!” That would be bad.

    — From the movie Roxanne, 1987

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. I loved that movie…and thought about it when I posted this.

    And I was a Firefighter for a couple years (volunteer)

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Someone has some ‘splainen to do.

  10. SuekeInfo says:

    Please, check your facts, don’t copy from tabloids.

    There was no training exercise involved. The fire broke out in the early morning hours, between midnight and 4am.

    There is so far no evidence for arson. Not for this for or for the one 14 years ago.

    Sources (German):


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