Although he oddly defends his actions during Katrina and admits the ‘Mission Accomplished’ thing was a mistake, to help our soon to be ex-President remember more of what he and his people did, here is a list that one website thoughtfully put together. As one person put it, he seemed “marvelously out of touch” and angry about it. And he seems intent on continuing his ways up until the end as witnessed by what happened to Condi Rice at the UN. Just a few more days…
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He looked drugged up. I guess he had to be to come up with some of the unadulterated BS that he did.
But than again, no pain, no gain, and no brain, no pain, so WTF!
I had the misfortune to see this entire travesty live on TV.
Oh man.
How can anyone ever top this goober for joke-worthy public speaking?
The inadequacies of Sarah Palin, “Joe” the “Plumber”, and Caroline Kennedy all put together don’t amount to a hill of beans when compared to this tongue-tied chimpanzee.
He said he was an “A Type” personality and could not be happy in an Hawaiian Shirt on the Beach – – -“Now that I’ve stopped drinking.”
President of the USA==not a good job for ex-addicts. I’ve heard it said you never stop being an addict.
I still just can’t believe how this man was elected to two terms as the president of the United States. He commented that “it seemed like yesterday” but in fact it has been eight long years.
It makes me ill when I think of what has become of our county. Personally, I’m skeptical that Obama is the saviour that so many think he is. He won’t have to try very hard to do better than this.
# 3 bobbo said, “President of the USA==not a good job for ex-addicts. I’ve heard it said you never stop being an addict.”
I know. I hope Obama doesn’t revert to using coke again.
from the article:
Olmert said.
“I said ‘get me President Bush on the phone’. They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia. I said I didn’t care. ‘I need to talk to him now’. He got off the podium and spoke to me.
I found the link to the Conde Rice story interesting. It says she was left “Shame-faced.” Who the hell uses this term in the 21-st century? It archaic and here it is used as a headline. This indicates a culturally backward writer and thus biased coverage. Expect more of this sort of thing in the future as we outsource the news to the third world.
And I see people are reading it as gospel already. (see comment above)
He has one more week left. He can still do a lot of damage (pardons).
Is it outmoded or just incorrect to say that Bush and his allies could be shamed by anything?
i’m sorry Mr Dvorak, next time i’ll omit the dashes to make it more readable.
“unbelievable” is the qualification i gave to the story.
I reread the article to confirm that it was an “American Official” who said it was the plan all along for Ms Rice to abstain from voting. I’m guessing an abstention is NOT a veto so changing voting NO to a resolution that you introduce is as bad as it gets.
JCD–the headline you complain of is taken directly from what Olmert said. No grounds to complain regardless of what the Yahoo “Style and Usage” book may say.
Complaining of a headline==thats rich.
“I’ve heard it said you never stop being an addict.”
Never. You just sub in the next medication… Vodka, coke, cigarettes, God… take your pick.
Anachronism = bias? Who knew? If it’s not ‘Merican speak, it’s biased I guess…
Considering that the headline was an extraction from the QUOTE of a foreign government leader, it is quite possible that the word was actually used. Unless a quote means something completely different these days…
Every time I hear about Katrina I have 3 questions that I have never heard an answer for:
1. Why did the mayor of New Orleans give the order to evacuate with less than 24 hours before the storm hit? He gave the people who had no transportation out of the city a death sentence.
2. What is the Mayor of NO and the Gov. of that state do to help their own people, other than to cry for help when they had no plan in place? They are the ones who should shoulder most of the blame for doing nothing and blaming others.
3. If all of these news crews were able to get in to do all of their reporting, why didn’t they help evacuate the people? I guess it was a better story to just watch them then help others.
As for your 3, the news people are supposed to be there to record the event, not interfere in any way. Otherwise, any of their actions can, and probably will be decried as screwing up the official plan of action.
But, it’s kinda OK. I know that the Canadian mounties from Vancouver were there before the US relief came in… Vancouver is kitty corner continentally from Louisiana…
Denial is the only way Bush can keep a straight face and live the rest of his life. He knows what he did.
#14–Dan==I saw Geraldo tell someone on a roof to “be careful.”
I thought that was pretty helpful.
# 14 Dan said, “2. What is the Mayor of NO and the Gov. of that state do to help their own people,”
The Fed law has since been change (due to this Gov’s failure to act) so that when incompetent state Governors refuse to request Federal help the Pres can override and try to save people anyway…
I found it amazing that by the time he got to item #3, he was into inconsequential territory.
There will always be jerks in the world, but the worst kind are the “motivated jerks.” (Supply your own word for “jerks.”) I don’t know if it is sheer ego that produces this phenomenon or if it is a DNA flaw, but they are not only incompetent, but have not a clue of what true competency feels like from the inside, looking out.
In some, the effect on others is that they are just stupid, dumb or even evil. In that sense, the trait is shared by this crew of POTUS and Veep.
Thank God they will be gone soon.
Obama and Bush officials will be holding an exercise to simulate a terrorist attack and the response.
One of Obama’s biggest fears is that in dismantling the existing anti-terrorist measures, there will subsequently be a successful terror attack on U.S. soil that will discredit his entire Administration.
Really? What other magnificent insights to you have into Obama’s deepest and darkest fears… especially now, since he HASN’T DONE ANYTHING YET!
# 21 Named said, “Really?”
In attempting to wish successor Barack Obama well, he found himself saying:
“I’m telling you there’s an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans, again. There just is. That’s the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best.”
From todays W Post
#23 – Have you noticed how Obama’s been getting more and more pale as he gets more and more intel briefings?
Wow. We have a savant in our midst. Now, answer the next part of the question.
Maybe he’s worried about the legions of Timothy McVeighs just waiting for a black man to become POTUS…
# 26 Named said, “Maybe he’s worried about the legions of Timothy McVeighs just waiting for a black man to become POTUS…”
Naw, he’s not worried about small stuff, just the big attacks that are possible if he screws with the existing (legal & extra legal) anti terror measures.
The guy we saw yesterday sure seemed a lot different than the jackass we got in 2001.
#6 – I couldn’t believe it either. Bush is Israel’s bitch.
#7 Archaic terms? In the media? I’m shocked!!
Have you ever noticed that when something like the price of gas goes up, it’s always “sky-rocketing” ? Prices are sky-rocketing! Unemployment is sky-rocketing! Global warming is sky-rocketing!
The only thing that doesn’t sky-rocket are rockets.
Do all reporters take the same intro-to-journalism class?
more investigation into “Is Bush olmerts puppy?”