Is this guy fair and balanced or what? Oddly, turns out the regular, professional press doesn’t like Joe the Reporter much. And as commenter jccalhoun pointed out, he’s been sent by the guys at PJTV.

  1. Personality says:

    I hope he goes into Gaza and gets shot.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Can’t they buy the guy a freakin shirt?

  3. jccalhoun says:

    It should be noted that he is there reporting for Pajamas Media which is company behind Little Green Footballs. So that should tell you all you need to know about his “reporting.”

  4. johnhattan says:

    I think that one camerman’s expression at 0:20 summed it up.

    So Joe the Plumber shows up as a reporter, claims he has a million questions, asks one question, then lectures all the cameras that reporters (except for him presumably) shouldn’t be allowed to report on wars.

    Reading the PJTV page, it’s pretty clear that they’re just milking him for hits on their page and they don’t expect to get any actual substance out of it. I presume they chose Joe the Plumber because he was cheaper than Pauly Shore.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    “What did I learn today? I uhh…you know … uhhh, the Israek people uhh.. you know.. are incredible..To be honest, I don’t think journalists should be anywhere allowed war. I mean, uhh”

    “uhh”! “you know”! “I mean, uhh”!

    I wonder if Faux Spews and the wingnut blogs will be reporting on “Joe” the “Plumber” and his oratory skills.

  6. QB says:

    Wow, I guess it’s time for Steve Coll to retire

  7. The DON says:

    @ #2 Olol Baggins

    They could buy him a shirt, but that would defeat the object of them buying him the old looking T-shirt to make him appear more average Joe 🙂

  8. Maine Owl says:

    It’s a stunt designed to stir up American nitwit politics. The examples of Bush and Palin suggest it can work pretty well.

  9. BillM says:

    He sounds articulate enough to give Caroline Kennedy a run for senator from NY.

  10. Marc says:

    He said he wants to go there to report “how it really is”.

    Wow. Way to go Joey Plumber.

    If you want to really report on “how it really is” go into Gaza and ask all the suffering, innocent people that are being killed by hundreds in a genocide like style.

    But yeah the IDF doesn’t allow you to go in there so continue your silly biased little ignorant red-neck “reporting”.

  11. daveg says:

    If you go to that PJTV sight it looks like an Israel blog – becuase it is.

    The people associate with PJTV, in general, could care less about the US and US interests.

  12. daveg says:

    If you go to that PJTV sight it looks like an Israel blog – because it is.

    The people associate with PJTV, in general, could care less about the US and US interests.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    Uh…umm.. you know…. uh.. ah ah ah… uh… ummm

    Learn to speak.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    He seems as effective as your average reporter.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why even give this guy the attention. It only encourages the wing nuts.

  16. Bobby says:

    Politics aside-as a professional photojournalist, this guy is aweful. Uh-and-uh=uhand-uh. It looks like he’s NEVER spoken in public and he is certainly no journalist. The folks at PJTV might have a good idea, but they need to be a lot more professional about it if they want people to tune in for more than a minute or so.

  17. R. Hastings says:

    Joe, I have a few questions you could ask the brave Israeli handlers you have:
    1. Why are there so many people living in Gaza?
    2. Where did they/their parents live 60 years ago?
    3. Why can’t they live there now?
    4. What would you do if people drove you out of your home, took your land and told you you not only don’t live there anymore but you can’t even cross their new “border?” No American would put up with the crap the Palestinians have for 60 years.

  18. daveg says:


    Sderot, where a few homemade harmless missiles have landed, was once an Arab village called Najd, whose 600 Arab inhabitants were expelled by Israelis in 1948. Jewish settlers built over the old town in 1951. Having been ethnically cleansed, the Arabs moved to the Gaza Strip, along with some other 750,000 Palestinians who had been removed from their lands—or murdered, like the villagers of Deir Yassin—before the first Arab-Israeli war had even begun.

    UN Resolution 194 and Article 13 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights say the people of Najd and Palestine’s other 384 demolished villages must be allowed to go home. But they can’t because Israel confines them in a small stretch of coastal desert that the Egyptian army held onto in 1949 and became a dumping ground for the displaced population of southern Palestine. Ninety per cent of Gaza’s 1.5 million people are refugees and their descendants. Israel won’t let them come back, nor will it let them have a state of their own in Gaza and the West Bank even if they relinquish their right of return.

  19. MikeN says:

    Does anyone here realize that Jews were in that land for thousands of years?

  20. R. Hastings says:

    Mike, how about going back to whatever part of Europe your forebears lived in for “thousands of years” and telling the current owner God said you owned their home and they’d have to move to a refugee camp. Of course, you might want to have the U.S. military-industrial complex tag along to back up your claim.

  21. Roddy says:

    Joe the Plumber is Joe the Wifebeater.

    Google it.

  22. grog says:

    the gop has made this guy the face of the republican party


  23. grog says:

    oh, and by the way, here is a clip of hamas tv calling on their children to make a human shield

    any real man would die to protect their children.

    in contrast, hamas is a collection of disgusting cowardly pigs who seek to protect themselves by putting their children directly in harm’s way.

    i was never a big fan, but after seeing this, i will never again feel anything but disgust for hamas.

    you may hate israel, but if you like hamas, then don’t ever come near my children.

    video clip on live leak

  24. AlGoreLeoni says:

    This is retarded…When will this fool figure out that he has been turned into a characature of himself?

  25. grog says:

    in this video, members of hamas even hide their faces from their children. presumably because they can’t bear the shame of knowing they they deliberately are going to send them to their death.

    i bet you the hamas members in this video will be cowering somewhere behind this little boy, like the cowardly pigs that they are.

    “ahmed acts as a lookout for us on the streets”

    because every member of hamas is coward.

    video clip

  26. Bill says:

    daveg, “homemade harmless missiles”…ha ha. you make it sound like Hamas is firing fourth of July fireworks. These missiles kill people. How about we put one in your living room so you can see how “harmless” it is?!

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Lyin’ Mike

    Does anyone here realize that Jews were in that land for thousands of years?

    Nope. They moved on to other, greener pastures. BUT, Semites, including the Arabs, have been there for thousands of years.

  28. RBG says:

    Wasn’t it Bill Maher who laughed at JTP’s ability to make money and realize “The American Dream”?


  29. deowll says:

    “Nope. They moved on to other, greener pastures. BUT, Semites, including the Arabs, have been there for thousands of years.”

    The Romans killed the Jews or at least the ones in that land. The Jews didn’t move to greener pastures. Their bodies made the pastures greener.

  30. MikeN says:

    And the Palestinians moved on to other lands. How dare they try and come back!


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