Is this guy fair and balanced or what? Oddly, turns out the regular, professional press doesn’t like Joe the Reporter much. And as commenter jccalhoun pointed out, he’s been sent by the guys at PJTV.

  1. Regenvelter says:

    Did anyone expect JTP to do any worth while news?
    I sure as hell didn’t,especially coming from Pajamas Media.

    I would venture that this is what angers the Spin Doctors about the Internets and Intertubes,
    all the Blogs and comment sections just serve to cheapen the very career that pays their minimum wage.Vacuous prattle.
    Any Monkey at a keyboard can do it and so You have Assclowns like Coulter,Hannity,O’Rielly,Malkin,Hume ad nauseum and what they sell is no more or less factual than the usual gibberish found over at the Free Republic or WSJ or Rev.Moon’s/G.H.W.Bush’s WashPost or Daily Kos,
    fluff Op-ED peices paraded around as news.
    JTP Anchor Man on the circle jerk network,give Me a physical break!
    Actually give Me some facts like those Limey chaps get and I will happily pay for a newspaper again.

  2. The0ne says:

    good laugh for the day, that’s all. Couldn’t even make it through 30s of it.

    But if you had to choose to listen to would it be Joe or Palin?! 🙂


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