While Nancy Pelosi seems to be in firm control of the new Congress, is that a good thing? If you read the whole op-ed below it makes it sound like she is more Bush-like than any Republican which should have made Republicans happy. But not now. Now, with the Dems in control of the House, Senate and White House, she seems to be swerving back to the left with some pretty sweeping changes to the way things are done in the House. Or are they to the left? She seems totally unpredictable. Or is she a very predictable, very typical, power grabbing politician, a tyrant who may go too far and alienate those she oversees? Is this the kind of leadership we need in our time of fiscal crisis much less everything else?

Democrats, it’s time to clean the House. Start at the top.

When the 111th Congress convenes in January, it is time for a change — a change of the Speaker of the House. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) in her two years as speaker has enabled a pro-Bush, pro-corporate agenda almost as facilely and frequently as Republican presidential nominee John McCain.

In November 2006, voters put Democrats in the majority in Congress to end the Iraq occupation and hold Bush responsible for the war. But the among first things she did when she became speaker was take impeachment off the table, giving Bush a blank check to wage the Iraq war for two more years.

  1. smartalix says:

    Dump the useless bitch.

  2. QB says:

    I don’t think she’ll survive. The US public is not in the mood for faux idealistic incompetence right now.

  3. amodedoma says:

    Democrat, Republican it’s all the same folks! They all take money from the same people. Still this woman’s attitude scares me.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    I think she has been terrible. I wish they would dump her.

  5. DGFish says:

    She will go down in history, as
    the worst Speaker of the House. She failed
    to do the most important part of her job.

    Hold the President and his cronies ACCOUNTABLE
    for there actions.

    Illegal wiretapping, spitting on the Consitution, the deaths of nearly 100,000 innocent Iraqi men,women, and children, the murder of American Soliders in an unjust war, the outing of Valerie Plame. The list goes on and on.

    I hold Pelosi in contempt.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #5 Not true. According to Dems she HAD to write whatever spending bills the Pres told her to. In addition, she had NO authority to initiate impeachment proceedings and the like…

    The Speaker of the House is jut a house plant (according to Dems).

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #6 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>The Speaker of the House is jut a house
    >>plant (according to Dems).

    Well, maybe a little more than a house plant, but not much more than a figurehead. Other than Tip O’Neill and Newt “The Fornicator” Gingrich, who even remembers any Speakers of the House? Oh yeah, and Dennis Hastert, for the poly sci majors.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 7 Mister Mustard said, “Other than Tip O’Neill and Newt “The Fornicator” Gingrich, who even remembers any Speakers of the House?”

    They are remembered because they were competent & effective at their job…

    Pelosi & Dennis, no… Pelosi needs to be replaced by someone competent for two main reasons.

    1: To be an effective watchdog on the Obama admin.
    2: To maintain fiscal sanity in the gov’t by making sure the gov doesn’t spend more than it takes in and shrink the deficit.

  9. Bob says:

    #5 “Hold the President and his cronies ACCOUNTABLE
    for there actions.”

    What you call holding accountable, looks more to me like a witch hunt. Is this what you really want? Every time we have a power change in Washington, we start throwing the previous administration jail? Because that’s what this road you promote will lead to, and remember, it will be your party that will lose their power next.

    I am sure that once we start throwing the president (and why not congress too) in jail every 4 – 8 years we will only get the best people in their, right?

  10. QB says:

    Mustard said: “Other than Tip O’Neill and Newt “The Fornicator” Gingrich, who even remembers any Speakers of the House?”

    Sam Rayburn
    Thomas Bracket Reed
    Samuel Randell (sp?)
    Henry Clay
    Joseph Cannon

    That’s as a Canadian speaking speaking off the top of his head.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Most centrists are happy but it is the left wing of the Democrat Party that are less than enamored.

    In 2006 a lot of right wing Democrats were voted in. They vote Democrat and sit on that side of the house but favor the Iraq invasion, prohibiting abortion, tough anti-terrorism measures, and the like. Pelosi has to retain their support if she is to remain in power.

    The left wing, such as Kusinich, just don’t have the numbers to unseat her. Most walk a fine line between holding their committee appointments and sitting on the back benches.

    As usual though, depending upon how any further bail-out is presented and her relationship with Obama, that could change. The people will stay with Obama before they will side with a House Speaker of the same party. If she is seen as an obstructionist to putting the country back on track she will be history. Even the right wing of the Democrat Party knows which side their bread is buttered.

  12. LibertyLover says:


    Newt “The Fornicator” Gingrich

    The only reason I remember this guy is because of all the damned tax money he spent on useless projects.

    “We’re going to CUT the federal budget. Um, I meant we going to cut it up and give the chunks to all my cronies. That’s what I meant, yeah.”

    Of course, Pelosi is just as bad. “I won’t approve that bailout bill! Um, unless my cronies get a cut.”

  13. Dallas says:

    All those Bush lackey Democrats for the last 8 years need to be replaced.

    This includes Feinstein, Pelosi, Lieberman and the rest. Time for Obama to clean house of the Bush residue.

  14. The Pirate says:

    Pelosi is owned by her pimps, nothing more than a two-bit political whore.

  15. Mr. MusTURD says:

    If she leaves, who will Mister Mustard masturbate to? Oh wait, Barney Frank will still around for him to fantasize to.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #16 – Mr. MusTURD

    Hey, that’s pretty funny! Using a potty term as part of your screen name. I’ll bet the other second graders thought that was just keen.

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    #9: “Every time we have a power change in Washington, we start throwing the previous administration jail?”

    Yes, if they committed crimes. Why should politicians be allowed to get away with things that would land us ordinary folks in jail? What makes them above the law? Since they make and administer the law, they, above all, should be held to it, too.

  18. Mr Diesel says:

    We let politicians get away with it because we are a national of sheeple now who have grown apathetic to all the shit they do.

    It makes no difference who we elect now as the end is near.

    I wonder why the Mayans predicted the world will end in 2012? Maybe that’s when the shit hits the fan for real.

    The Big Sorrow is coming.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:


    I wonder why the Mayans predicted the world will end in 2012?

    Because they ran out of fingers at that point. Have you ever tried doing math with Mayan characters?

  20. QB says:

    Mustard, Randell and Reed were instrumental in forming the basic policy and directions of your two major political parties. That’s why I know them. Reed also made the Speaker’s office into a much more powerful force in the US political system.

  21. James Hill says:

    The fact the left is just now talking about this shows how much they’ve failed over the past two years.

  22. Regenvelter says:

    There will be no Democratic majority as long as enablers like Pelosi and Reid are waving the gavel.
    Flip-flopping in a time of regime change just shows they’ll do whatever is needed for the patrons with the biggest donations.

    As an Independent,I could give two shits who gets the Nation back on track,just so it gets done.
    I am however put-out with the so-called conservative party and would venture that the America we have now is the America they wanted,
    just that They lied to Us about who they were
    and what it meant for the average Guy on the street to gain Our confidence,our money and our votes.
    Sounds like the Pelosi and Reid that I know.
    Harpy Begone!

  23. GF says:

    Yep, they could have voted for Cindy 🙁


  24. 9yo says:

    As CONgress was passing the 700Bil Bailout giveaway. Pelosi was up there crowing how the middle class just got a “New Direction” (rammed up there..). Somehow I envisioned she was wearing a strap-on… Barney Frank was giggling too.

  25. deowll says:

    I vote with #3. She’s for sale and her values scare me.

  26. Cranky_old_guy says:

    she is a whore. she can be had for a price. she needs to go

  27. MikeN says:

    Why are you so upset with her? She arranged for an increase in the minimum wage for everyone except the workers at companies in her district that gave her money.


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