• CES attendance down 22-percent. I didn’t go either.
  • Google footprint issues becoming the big debate amongst engineers.
  • Legislation may ban all cell phone use while driving. 2600 people killed because of cell-phone related wrecks.
  • Cool cars in Detroit. Maserati doing the best.
  • Guitar Hero 3 becomes first billion dollar game.
  • DTV date change may be moved back. Obama is concerned.
  • GM has electric Cadillac in development.
  • Look for Toyota to win this electric war anyway.

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  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Of course Toyota is going to win, while the big three are busy developing gas-powered penile extensions the Japanese were busy developing cars.

  2. Dallas says:

    I didn’t go to CES either but really didn’t want to. Las Vegas is a frigg’n zoo.

    A big reason I didn’t go is there is so much blogging, twittering and keynote video uploading that one really misses very little. UNless of course there are customer meetings to tend to.

    Obama team is crazy if they want to delay the DTV transition. As far as I’m concerned, a quarter of those coupons will never be used. Many people think it is like a free check for $40. Surprise.

  3. GregA says:

    This is the internet where the occasial safety popup on your computer is unacceptable but the the constant non stop nagging that toyota cars do is ok.

  4. bill says:

    Angel, no, the Japanese were busy building ‘electric powered rubber vaginas’. The Italians were building ‘gas-powered penile extensions’
    And they look mighty great! The Americans were building practical manure wagons. And the Germans just build great cars..
    my 3c.

  5. Keaneo says:

    The entire “discussion” comes down to one professor saying Google is a villain. That’s it, folks. No proof, not even a discussion except among those who have their nuts linked inextricably to the “skeptic” loop.

    Om has spoken knowledgeably about it:


    Urs Hölzle responded way too politely (I thought) only because of the media blather:


    You may now return to gaming, 24 and Fox Snooze.

  6. KD Martin says:

    Here’s the electric Cadillac of which John spoke– nice looking car. Here’s some more information.


  7. Pete says:

    Google needs to go nuclear. No carbon footprint.

    This whole grams of CO2 per Google search is a little like the big-league pitcher who calculates, based on his salary, that he is being paid something like $200 every time he throws the baseball during a game. But he doesn’t get paid more if he pitches more.

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ah the first billion dollar game? If it wasn’t for the extra $50 for the guitar, it wouldn’t have achieved that.

    It’s older than Rock Band which has more hardware to sell, so we should soon see it going over 1 billion, especially if you also factor in the massive amounts of download song addons you can buy for it.


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