Impressive, or is it a fluke?

  1. Tippis says:

    #4 You wouldn’t travel at 70mph on your own in a Smart, no. However, you could easily get up to 70mph total speed as you ran into a car going the other way.

    Also, yes. The people in that car wouldn’t exactly jump out and do a jig, but chances are they’d survive and make a full recovery — in the end, that’s all that matters.

    Also, small has been safe for a very very long time now — it’s about time the myth about them died. That said, though, the Smart is smaller than most, so I’d still stay away… 😛

  2. Miguel says:

    #29 – 160 is a lot for this tiny car… And it accelerates like hell!

    And your boss’ car must have cost as much as a ‘real’ car 😉

  3. joaoPT says:

    32 Miguel:

    That’s what I’ve told him…

  4. Daniel Dacey says:

    An accident at that speed means you are going to die, regardless of the size of the car or truck you are driving. The deceleration on your internal organs will do it every time.

    That said as a demonstration of the structural integrity of the Smart, it is extremely impressive.

  5. edsoto says:

    Try a google search of the Smart Car hitting a Mercedes S-Class…


  6. Bogaty says:

    Here, IIHS side impacted a Smart:

    It did rather well.

  7. chris says:

    Very sound little car. In most cases it will dissipate energy by sliding about, like a bar of soap. Put it between a jersey wall and a full size car where it can’t skitter off and the results would be bad.

    I’ve owned a small car before, but not nearly this small. SUVs and trucks would just pull into my lane. I guess they thought in any crash it would be me that paid.

    Instead of making people buy toy cars why not just stop allowing morons to buy behemoths?

  8. Miguel says:

    #35, just did:

    Seems like a couple broken necks inside the Smart… Can you imagine going spiral at that speed???


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