Detroit Auto Show – Dodge Circuit EV – All Circuits Are Busy. Try Back in 2010. – List – — This has got to be the worst looking electric vehicle ever designed. It looks like it was done by a high school kid using after-market parts trying to copy a design from a 1970’s Hot Wheels toy. And the color? Cripes! Chrysler is doomed.

Chrysler calls this all-electric performance sports car a prototype — but didn’t say whether it will be first Chrysler electric vehicle to be produced out of its ENVI portfolio of “production-intent” vehicles.

WHAT THEY SAID The Dodge Circuit EV displays bold exterior and interior styling with outstanding performance, zero gasoline consumption and zero tailpipe emissions. It has all new front and rear-end designs from the version that was shown in the fall.

Note the use of the word “bold” rather than the word “hideous.”

  1. Buzz says:

    Ugly. The new beautiful?

  2. BubbaRay says:

    #3, Sam, #11, Mr. Mustard,

    Is it really as bad as the Aztek? As a car that thing deserves the UKKMA and the BRDDA.

    I’ll bet the Dodge wouldn’t be half as bad in production (they always tone that stuff down) and in a nice glossy black paint job.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh YES! My Dream CAR!

    I can just put it right on my slot car track and beat the other fools HANDS DOWN!

    Huh? What? It’s a REAL CAR, not a SLOT CAR!??

    (But you SAID it was ELECTRIC??)

    (Caplock courtesy ECA)

  4. bobbo says:

    The CEO of GM was making the news rounds today on tv. Actually he identified the American Hypocrisy that is at the heart of the Big 3 troubles==with gas below $3/gal, Americans won’t pay the premium for a hybrid car.

    So, Big 3 make and sell efficient cars in Europe where gas is $6 but can’t cover their cost in the USA which STILL PREFERES SUV’s.

    Probably more truth there than we zealots of various kinds want to admit. Its partly why I’ve been for an increasing gas tax since the shock of 1973==somehow, there is never the right time to do it.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Bobbo, you and I usually agree on many things, but I’m absolutely opposed to another tax. Why? Because it won’t go for the intended purpose, just increase the coffers and place a hardship on people who are already having a hard time making ends meet. Not to mention the increased of cost of goods nationwide, as that will be passed on to the consumer by the shipping companies.

    What would be the purpose of such a tax? Why, I guess you could hire some more fine folks to work for the government to administer it. Then what?

    Dang, the tax is already outrageous! Especially considering the current condition of the Interstate system.

    Some facts: As of October 1, 2008:

    * The nationwide average tax on gasoline is 48.4 cents per gallon as of October 2008, down 1 cent from July 2008.
    * The nationwide average tax on motor diesel fuel is 53.6, a decrease of 2.8 cents from the July 2008 study.

    Let’s see, half a buck per gallon times 390 million gallons/day, hmm. That’s an insane amount of money already. Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

    Tell you what. You figure out how much you want the tax increased and send that “pocket change” to me every time you fill up. I’m sure I can put it to good use.

  6. bobbo says:

    #6–Bubba==Wow. Nobody “should” agree with half of what I post. You usually only educate me on things scientific. I am honored to return the favor:

    From your own post, you are not against new taxes, but rather are against tax revenue being misspent. It is a crying shame “fraud and abuse” were not a line item in the budget. Even then, it would probably withstand assault by civic minded altruists.

    Money is fungible. It hardly matters at all what any specific revenue source is for any tax dollar spent. Money is like that.

    But additional taxes for fuel only makes sense. As Misanthro Scott posts here much better than I, the true cost of gasoline is currently subsidized. The “real” cost can only be captured by the taxman. But forget that.

    After raising revenue, the chief purpose of the tax code is to encourage/discourage certain behaviors. Providing the least impactful way to encourage the “free” (ie currently secretly subsidized) market system to adopt/transition to green energy can be assured thru a small at first but growing additional tax to be spent as determined.

    A general tax to make carbon fuel more expensive and allowing the market to find the best alternatives is FAR FAR better than the government trying to select the winning strategies==so far a subsidy on THE WORSE CHOICE THAT COULD BE MADE: Bio fuels from food stocks.

    No, Bubba–go ahead and hate taxes, we all do, but look to the stars for any reasonable alternative==don’t hold your breath.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    Yep, if it’s a general fund type deal, then it’s all fungible. But if it’s earmarked for improving the Interstate system, fine. I’m just against any tax to change the behavior of folks that have to buy gas to live.

    I don’t know about you, but I’m taxed to death already. If you want to legislate better fuel economy, beat up the car companies. Now there’s some pork, and we’re going to have to bail them out? Jeez, they’re losing money partly because of those great pensions the unions forced on the manufacturers. All these people retiring and the mfgs. have to pay them to do nothing. Now that’s a burden not many businesses can withstand. Guess who’s going to pay that pension deal now?

    But don’t raise my tax on gasoline because of the mfgs. inability to produce fuel efficient cars. I can’t even afford to buy a new car (not that I’d want to). The depreciation alone when you drive it off the lot is enough incentive to look for a 2 year old.

  8. GF says:

    The black and red version is nice. And yes the Tesla and the Circuit are based on the Lotus Europa.

  9. Joe says:

    gorram piece of gossa

  10. Paddy-O says:

    No data about range, charge times, etc. = not real.

  11. Miguel says:

    Quite an attractive car, IMVHO, if it can be sold affordably and in less garish colors.

  12. smartalix says:


    Nice firefly ref.

    As for fuel taxes, why do we piss and moan over a proposed 50-cent gas tax while swallowing the load from the speculators and oil companies without complaint? Exxon gets windfall profits, and we just pay what they ask.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    #45, Smartalix,

    Yes, correct. With one exception. I can do nothing about the tax, but I can ride the upturn with options or futures and make money from the rising price of gas/oil. The tax is just a burden, I’ll never get that money back. The govt. gets to keep and do with it what they please.

  14. Billy Bob says:

    I think this was the tool they used to design it with.

  15. The0ne says:

    Designs from Lotus but undoubtedly none of the performance parts made it like the Telsa?

    I like the design of the car but not sure how practical they are.

  16. orangetiki says:

    IT looks like this car feel out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I would MUCH rather drive a tesla then that. This “great pumpkin” reminds me of junk yard cars where they they get parts from different cars and make them fit. I could almost ask of Monster Garage was back on tv. Maybe it’s a prototype so they grabbed different parts, but please put some thought into it

  17. JCA says:

    What in the world are the people calling this car ugly talking about?

    It has beautiful lines and very clean design. As far as color goes I’m sure it would be offered in more than just one. I’m not a fan of tangerine either.

    I saw it in person yesterday at the auto show and I fell in love with it. If it goes to market I am seriously considering it as my next car. It does look like a Lotus and condensed Viper but it all works. The proportions are perfect. This car is a head turner and for all the right reasons.

    I think Chrysler is doing a good job. Although it’s a concept vehicle it is a 100% working car unlike many of the other concept cars you see at the auto show.

  18. elguason says:

    Oh my god, FINALLY, Dodge now made an exotic looking sports car since the Demon and Razor. Whoever says that it’s ugly must be a hater of the Chrysler company. It does look a bit like a Lotus, but doesn’t any company had their cars look like other cars? The only thing that matters is that it looks nimble and fun to drive. A good chance to compete to other sporty imports like the Mitsubishi Eclipse, Honda S2000, Audi TT and the Toyota Celica. Who knows, it might end up in a rap video or the next car of the sequel of The Fast and the Furious movie. Young buyers will get a kick out of these.


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