08.09.13 Saturday – Episode #63


Click image to go to No Agenda.

This Episode’s Show Notes by KD “Bubba” Martin:

  • From a river of, er, uh… well, it’s time for your weekly old guy gabfest, No Agenda!
  • Let’s get started with the tradeshows and podsafe music. Hello ASCAP and BMI.
  • Gold album? Here’s your CD with the plastic frame.
  • Adam gets invited to see the Queen – what, no calligraphy? The Queen is hip — the RSVP is by email.
  • Will Adam record his visit via hidden mike? We wonder how tight security is.
  • Oh, goodness, we’ll talk about UFOs and the Flying Spaghetti Monster with carbon credits.
  • How does Madoff get $173,000,000 worth of checks in his desk drawer? We wonder if Robert Reuben and the Russian Mafia is upset.
  • Keep those old shoes, you’re going to need to throw them at politicians.
  • British Telecom – all your communications are belong to us.
  • Tony Blair gets the Medal of Honor from George Bush. What? Who wants to design it?
  • John’s in love with coal fires in the fireplace, Adam is honked. How do Al Gore and Ted Kennedy fit in?
  • Do the new light bulbs actually save the environment?
  • I want to be a pirate! (Of Somalia)
  • Adam’s going to S. Africa. John claims the baboons run the place.
  • Phil Specter gets off, a hung jury. Oh, and the CIA killed John Lennon. Hmmm…
  • We’re off to the bees, the weird bees. It’s a bee consipiracy.
  • Aspartame and Ashcroft – another conspiricy theory, and what about Obama’s new Monsanto guy?
  • The dumbing down of America and the digital TV switchover. Why? So we can have the traffic channel! And God TV!
  • Obama might be able to delay the switchover.

Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda

Running time: approx. 105 mins.

  1. green says:

    Interesting take on the pirates.

  2. verstapp says:

    Cue the closing credits…

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    John Howard and Tony Blair are to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It is a civilian award, given by the president, to people he (she someday) chooses. The Medal of Honor is a military award given by the Department of Defense or by an act of Congress.

    Some serious money should be invested in an in-depth investigation into what is killing off the bees. Now there’s a stimulus!

    Rummy & Monsanto:
    Paraphrased from the Wikipedia: It is estimated that Rumsfeld made twelve million dollars from the sale of Searle to Monsanto.

    Who knew a couple of guys BS-ing on the phone for an hour and a half could make a podcast listened to each week by hundreds of thousands? Those are better numbers than the # of Twitter followers! Not only are they higher numbers, but it means more: listening to you talk for 90 minutes versus reading short messages occasionally.

  4. dvdchris says:

    I thought Adam would be better informed about the DTV switchover. ‘In the works for 3 or 4 years?’ The Grand Alliance was formed in 1993 and the digital switch announced to the country in 1996 with an original DTV switch date of Dec 31, 2006. The date has been pushed back several times to the one we currently have.
    Broadcasters had little choice in the matter, as it was a mandate from the FCC that the analog spectrum (which broadcasters got for free) was being taken back for other uses. In return, broadcasters would get other spectrum to use (for free) in which they could have MULTIPLE signals to broadcast content on.
    Broadcasters and electronics manufacturers have had 12 solid years to prepare for this.
    OTA broadcasting only affects 15% of the population. Every OTA station has had PSAs, newscrawls during programming, and segments on the news for over six months now.
    Should the coupon program be funded until the rest of the population that needs them gets converter boxes? Yes, especially since many billions have been made off auctioning off the analog spectrum.

  5. Episode #65 or #63 ? ( see top )

    Yo Agenda Episode 65 “The Reptilian Agenda” is now available. Please check it out for more No Agenda debunking.

    Find it at

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