Giant plasma TVs face ban in battle to green Britain – Green Living, Environment – The Independent — Meanwhile when engineers calculate the energy used per square inch of display — a more meaningful calculation — the difference is either nil, or the plasma has better numbers than a CRT. So the real anti-green thing here is the size, period. Smaller is greener, should be the catch-phrase.

Energy-guzzling flatscreen plasma televisions will soon be banned as part of the battle against climate change, ministers have told The Independent on Sunday.

“Minimum energy performance standards” for televisions are expected to be agreed across Europe this spring, they say, and this should lead to “phasing out the most inefficient TVs”. At the same time, a compulsory labelling system will be drawn up to identify the best and worst devices.

The moves, which follow last week’s withdrawal of the 100W incandescent lightbulb, are part of a drive to slow the rapid growth of electricity consumption in homes by phasing out wasteful devices and introducing more efficient ones. Giant plasma televisions – dubbed “the 4x4s of the living room” – can consume four times as much energy as traditional TVs that used cathode ray tubes (CRTs).

Over the past 30 years, the number of electric appliances and gadgets in a typical home has almost trebled – from 17 to 47 – as a host of devices from scanners to security systems, cappuccino makers to computer game consoles have joined the more traditional kettles, irons, vacuum cleaners and cookers.

Found by Joe Carlson.

  1. bobbo says:

    31–Mike==yea, you are probably right. Quite often, to do “the right thing” sacrifices must be made. This all too often creates a “movement” that thinks however you sacrifice, you would be doing the right thing. Its a logic error you see happening all the time.

    Jeebezus suffered on the cross, so if I beat myself with chains, I too will be virtuous. Its not true–just stupid.

    Saving the environment ONLY for wildlife is not virtuous and doesn’t save the earth. All resources should be multi-use with due consideration for all the competing claims. How hoomans can be made to suffer the most will not aid in that analysis.

  2. smartalix says:


    The laser in laser-driven displays is used just like a high-output LED in any other projection system. THe Laservue TV uses a DLP HD image engine, the same as any LED-driven rear-projection set. The primary power saving is because you don’t have to use as many emitters.


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